Second Quarter of Exam Deck Flashcards
Relative vs Absolute measurement systems
- Absolute length units are fixed and will always appear at that size.
- Relative length units specify a length relative to another property.
Ordered list vs Unordered list
- An ordered list is a list in which items are numbered or lettered.
- An unordered list is a list in which items have no specific order
Name the list styles for ordered list
- Decimal
- Lower-roman
- Upper-roman
- lower-alpha
- upper-alpha
- None
Name the list styles for unordered list
- disc
- circle
- square
- none
Explain a description list
The default appearance is that each pair takes 2 lines:
* Term (name) on first line
* Description (value) indented on second line
List off the Pseudo-classes
- a:link
- a:visited
- a:hover
- a:active
What is Relative Positioning?
An element with position : relative; is positioned relative to its normal position in the line of flow.
What is Fixed Positioning?
An element with position : fixed; is positioned relative to the viewport, which mean it always stays in the same location, even if the page is scrolled.
What is Float?
Floats can be useful to allow content to flow around a smaller floating element (like an image for an article).
What is Clear?
The clear property specifies on which sides of an element floating elements are not allowed to float.
What is z-order?
When using positioning it is possible to stack overlapping items into the same space.
What is Multi-Column Layout?
You can use Relative or Absolute positioning to create multicolumn layouts.
List the HTML table elements.
- <table>: start and end of table
- <thead>: marks the header rows of a table
- <tbody>: marks the rows that make up the body of the tbale
- <tfoot>: marks footer rows of the table
- <tr>: groups cells into rows
- <th>: content of a header cell
- <td>: content of a data cell
Explain Colspan
The colspan attribute is used to span a cell across multiple columns.
Explain Rowspan
The rowspan attribute is used to span a cell across multiple rows
Explain Colgroup
The HTML <colgroup> element is a structural element which allows you to group columns.
What is display: flex?
By defining the parent container to display: flex , we set up each child element of that container to be elements of the grid.
What are the values for flex-direction?
- column - stack item vertically (top to bottom)
- column-reverse - stacks vertically (bottom top top)
- row - stacks items horizontally (left to right)
- row-reverse - stacks items horizontally (right to left)
What are the values for flex-wrap?
- wrap
- nowrap
- wrap-reverse