Second Half Lecture Notes Flashcards
the study of structure and function in the nervous system
In order to maintain homeostasis
You need to be able to detect gradients in homeostatic parameters. You also need to know whether those gradients are driving significant exchanges that are going to drive bodily conditions outside of homeostatic limits to make responses.
The environment
- There is external environment: this is gradients
- there is internal environment we have to be worried about this environment in terms of regulating conditions in relation to homeostatic parameters
in the form of some sort of energy: heat, light, pressure of wind. These can also be concentration gradients
The first part of the nervous system
Receptors. These receive stimuli. Can either be a part of the nervous system or embryologically derived from different parts of the nervous system.
What is the responsibility of the receptors?
To convert energy from the stimuli into a source of energy that the nervous system can actually use.
Two key things about receptors
- they are very selective
- when we say that they convert energy into something that we can use, we say they are functioning as a transducer. The receptors are very limited in what can be transduced– for example you eyes can’t transduce the same information that ears can. Pressure sensors can’t transduce heat or cold.
What happens after information has been transduced?
The information is sent to some sort of decider. We usually think of this as the brain but that is not always the case.
What does the decider do?
It processes information and makes decisions.
What’s another example of something that can act as a decider?
The spinal cord. For example when you step on something sharp, you will pull your foot away immediately because the spinal cord reacts before the brain
What happens when the decider decides to do something?
It will issue instructions that are sent to the appropriate effectors.
What are the effectors?
Organ systems in the body that are going to bring about whatever response is necessary; piloerection, etc.
action potential
the information flow sent from the receptors is sent in the form of an action potential. Receptors change energy contained in stimuli to action potentials. Instructions are sent via action potential, responses require action potentials, and basically every movement and regulation requires action potentials.
when two sperm bind to the egg and fertilize it
How is polyspermy prevented?
when one sperm fuses, an action potential occurs and doesn’t allow any more sperm to bind to the egg
cell type that gives most of the functional properties to the nervous system. They convey instructions and do the processes and sometimes the effector.
Typical neuron
the neuron that is in your spinal cord and generally the type of neuron that controls your skeletal muscles.
the part of the neuron that contains DNA
dendritic zone
contains the dendrites that surround/come out of the soma
hollow tube of cytoplasm that comes off the soma. can carry a signal from your spinal cord all the way to your big toe
branches of the axon. Each of these telodendrions terminate in bulbs called synaptic bulbs.
Membrane potentials
resting membrane potential and action potential
resting membrane potential
exhibited by every cell and in every organism when it’s alive
action potentials
lots of cells cannot generate action potentials
excitable cells
cannot generate an action potential
What accounts for potential?
The difference in charge on the inside and outside of cells.
ion concentrations in a cell
Usually you will find a high concentration of K+ inside the cell and a high concentration of Na+ outside of the cell
How is the gradient of Na+ to K+ maintained?
By an ATPase sodium pump. A neuron will spend about 50% of its daily energy on maintaining gradients.
What causes the negative charge inside the cell?
Non-diffusable anions. They cannot move through the PM at all. Ex: amino acids, proteins. They get paired with a K+ and get stuck in the membrane and don’t diffuse with potassium.
What determines the magnitude of membrane potential?
the rate of K+ eflux. 30K+ will move with every one Na+
the flow of charge. almost never considered as electron movement. instead it is the ionic current: K+, Na+, Cl-
potential has gotten smaller (compared to resting)
potential has gotten bigger (compared to resting)
when the membrane potential returns to resting
Electric charge
- Charge is a fundamental property of matter.
- Charges are either positive (+) or negative ()
- Charge results from the presence of electrons (e) or protons (p+), and a charged region in space results from a net excess of electrons or protons.
- Charge is represented by q.
- Charge is measured in coulombs; one coulomb of charge equals the amount of electrical charge in 6.241506 ×1018 electrons, protons, or other charges.
Electric potential
• Electric potential is the form of energy that makes charges tend to move.
o It thus serves as the driving force for movement of charges.
o Electric potential can also be thought of as the tendency for charges to move.
o We usually drop the “electric”, and just refer to potential.
How is potential measured?
• Potential is measured in units of volts (V) or millivolts (mV).
o Potential is variously represented by V, E, , or .
o We will usually use V or , but your physics buddies probably prefer E.
