Second Half Flashcards
What is sanctification?
Sanctification is the growth of the new nature put into them; purpose of election
Thomas Watson - consecrate and set apart to holy use
Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness.
Whom does God sanctify?
Persons born again by the Holy Spirit with new heart and new nature
never divorced from election
those whom God hath from before the creation of the world chosen to be holy, those who are once effectually called, and regenerated, having a new heart and a new spirit created in them
What are the grounds of sanctification?
The grounds of Sanctification are the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, applied by the Holy Spirit
the Spirit applying the death and resurrection unto them
Sanctification doesn’t get you into heaven, but you can’t get to heaven without it.
What is the difference between Calvin and Luther with regard to sanctification?
Luther has sanctification coming out of justification. The problem with this is that there is then no emphasis on the power within you.
The reformed view is Duplex Gratia - out of the union with Christ flows both justification and sanctification
(Michael Horton is very Lutheran in this regard - really downplayed importance of sanctification)
Who is the agent of sanctification? What is the means? Why is it important to not confuse the agent and the means?
Agent: Holy Spirit 100%
But we’re told to work out our sanctification… for God is at work in you. God uses the means of grace.
Eat, Drink, Sleep are not guarantees of health, but they are the means of health.
What is the difference between an Act and a Work?
Act: We are passive
Work: We are not passive.
What are the 4 differences between justification and sanctification?
- God in justification imputeth the righteousness of Christ, in sanctification his Spirit infuseth grace and enableth to the exercise thereof
- justification - sin is pardoned; sanctification sin is subdued
- justification - frees believers from the revengeful wrath of God, and that perfectly in this life, that they never fall into condemnation; sanctification - neither equal in all, nor perfect in any, but growing up to perfection (God in His wisdom always works in progressions.)
- Justification is equal and full in all believers, while sanctification is not equal in all nor perfect in this life
What is the extent of sanctification?
This sanctification is throughout in the whole man, yet imperfect in this life
intellect, affections, will
remnants of corruption in every part
Continual civil war (Remaining corruption will at times prevail; Spirit of Christ continually sanctifying the regenerate part so that it overcomes)
What is the work of sanctification?
Definite: the dominionof the whole body of sin is destroyed
a. Lusts are weakened and mortified
b. Greater ability to perform acts of holiness
c. Enable one to come before God
What are the benefits of sanctification?
- Assurance of god’s love,
- Peace of conscience,
- Joy in the Holy Ghost,
- Increase of grace, and
- perseverance therein to the end.
We die unto sin and rise unto newness of life.
What makes a work a good work?
- only those works commanded by the word of God
- Not those devised by men, whether out of blind zeal of good intent
- Fruits of saving faith
What is the purpose and function of good works? (7 things)
- Give thanks
- Strengthen assurance
- edify the brethren
- adorn the profession of he Gospel
- Stop the mouths of adversaries
- Glorify God (for which purpose men are saved)
- Having personal holiness that assures eternal life
Are good works necessary for salvation?
Yes and No.
As people have overreacted to covenantal reformed justification by faithfulness rather than faith, they slip into antinomianism
Thief on the cross - his confession was a good work (evidence of regeneration and a lively faith)
How do we perform good works (3 points)?
- Can only perform good works under the power of the Spirit of Christ
- Must be a specific influence of the Holy Spirit for each good work
- But we are not to be negligent, waiting for the Spirit to stir, but be diligently seeking righteousness
How are our good works acceptable to God?
- None can even do the works God requires, best works fall short.
- So works cannot atone for sin
a. Even if works were perfect they would fail because they are inite and could never measure up to God’s infinite glory
b. Works merit nothing, because they are all owed
c. Works cannot satisfy for past sin
d. Anything we do as good comes from the Holy Spirit and not from ourselves
e. Our works are defiled and imperfect. - The works of believers are only accepted on account of Christ.
a. The works of believers are also imperfect
b. God accepts the sincere works of believers on account of the work of Christ
Can a non-believer perform a good work?
- Unbelievers may keep some of the commands of God.
- All their works are sinful and not pleasing to God.
a. come from heart not purified by faith
b. not performed according to God’s Word
c. Not for God’s glory - Does not cause a man to deserve grace
- To neglect them is even more sinful
What is the source of saving faith/grace?
It is a gift of God and a product of the Holy Spirit.
Where does faith take place?
It is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts (center of all spiritual activity either regenerate or unregenerate)
What is necessary for faith to act? What about in the believer?
- Spirit of Christ in our hearts.
