Second Half Chapter Sections Flashcards
Day 2– Stay longer, not just for kicks
3 Nephi 19-26
An additional appearance of Jesus Christ–one more day you wont be late
3 Nephi 27-28
Mormon’s teaching concerning the latter-days- Listen up brother of mine
3 Nephi 29
The Savior’s message to the Gentiles
3 Nephi 30
All the people are converted– the age you convert
4 Nephi 1:1-18
The people become increasingly wicked–9s
4 Nephi 1:19-49
Mormon receives the records –this record isn’t done
Mormon 1
Mormon leads the Nephites in battle –everybody wants to survive
Mormon 2-5
Last battle at Cumorah –they weren’t fighting with sticks
Mormon 6
Mormon’s message to the Lamanites–how we know Mormon’s in heaven
Mormon 7
Writings of Moroni –another author writes a line
Mormon 8-9
The Jaredites prepare to leave to the new world –about to make a great journey
Either 1-3
Moroni’s inserts some comments –Moroni controls this archive
Either 4-5
The Jaredites voyage to the new world –this place will be full of ticks
Either 6
The history of the Jaredites in the New World–You can get the history from the missionaries you met at 7eleven
Either 7-11
Moroni’s commentary on Faith–a constant focus of The Twelve
Either 12
The destruction of the Jaredites–complete destruction is kinda mean
Either 13-15
Practices of the ancient church of Christ– think of the sacrament all deacons can think about are chicks.
Moroni 1-6
Mormon’s sermon–
5+2= where Mormon tells you what to do
Moroni 7
Mormon’s epistle denouncing the baptism of little children–the age you are innocent until.
Moroni 8
Mormon’s epistle describing Nephite and Lamanite depravities–I hope these sins aren’t mine
Moroni 9
Moroni’s farewell –Moroni says amen, uses the prose of other men
Moroni 10