What causes charges to move?
• A region of net negative (or positive) charge is surrounded by a potential field, and the energy in this potential field will cause charges to move.
o The more charges in a region, the stronger the potential field surrounding the charged region
o The ‘strength’ of the potential field – and therefore the tendency of charges to move – decreases exponentially with distance:
The more charges in a region
o the stronger the driving force for current flow, and
o the farther the field extends outward from the edge of the region containing the charges.
the potential difference between two regions depend on:
- the amount of net positive or negative charge in each of the regions.
a. more net charge = more separated charge = greater potential difference greater tendency for charges to flow between the two regions. - the distance separating the charged regions.
a. For a given amount of separated charge, increasing the distance between the charged regions decreases the strength of the potential field between them decreased tendency for charges to flow between the two regions.
What can we say about potential differences in biological systems?
o No separated charge = no potential difference no tendency for charges to move.
o The greater the amount of separated charge, the greater the potential difference (i.e., the driving force), and therefore the greater the tendency for charges to move.
- Current is simply the movement, flow, or flux of charge
- In solids, the flowing charge is usually electrons; in liquids, it can be either electrons or ions. In biological systems, current almost always involves ions. In this course we’ll make frequent reference to sodium, potassium, calcium, and even chloride currents.
- Current is usually represented as I, occasionally as A.
- The unit is the ampere; 1 ampere = 1 coulomb of charge moving past a point in one second.
• The resistance of a medium (a copper wire, a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, etc.) measures how difficult it is for charges to move through the medium. This is true whether the charges are in the form of electrons or ions.
Resistance is represented by R, conductance by g.
Resistance and conductance are inversely related:
The unit of resistance is the ohms, represented by the Greek letter omega (Ω).
- Conductance measures how easy it is for the charges to move through the medium.
- Unit of conductance is Siemen
ability to store (separated) charge. Measured in farad. (1 C/volt) (amount of charge per unit of driving force)
Ohm’s law
- V=IR
- potential= current X resistance
- in other words: current=conductance X potential
- “the current is equal to the driving force tending to cause current to flow multiplied by the ease with which charges can flow”
Potential differences in biological systems
systems result from separation of positive and negative charges, and the greater the amount of separated charge, the greater the potential difference.
current in biological systems
is usually the result of moving ions such as Na+, K+, Ca++, or Cl, rather than moving electrons
potential differences are
the driving force for current, and the larger the potential difference, the larger the current, all else being equal
Ohm’s law can be rearranged to yield form that
described the dependence of current on conductance and potential: I=gV
Capacitor experiments show:
o resistance reduces the rate at which current moves in response to a potential difference.
o potential differences cause current to flow, and
o current flow can create or destroy the charge separation that produces a potential difference.
ionic basis for action potentials
have ion channels that are proteins that span the PM like a tube. This allows for aqueous passageway of ions
non gated ion channels
open all the time, facilitated diffusion based on concentration
gated ion channels
Have different conformations (open and closed)
Specific ion activity for an action potential
- at threshold, increase in conductance in the membrane for Na+
- at tip of spike- reversal of Na+ conductance
- at spike and after spike, large increase in the conductance in the membrane for K+
- at rest: conductance for Na+ is 1, conductance for K+ is 30.
- at threshold conductance for Na+ is 700
- at spike: conductance of Na+ is 1 and for K+ it’s 250
What happens after potential?
membrane becomes hyper polarized and there is a gradual reversal in the K+ conductance
What determines the magnitude of potential?
Amount of separation in charge. the K+ efflux determines the potential and the sign
What determines the threshold?
Na+ influx
How are the driving forces of Na+ and K+ related?
They are the same
voltage-gated Na+ channel
conformation depends on membrane potential
When is the Na+ channel open?
Any time the membrane is less negative than the threshold. The activation gate is open and Na+ can diffuse.
When is the Na+ channel closed?
At rest, the filters are super close together and Na+ can’t diffuse. This is the activation (M) gate. It is normally closed, but is open for whole spike in an action potential
H gate
inactivation gate. Closes Na+ gate after it is open. Activation of M gate triggers activation of H gate. At the left side of the spike?
propagation of action potentials
action potentials change inside/outside charges. each one triggers the next region of charges to change.