- Ministry of the Word
a. word
b. sacraments
c. prayer
What are 3 aspects of saving faith? What is faith generalis?
- notitia - knowledge
- assensus - ascent
- fuducia - trust (receiving, resting, embracing, throw yourself on Christ with abandonment)
Faith generalis is notitia and assensus. Faith especialis includes all three.
What does saving faith receive?
Eternal Life
Can weak faith save?
- Faith differs in different individuals and in the same individuals at different times.
- True faith may be weak and wavering, but never is conquered.
- The Christian may attain unto full assurance in his faith.
What is the role of repentance in conversation?
Co-equal with saving faith is repentance. Faith and repentance are twin graces and they occur together.
Repentance is an evangelical grace (saving grace), which means that it also is a gift of God.
It is to be preached as part of the Gospel, for the Holy Spirit works repentance in an individual through the word, especially the preaching of it.
What are the three aspects of repentance?
- knowledge - Sinner realizes that his sins are against God and understands the mercy of God in Christ. (out of the sight and sense of the danger, filthiness, and odiousness of his sins as contrary to the holy nature) (apprehension of His mercy in Christ to such as are penitent)
- affection - grieves for and hates sin, genuine sorrow
- will - turning from sins unto God, purposing and endeavoring to walk with Him in all the ways of His commandments
Is repentance necessary for salvation?
- is not the grounds or means of salvation
- but none can obtain pardon without it
- no sin too small to not be repented of
- no sin too large to bring condemnation on the man who is truly repentant
What is the relation of repentance to confession?
There are 3 fruits of repentance: confession, reparation, obedience
Confession means praying for pardon AND forsaking.
The order is to repent and confess 1. to God 2. to individual(s)
Then, make restitution. Make public confession if necessary. (A public sin must be confessed publicly. Sometimes private sins need to be confessed publicly as well)
To whom does the grace of perseverance apply?
- those whom God accepts in Christ
- those effectually called
- those being sanctified by the Holy Spirit
What is the promise of perseverance?
They shall not totally or finally fall away, but shall persevere to the end and be saved.
What are the grounds of perseverance? (6 things)
- immutability of the decree of election
- unchangeable love of God the Father
- merit and intercession of Jesus Christ
- abiding of the Spirit
- seed of God within them
- nature of the covenant itself’
Westminster Chapter XVII - Paragraph III - Nevertheless, they may, through the temptations of Satan and of the world, the prevalency of corruption remaining in them, and the neglect of the means of their preservation, fall into grievous sins; and, for a time, continue therein: whereby they incur God’s displeasure,, and grieve His Holy Spirit, come to be deprived of some measure of their graces and comforts, have their hearts hardened, and their consciences wounded; hurt and scandalize others, and bring temporal judgments upon themselves.
Why this warning?
so we know to never presume “once saved always saved” The very thought of falling into sin should fill us with great fear and trepidation
Galatians 5 - substituting a method of salvation for the actual means of grace
A true believer may fall into grievous sin
a. Temptation
b. Remnant of corruption of the nature
c. Neglect of the means of perseverance
Usually when a person gets negligent in their public and private worship they will fall away. If they’re in Christ, He will give them over for a time.
Is there such a thing as presumptive assurance?
Yes, hypocrites and unregenerate men may vainly deceive themselves with false hopes.
The unregenerate may have a false assurance. He is only deceiving himself. It will do him no good in day of judgment.
What is infallible assurance?
- It belongs to those who truly believe in Christ.
- Who sincerely love him.
- Who strive to walk in holiness
- Such as these rejoice in the hope of glory, which shall never make them ashamed
- Not by special Revelation; truth of god’s promise
What are the grounds of assurance? (3 things)
- promise of the scriptures
- inward evidence of graces (love God, love God’s people, hate sin, fruit of the Spirit)
- testimony of the Spirit of adoption witnessing with our spirits (guarantee of salvation, seals redemption)
How are the Grounds of Assurance to be used in counseling?
Essay Question: How would you address someone lacking assurance?
- Understand Gospel.
- Are you in sin?
- Are you truly believing in Christ?
The fact that you’re concerned is evidence of the Spirit at work.
What is the relation of assurance to saving faith?
- does not belong to the essence of faith
- a true believer may go a period of time without assurance
- the man who has saving faith can get assurance by ordinary means
- assurance is not just a privilege, but the duty of every Christian
What are the benefits of assurance? (4)
- heart enlarged in peace and joy of Holy Spirit
- heart enlarged with love and thankfulness to God
- heart enlarged in obedience
- so assurance encourages perseverance instead of looseness (Romanists taught assurance would make men loose)
May a true believer lose his assurance?
