Second Form Latin Review Flashcards
How many kinds of pronouns are there? Name them in pairs.
personal and possessive
reflexive and intensive
interrogative and relative
demonstrative and indefinite
Four confusing words with the root of LIBER are:
liberi, liberorum, m. children
liber libri, m. book
liber, libera, liberum, adj. free
libero (1) to set free
Name the four verb complements you have learned.
predicate adjective
predicate nominative
direct object
indirect object
What are two types of adjectives in Latin?
1st/2nd declension
3rd declension
Third declension adjectives are related to what kind of nouns?
i-stem nouns
The PERFECT SYSTEM in all four conjugations is:
How do you find the PERFECT STEM for all 4 conjugations?
drop the “i” from the third principal part
3rd conjugation verbs do not have regular principal parts, but they do have
what are two types of direct questions?
1) questions that begin with question words
2) yes or no questions
How do you form yes or no questions in English?
put the HELPING VERB first
How do you form yes or no questions in Latin?
Add the ENCLITIC “ne” to the end of the first word, usually a verb.
Give the six common question words in English?
who, what, when, where, why, how
Give the two voices of Latin verbs
1st Conjugation ACTIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
o s t mus tis nt
bam bas bat bamus batis bant
bo bis bit bimus bitis bunt
2nd Conjugation ACTIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
o s t mus tis nt
bam bas bat bamus batis bant
bo bis bit bimus bitis bunt
3rd Conjugation ACTIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
o is it imus itis unt
ebam ebas ebat ebamus ebatis ebant
am es et emus etis ent
4th Conjugation ACTIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
o s t mus tis unt
ebam ebas ebat ebamus ebatis ebant
am es et emus etis ent
3rd io Conjugation ACTIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
o s t mus tis unt
ebam ebas ebat ebamus ebatis ebant
am es et emus etis ent
1st Conjugation PASSIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
or ris tur mur mini ntur
bar baris batur bamur bamini bantur
bor beris bitur bimur bimini bunter
2nd Conjugation PASSIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
or ris tur mur mini ntur
bar baris batur bamur bamini bantur
bor beris bitur bimur bimini buntur
3rd Conjugation PASSIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
or eris itur imur imini untur
ebar ebaris ebatur ebamur ebamini ebantur
ar eris etur emur emini entur
4th Conjugation PASSIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
or ris tur mur mini untur
ebar ebaris ebatur ebamur ebamini ebantur
ar eris etur emur emini entur
3rd io Conjugation PASSIVE Endings for Present, Imperfect, and Future
or eris tur mur mini untur
ebar ebaris ebatur ebamur ebamini ebantur
ar eris etur emur emini entur
Give the 1st Conjugation PRESENT stem for amo, amare
(drop the “re” from the 2nd Principal Part)
Give the 2nd Conjugation PRESENT stem for moneo, monēre
(drop the “re” from the 2nd principal part)
Give the 3rd Conjugation PRESENT stem for rego, regere
(drop the “re” from the 2nd Principal Part)
Give the 4th Conjugation PRESENT stem for audio audire
(drop the “re” from the 2nd Principal Part)
Give the 3rd io Conjugation PRESENT stem for cápio, capere
(drop the “o” from the 1st Principal Part)
1st Conjugation PERFECT endings for Perfect, Pluperfect and Future Perfect tenses
i isti it imus istis erunt
eram eras erat eramus eratis erant
ero eris erit erimus eritis erint
2nd Conjugation PERFECT endings for Perfect, Pluperfect and Future Perfect tenses
i isti it imus istis erunt
eram eras erat eramus eratis erant
ero eris erit erimus eritis erint
Give the Perfect, Pluperfect and Future Perfect tenses for SUM
fui fuisti fuit fuimus fuistis fuerunt
fueram fueras fuerat fueramus fueratis fuerant
fuero fueris fuerit fuerimus fueritis fuerint
How do you find the PERFECT stem for 1st Conjugation using
amo amare amavi amatus
(drop the “i” from the 3rd Principal Part)
How do you find the PERFECT stem for 2nd Conjugation using
moneo monere monui monitus
(drop the “i” from the 3rd Principal Part)
How do you find the PERFECT stem for 3rd Conjugation verbs?
Demonstrate using rego régere rexi rectus
memorize the 4 Principal Parts for the 3rd Conjugation verbs
and drop the “i” from the 3rd Principal part
How do you find the PERFECT stem for 4th Conjugation with
audio audire audivi auditus
drop the “i” from the 3rd Principal Part
Give the Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect endings for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 3rd io Conjugation verbs
i isti it imus istis erunt
eram eras erat eramus eratis erant
ero eris erit érimus éritis erint
(the Perfect System is perfectly regular in all 4 Conjugations)
How do you find the PERFECT STEM for 3rd io Conjugation verbs?
