Second semester Flashcards
Communication mix goals
The specific blend of communications tools that the company uses to communicate customer value and build customer relationships
Communication goal focus AIDA
Awareness: Making consumers aware that the offering exists
Interest: Simulating interest in the offering
Desire: Creating or strengthening customers preference by enhancing the offerings attractiveness
Action: Triggering purchasing or other actions e.g. contacting the company for information
Three parts of customer value
Functional value
Psychological value
Monetary value
Outbound media
Advertising, public relations, social media, direct marketing, personal selling, event sponsorship, product placement and product samples and free trials
Inbound media
Online research, personal interaction, phone communication, online interactive forums, and Mail/email
Advertising pros:
Reach: Size of the audience that was exposed to the ad at least once (absolute or percentage)
Impressions: A single exposure of an advertisement to one person
Endowment effect
Perceived value goes up with ownership
Advertising cons
Difficult in estimating advertisement effectiveness
High expenditures
Limited Persuasiveness
Awareness related effects:
Advertising reach, Message comprehension, changes in unlaided brand recall, changes in top of mind awareness, changes in brand recognition
Interest related effects
Online search, banner click-through, store visits (online and offline), online word of mouth volume
Preference related effects
Changes in brand association, changes in brand attitudes, changes in choice share
Advertising elasticity
Percentage increase in sales or market share for a 1% increase in advertising
Monetary spending, share in the market, gross rating points (reach x mean frequency)
How to get high rank on google auction
Second price auction or ad quality
Second price auction
Everyone submits a bid, the one with the highest bid is the winner
Effect of comscores
Lead to higher sales
ex. People who like starbuckss facebook page or who had a facebook friend who liked the page, spend 8% more and transacted 11% more frequently
Self selection problem
People are not randomly assigned to like a page
What online communications benefit a company
Google ads, social media (and likes), community websites
Public relations pros
Create engagement and potentially high effectiveness
Public relations cons
Coordination issues, separate departments, different audiences and different performance metrics