God may shake it or remove it. Four reasons:
- negligence in preserving it
- falling into serious sin
- suffering sudden temptation
- God’s removal of the light of his face
Yet the believer is saved from utter despair:
- He has the seed of God and the life of faith
- He loves Christ and the brethren
- Sincerity of heart and conscience
- Spirit may use these things to renew assurance
What were the demands of the law before the fall?
Personal (Adam himself), Perfect (Exact and Entire), and Perpetual (not intermittently) OBEDIENCE
Adam was endued with the power and the ability to keep it. He could have kept it, but he was not sustained by the grace of God. (Romanists would say he could not have done it without donum superaddenum)
Adam would receive life upon fulfilling it and death upon its breach.
It is binding on all. Every person is born under these conditions. The Moral Law was written on Adam’s heart.
What are the demands of the law after the fall?
It remains the perfect rule of righteousness.
It is embodied in the 10 commandments (God giving the 10 commandments verbally with his finger was an act of grace)
What are the 3 types of law?
- Ceremonial laws containing several typical ordinances (abrogated under new testament - children have more laws to protect them which are lessened as the church grows)
- Judicial Laws for the people living as a theocracy (we are no longer in that government system, but in the kingdom of Christ - laws expired but principle of justice continued)
Principle of Equity - Calvin says if law had Biblical warrant and natural law application it would be good to continue it
Any DEATH penalty in OT deserves excommunication in new - unrepentant sinner excommuniated
- Moral Laaw (binds all people both on its matter and authority - No one under grace has been delivered from responsibility to obey the moral law (against antinomians))
What are the first two uses of the law?
- to convince of sin
2. to restrain men and society
What is the role of law in the life of the believer? (Calvin called third use)
to show them how they are bound to Christ for his fulfilling it, and enduring the curse thereof in their stead, and for their good; and thereby to provoke them to more thankfulness, and to express the same in their greater care to conform themselves thereunto as the rule of their obedience
Informing will of God and duty; showing corruption of our nature; basis of self-examination; bring conviction and hatred of sin; show need for Christ and his obedience; restrain corruption
Give a summary of each commandment.
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (one true God and our God, worship and glorify him accordingly)
- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (holy and reverent use of God’s names, titles, attributes, ordinances, word, and works - not profaning or abusing any thing whereby God maketh himself known)
- Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
- Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. (preserving the honour and performing the duties, belonging to everyone in their several places and relations, as superiors, inferiors, or equals)
- Thou shalt not kill (requireth all lawful endeavours to preserve our own life and the life of others)
- Thou shalt not commit adultery (the preservation of our own and our neighbour’s chastity, in heart, speech, and behavior; forbideth all unchaste thoughts, words, and actions)
- Thou shalt not steal (lawful procuring and furthering the wealth and outward estate of ourselves and others, forbiddeth whatsoever doth or may unjustly hinder our own or our neighbor’s wealth or outward estate)
- Thou shalt not bear false testimony against they neighbor (maintaining and promoting of truth between man and man, and of our own and our neighbor’s good name, especially in witness-bearing)
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s - full contentment with our own condition, with a right and charitable frame of spirit toward out neighbour, and all that is his)
What is Christian Liberty?
Christian liberty is the Liberty that is purchased by Christ - involves a change in relationship, justification, and change in nature, regeneration, and sanctification
Christian Liberty: What are the 3 things we are freed from with respect to justification?
- guilt of sin
- wrath of God
- curse of the law
Christian Liberty: What are the six things we are delivered from with respect to sanctification?
- present evil world
- bondage to Satan
- dominion of sin
- evil of affliction
- sting of death and victory of grace
- everlasting damnation
How does our Christian Liberty affect our relationship to God?
- Free access to God
- Ability to obey God (a. no longer a slavish fear b. act out of childlike love c. have mind willing and able to serve God)
All believers in the Old Covenant had the same liberty, but what are the three advantages in the New Covenant?
- free from ceremonial law
- Greater boldness of access
- Fuller communications of Holy Spirit
What is liberty of conscience?
- All liberty and obedience is under the Lordship of God
- Freed from human law
- To bind the conscience is to betray true liberty
- To bind others is assuming the prerogatives of God
“Liberty of conscience means the liberty of the individual to obey God rather than man, when the will of man and the will of God conflict.” This is true in faith and worship