Second Midterm Flashcards
Which of the following characteristics is true of all protists?
contain a nucleus
Biologists suspect that endosymbiosis gave rise to mitochondria before plastids partly because
all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants) whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids
A particular species of protist has obtained a chloroplast via secondary endosymbiosis. How can you tell?
the chloroplasts have three or four membranes
Biologists have long been aware that the defunct kingdom Protista is paraphyletic. Which of these statements is most consistent with this conclusion?
some protists, all animals, and all fungi share a protist common ancestor, but these organisms are currently assigned to three different kingdoms
What does the presence of a coal mine in an area indicate about that region’s geologic history?
marsh or boggy habitats were once found there
The phylogenetic tree supports which scientific understanding of evolution of green plants?
the transition from water to land occurred just once
Biologists hypothesize that the first land plants had a low, sprawling growth habit. Which of the following statements is part of the logic behind this theory?
to obtain water, early plants had to keep their tissues in direct contact with moist soil
Artificial selection has produced a distinct set of changes that have been observed as wild forms of plants have been brought under cultivation. Which of the following represents an example of artificial selection?
diversification of the wild species Brassica oeracea into the domesticated varieties of cabbage-family plants
Consider the following points (a) All excavates live in environments where oxygen is low, (b) All excavates lack mitochondria, and (c) All excavates have some mitochondrial genes. Based on this info which of the following is true of excavates?
Their ancestors had mitochondria but they were lost over time
According to the endosymbiotic theory, why was it adaptive for the larger (host) cell to keep the engulfed cell alive, rather than digesting it as food?
the engulfed cell provided the host cell with ATP
Sequence for alternation of generations
gametophyte, gamete, fusion, sporophyte, spore
Encouraging the growth (via nutrient fertilization) of photosynthetic protists in marine environments may help reduce global warming because ___
photosynthetic protists fix atmospheric carbon dioxide, decreasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
Imagine that there are 25 different species of protists living in a tide pool. Some of these species reproduce both sexually and asexually, and some of them can reproduce only asexually. The pool gradually becomes infested with disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Which species are more likely to thrive in the changing environment?
the sexually reproducing species
According to the endosymbiotic theory, why was it adaptive for the larger (host) cell to keep the engulfed cell alive, rather than digesting it as food?
the engulfed cell provided the host cell with ATP
Which of the following was derived from an ancestral cyanobacteria?
A snail-like, coiled, porous (test) of calcium carbonate is a characteristic of
Which of the following situations would be most favorable to the reestablishment of resident zoochlorellae, assuming compatible Chlorella are present in P. bursaria’s habitat?
abundan light, abundant bacterial prey
Which of the following is most likely to lead to paralytic shellfish poisoning?
According to the fossil record, plants colonized terrestrial habitats ___
in conjunction with fungi that helped provide them with nutrients from the soil
About 450 mya, the terrestrial landscape on Earth would have ___
had non-vascular green plants similar to liverworts forming green mats on rock
What evidence do paleobotantists look for that indicated the movement of plants from water to land?
waxy cuticle to decrease evaporation from leaves
Which set contains the most closely related terms?
megasporangium, megaspore, egg, ovule
2 seed leaves, netlike veins, ring vascular bundle, taproot, multiples of 4 or 5
1 seed leaf, parallel veins, complex vascular bundles, fibrous roots, multiples of 3
If a fern gametophyte has both male and female gametangia on the same plant, then it ___
belongs to a species that is homosporous
In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis?
haploid spores
Arrange male pine tree structures from largest to smallest
sporophyte, pollen cone, microsporangia, microspores, pollen nuclei
What is true about the genus Sphagnum?
it is an important carbon sink, reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide
The trees grew vigorously, produced healthy flowers in profusion but set no fruit. Consequently, what is the likely source of the problem?
pollination failure
Why are mycorrhizal fungi superior to plants at acquiring mineral nutrition from the soil?
Hyphae are 100 to 1000 times smaller than plant roots. Fungi secrete extracellular enzymes that can break down large molecules. Fungi can transport compounds through their mycelium from areas of surplus to areas of need (All of the above)
Based on the idea that fungi have pores between their cell walls allowing cytoplasm to move from one end of the mycelium to the other, which of the following hypotheses is the most plausible?
Carbon could travel from one plant to another through a single mycorrhizal fungus
Carbon 14 in birch and carbon 13 in Douglas. If sugars made by one plant can travel through a mycorrhizal fungus and be incorporated into the tissues of another plant then ___
Carbon 14 is found in the Douglas and carbon 13 in the birch
Imagine that sexual reproduction could occur between hyphae that were the same mating type. How might this affect rates of evolution in fungi?
rates of evolution would be lower because genetic variation would be lower
What would this mean for the evolution of fruiting bodies for the group Dikarya?
the group Dikarya has members that lost the trait of complex multicellular fruiting bodies
Why are terrestrial fungal mycelia nearly always found within their food sources (underground, within wood, inside the bodies of dead organisms)?
their high surface area, which is so efficient for absorptive feeding, makes them prone to drying out
Biologists once considered sponges to be colonies of single-celled protists because sponge cells are able to reaggregate after being dissociated. What evidence may have helped them to realize that sponges are actually animals and not colonial protists?
they have extracellular matrix surrounding their cells
Both animals and fungi are heterotrophic. What distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungal heterotrophy is that only animals derive their nutrition by ___
ingesting it
What distinguishes a coelomate animal from a pseudocoelomate animal is that coelomates ___
have a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue
You have before you a living organism, which you examine carefully. Which of the following should convince you that the organism is an acoelomate?
Muscular activity of its digestive system distorts the body wall