Demonstrate using capio capere cepi captus
memorize the 4 Principal Parts for the 3rd io Conjugation verbs
and drop the “i” from the 3rd Principal part
-a —— -ae
-ae —- -arum
-ae —- -is
-am — -as
-a ——- -is
1st Declension Noun : 1D F
Stem: Gen. S. drop “ae”
Model Noun: mensa, -ae f.
-us —– -i
-i ——- -orum
-o ——- -is
-um —- -os
-o ——- -is
2nd Declension Noun : 2D us M
Stem: Gen. S. drop “i”
Model Noun: servus, -i m.
-um —– -a
-i ——— -orum
-o ——– -is
-um —– -a
-o ——– -is
2nd Declension Noun : 2D um N
Stem: Gen. S. drop “i”
Model Noun: bellum, -i n.
___ ——– -es
-is ——— -um
-i ———– -ibus
-em ——- -es
-e ———- -ibus
3rd Declension Noun M/F: 3D – (memorize gender)
Stem: Gen. S. drop “is”
Model Noun: pater, -is m.
__ ——— -a
-is ——— -um
-i ———— -ibus
__ ——— -a
-e ———– -ibus
3rd Declension Noun N: 3D – (memorize gender)
Stem: Gen. S. drop “is”
Model Noun: nomen, -is n.
-us ——– -ūs
-ūs ——– -uum
-ui ——– -ibus
-um ——- -ūs
-u ———- -ibus
4th Declension Noun: 4D M
Stem: Gen. S. drop “ūs”
Model Noun: portus, -ūs m.
-es ———– -es
-ei ———— -erum
-ei ———— -ebus
-em ———– -es
-e ————– -ebus
5th Declension Noun: 5D F Stem: Gen. S. drop “ei” Model Noun: res, -ei f.
Nominative Case
rose (SUBJECT)
Genitive Case
OF the rose (POSSESSIVE)
Dative Case
Accusative Case
Ablative Case
IN/BY/WITH/FROM the rose
Natural Gender tops any other Gender Rule
Nominative singular and plural endings for 1st Declension Feminine Nouns (1D F)
Model Noun: mensa
-a (singular) -ae (plural)
Model Noun: mensa
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (2D us M)
—-(2nd Declension Masculine Nouns)
Model Noun: servus
-us (singular) -i (plural)
Model Noun: servus
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (2D um N)
—-(2nd Declension Neuter Nouns)
Model Noun: bellum
-um (singular) -a (plural)
Model Noun: bellum
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (3D M/F)
—-(3rd Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns)
Model Noun: pater
___ (singular) -es (plural)
Model Noun: pater
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (3D N)
—-(3rd Declension Neuter Nouns)
Model Noun: nomen
___ (singular) -a (plural)
Model Noun: nomen
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (4D M)
—-(4th Declension Neuter Nouns)
Model Noun: portus
-us (singular) -ūs (plural)
Model Noun: portus
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (5D F)
—-(5th Declension Feminine Nouns)
Model Noun: res
-es (singular) -es (plural)
Model Noun: res
__ ——– -i
-i ———– -orum
-o ———- -is
-um ——- -os
-o ———- -is
2nd Declension ER - IR Nouns (2D er-ir M)
Stem: Gen. S. drop “i”
Model Noun that drops the “e” from the Nom.: ager, agri
Model Noun that keeps the “e”: puer, pueri
Model Noun: vir, viri
__ ——— -es
-is ———- -ium
-i ———– -ibus
-em ——- -es
-e ———- -ibus
3rd Declension M/F i-stem Nouns
—–(has an “i” in the Gen. pl. and the Nom. s. varies)
Stem: Gen. S. drop “is”
Model Noun: pars, partis
__ ——— -ia
-is ———- -ium
-i ———– -ibus
__ ——— -ia
-e ———- -ibus
3rd Declension M/F i-stem Nouns
—–(has an “i” in the Nom. pl., Gen. pl., and Acc. pl. and the Nom. s. and Acc. s. vary)
Stem: Gen. S. drop “is”
Model Noun: mare, maris
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (2D er-ir M)
—-(2nd Declension er-ir Masculine Nouns)
Model Noun: ager, agri
__ (singular) -i (plural)
Model Noun: ager, agri
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (2D er-ir M)
—-(2nd Declension er-ir Masculine Nouns)
Model Noun: puer, pueri
__ (singular) -i (plural)
Model Noun: puer, pueri
Nom. s. and pl. endings for (2D er-ir M)
—-(2nd Declension er-ir Masculine Nouns)
Model Noun: vir, viri
__ (singular) -i (plural)
Model Noun: vir, viri