lost (Affirmative)
If she lost weight, the dress would fit.
had (Affirmative)
If I had children, I would teach them to dance.
made (Affirmative)
If you made a movie, you could tell the story of your life.
were (Affirmative)
If your friends were in town, we could have a party.
speak (Negative)
If I didn’t speak English, I wouldn’t be a teacher.
think (Negative)
If I didn’t think like a psychologist, I wouldn’t raise my children well.
know (Negative)
If I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t go out with you.
take (Questions)
Who would you take if you had a ticket to Australia?
tell (Questions)
Why would you tell your friend the truth?
pay (Questions)
How much money would you pay for a car?