Second Quarter Exam Flashcards
A bishop of the highest rank
Large diocese which has an elevated status over the other dioceses in the area
Consecrated successor to the apostles
The definitive list of the books of the Bible
A bishop or archbishop that has been selected by the pope to join the college of cardinals
The official church of the local bishop
A name given to the Assembly of God
The faithful of the church that receives the sacrament of holy orders
The principle that all of the bishops in the Church with the pope at their head form a single group; this is the succession of the apostles
A new relationship between man and God which has been established by Christ
The unity in Christ of all the redeemed
Communion of Saints
A gathering of the world’s cardinals in St. Peter’s basilica with the purpose of electing a new pope
Permanent state of life recognized by the church
Consecrated Life
Council of the Church held AD 49 or 50 to decide how the Gentiles would convert to the Church
Council of Jerusalem
A man who is ordained to assist the mission of the Church
The definitive revelation of the church given to the apostles and through them to the entire Churches
Deposit of Faith
The office of the deacon in the Catholic Church
A meeting of the bishop and representatives of the clergy, religious, and laity
Diocesan Council
The territory and the churches under a bishop’s authority
Often called the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church
Eastern Catholic Churches
A meeting of the Church leaders
Ecumenical Council
action or sign that confers the grace it signifies
The office of bishop in the Catholic Church
The assembly of the world’s bishops
Episcopal college
The mission given to the apostles by the Church
A definitive teaching by the Pope when he speaks as pastor of the Universal Church “from the chair”
Ex Cathedra
the teaching office of all the bishops gathered with the Pope
Extraordinary Magestirium
The order of teaching authority in the Church
The sacrament by which men are ordained to the episcopacy, priesthood, or diaconate
Holy Orders
Immunity of error and any possibility of error
Literally “in the Person of Christ”
In Persona Christ
The name given to the ordinary and universal teaching authority of the Pope and the bishops
Symbol or formula of the Catholic Faith that was developed at the ecumenical councils of Nicea 1 and Constantinople 1
Nicene Creed
Obligation of the faithful to accept and believe in the authorities and infallible teaching of the Magisterium
Obedience of Faith
Teaching office of bishops in their own dioceses
Ordinary Magisterium
Office of the Pope in the Catholic Church
Defined as a territorial district within a diocese
Council involving all the bishops of a particular nation
Plenary Council
Successor of St. Peter
Office of the Priest in the Catholic Church, the priesthood
One of the tribe of Levi
The highest rank, the Acts of the Apostles
A state of final purification after death and before entering into heaven
The obligation of the faithful to accept teachings of the magisterium
Religious Assent
Refers to the Catholic Church because she’s a sign and instrument of the communion of God and Men
Sacrament of Salvation
The bible
Sacred Scripture
The church’s teachings that have been passed down
Sacred Tradition
The most recent of the Ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church
Second Vatican Council
Those that are properly baptized and known by the name Christian
Separated Brethen
The total repudiation of the Christian Faith
“One sent forth” refers to the Twelve chosen by Jesus
The fourth mark of the Church that indicates she was founded by Christ and given to the apostles
Held that Christ had only a divine mind and will and was therefore not fully man
Jesus Christ was neither God nor equal to the father, sent by the father and did the will of the father
The official internal law of the Catholic Church
Canon Law
Church established by Christ on the foundation of the Apostles the pilgrim Church on Earth, means “universal”
Catholic Church
Refers to the 21 councils of the world’s bishops
The efforts to reunite all Christians on earth and to cooperate among Christian Faith traditions
An ancient heresy that taught that Jesus was the Redeemer, but he was neither God nor true man
Denial by a baptized person of some truth that must be believed with divine faith
Diocese of the Pope, Bishop of Rome
Holy See
Will never change in its essential aspects
Having no flaw or defect
The remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sin whose guilt has already been forgiven
In the New Testament, a reference to Jesus Christ
The four attributions of the church mentioned in the Nicene Creed
Marks of the Church
A heresy arising in the fifth century that claimed there is only one nature in the person of Christ, his human nature having been incorporated into his divine nature
A pagan school of thought based upon the ideas of the Greek philosopher that held the existence of a Supreme Being “the One” who creates through an emanation of lesser beings, one of which is the logos
Taught Christ was the unity of a divine and a human person
Broke from communion with the Catholic Church, they retain many elements of the Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodoxy
Will exist until the end of time
Denominations that broke from the Catholic Church during the sixteenth century reformation
The breaking away of Martin Luther and other reforms in the sixteenth century
A breach of the unity of the visible Catholic Church
An individual who is part of an organized group that breaks away from the unity of the Catholic Church
Persons who were born into schismatic communities, they remain unaware of the truth of the Catholic faith
Separated Brethen
The virtues of faith, hope, and love (charity)
Theological Virtues
Greek for “Bearer of God”
The ottos
Uniqueness because it is the only church founded by Christ
Catholic bishop’s teaching authority can be traced in a direct line back to the apostles themselves
Apostolic Succession