Second Partial Flashcards
What is e-commerce?
According to Vladimir Zwass, “sharing business information, maintaining business relationships and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunications networks.”
Nowadays, e-commerce includes:
Trading of physical goods and of intangibles (Ex: Information) Online-marketing Ordering payment Support for delivering Electronic provision of services Support collaboration of businesses
New terms that surge from “e-commerce”:
I-commerce: Internet commerce
e-tailing: the selling of online retailers.
cyber stores: virtual shops
What is e-business?
Transformation of business processes through technology and Internet. It includes servicing customers and intra-business tasks. Made businesses to rethink or build campaigns to adapt them into this new culture.
Criteria to measure advancement of e-commerce:
- Technological factor: Advancement of technological infrastructure.
- Political factors: Role of the government in legislations, initiatives, and funding.
- Social factors: IT education and training.
- Economic factors: General wealth and commercial healthy of the nation.
What is cyberbullying?
Bullying that takes place using electronic technology (devices, communication tools).
Characteristics of cyberbullying:
- Can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Day or night
- When a kid is alone
- Can be psoted anonymously
- Has a wide audience
- Difficult to trace source
- Difficult deleting messages
What is the frequency of cyberbullying?
In 2013, Youth Risk Behaviour Surveillance Survey finds that 15% of high school students were bullied. Still it is difficult to capture trends.
What does marketing includes?
- Finding customers, voters and encouraging old ones.
- Advertising one’s product, service or cause.
Key aspect of privacy that marketing touches:
Control of information of oneself
Advantages of targeted marketing
- Customers get personalized recommendations
- Businesses sell and have more profit
What is targeted marketing?
It the search of specific groups of customers, members or voters with analyze data based on specific criterias (Baase, 2013).
Disadvantages of targeted marketing
- Control of information about oneself is lost.
- Companies may violate rights of users by not having their consent.
What are GPS location-based applications?
Services that depend on knowing exactly where a person or object is at a particular time. They store in their computer systems specific information about our whereabouts.
What is RFID?
Radio Frequency Identification; system which consists of attaching the tag chip to the product you want to track. It works with a tag chip, tag antennas, a reader antenna and an application software.
What is facial recognition?
The ability of a computer to scan, store, and recognize human faces for use in identifying people.
What is the right to be forgotten?
Right to be able to erase all information and data (images included) from a website if the person requests it. Even if they are from another person.
What is an algorithm?
A set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.
What is an indexing?
a value that identifies and is used to locate a particular element within a data array or table.
What is a keyword?
A word used to classify or organize digital content,or to facilitate an online search for information.
What are pixels?
the smallest element of an image that can be individually processed in a video display system.
What is a query?
a question; an inquiry.
What is a streaming video?
content sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer in real time.
What is a server?
a computer that makes services, as access to data files, programs,and peripheral devices, available to workstations on a network.
What is a search engine?
A computer program that searches documents, especially on the WorldWide Web, for a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in which they are found.
What is Search Engine Marketing?
A form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.
What is Uniform Resource Locator (URL)?
A protocol for specifying addresses on the Internet.
What is PET?
A system of ICT measures protecting informational privacy by eliminating or minimising personal data thereby preventing unnecessary or unwanted processing of personal data, without the loss of the functionality of the information system.
What are pop-up blockers?
(computing) a piece of software that prevents pop-up advertisements from being displayed
What is encryption?
A technology, often implemented in software, that transforms data into a form that is meaningless to anyone who might intercept or view it.
What is cryptography?
The art and science of hiding data in plain sight.
What is audit trail?
Tool which helps tracement of unauthorized activity.