What is the only basis for classifying national security information, except as provided by Title 42, U.S.C., Sections 2011-2284?
Executive order 12958
Information classified by what DON authorities shall be codified in security classification guides, and it shall be declassified as soon as it no longer meets the standards for classification in the interest of the national security?
Original Classification Authorities (OCAs)
Information that requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security shall be classified as Top Secret, Secret, or what else?
What is the classification level applied to information whose unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security?
Top Secret
What is the classification level applied to information whose unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security?
What is the classification level applied to information whose unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security?
What is the initial decision that an item of information could be expected to cause damage to the national security if subjected to unauthorized disclosure?
Original classification
The authority to originally classify information as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential rests with the what and officials delegated the authority?
OCA’s and acting OCAs must have refresher training on OCA duties and responsibilities how often?
Requests for Top Secret original classification authority shall be submitted, in writing, to the what via CNO?
Secretary of the Navy
Requests for Secret or Confidential original classification authority shall be submitted, in writing, directly to the what?
What reference contains the specific criteria, principles, and considerations for original classification?
At the time of original classification, the OCA shall attempt to establish a specific date or event for declassification, however the date or event shall not exceed how many years from the date of the original classification?
Who may provide advice and assistance to classifiers in assigning classification for original and derivative classification decisions?
Security managers
Only the Secretary of the Navy or the what may reclassify information?
Under Secretary of the Navy
OCAs shall request reclassification, in writing, via who?
Cleared recipients or holders of reclassified information shall be notified within how long and appropriately briefed about their continuing obligation and responsibility to protect this information from unauthorized disclosure?
30 days
The OCA shall act upon a classification challenge within how many days of receipt and notify the challenger of any changes made as a result of the challenge or the reason(s) no change is being made?
If the person initiating a classification challenge is not satisfied with the OCA’s final determination, the decision may be appealed to the what for review as the DON’s impartial official?
Individuals, not having original classification authority, who create information they believe to be classified shall mark the information accordingly, and mark the first page and/or cover sheet of information as tentatively classified with the intended classification level preceded by what word?
What reference provides that the SECDEF, among others, may determine whether granting a patent disclosure for an intervention would be detrimental to national security?
Title 35, U.S.C, Section 181-188
New projects and significant technical developments or trends related to what are normally classified in order to protect the strategic value of this technology?
Classified information related to the tactical characteristics and capabilities of naval nuclear ships and propulsion plant design is typically what while classified information relating primarily to the reactor plant of a nuclear propulsion system is typically RD?
What reference provides detailed guidance for classifying NNPI?
Who, as the Program Manager for the Naval Nuclear Reactor Program, issues bulletins amplifying or modifying classification and security guidance pertaining to NNPI?
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
The only officials authorized to downgrade, declassify, or modify an original classification determination with a resulting change in the classification guidance for classified DON information is the what with respect to all information over which the DON exercises final classification authority?
Detailed policy concerning the automatic declassification of DON information is contained in what reference?
Executive Order 12958 established procedures for automatic declassification review of classified records that are more than 25 years old and have been determined to have permanent historical value as defined by what reference?
Title 44, U.S.C, Chapters 21, 31, and 33
Historically valuable records are identified in what reference by the use of the term “permanent” in the records series disposition instruction?
SECNAV M-5210.1
Automatic declassification review of 25-year old records applies to the official records contained in what records systems?
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Declassified documents will not be released to the public until a public release review has been conducted in accordance with what reference?
DoD Directive 5230.9
Systematic declassification review is the review for declassification of classified information contained in records that have been determined by the what of the U.S. to have permanent historical value?
Who is responsible for identifying to the Archivist of the U.S. that classified DON information that is 25 years old and older which requires continued protection?
Who may establish procedures for systematic review for declassification of classified information pertaining to intelligence activities (including special activities), or intelligence sources or methods?
Director, Central Intelligence (DCI)
Mandatory declassification review does not supplement or modify the procedures for the handling of FOIA requests as described in what reference?
All information classified under Executive Order 12958 or predecessor orders shall be subject to a review for declassification by the DON if the information has not been reviewed within the preceding of how many years?
Command action on the initial Mandatory declassification request shall be completed within how many working days and the requestor notified accordingly?
A final determination shall ordinarily be made within how long of the date of receipt of the mandatory declassification request?
One year
Who may establish special procedures for systematic review for declassification of classified cryptologic information?
Per what reference, fees may be charged as authorized by Title 31, U.S.C., Section 9701 for mandatory declassification reviews?
OCAs shall take responsible steps to declassify classified information contained in records determined to be of permanent historical value, per what reference?
SECNAV M-5210.1
Notices that assign classification to unclassified information shall be classified Confidential, unless the notice itself contains information at a higher classification level. The notice shall be marked for declassification no less than how many days from its origin?
The Department of State (DOS), editors of Foreign Relations of the U.S., have a mandated goal of publishing how many years after the event?
What establishes and publishes minimum standards, specifications, and supply schedules for containers, vault doors, modular vaults, and associated security devices suitable for the storage and destruction of classified information?
General Services Administration (GSA)
What reference promulgates national policy for procuring and using security containers for Information Technology (IT) system purposes?
CNSSP No. 10
Store Top Secret information in a vault, modular vault or secure room, equipped with an IDS and a personnel response to the alarm within 15 minutes of the alarm annunciation if the area is covered by Security-in-Depth, or a how many-minute alarm response if it is not?
What reference governs the requirements for storing classified ordnance items too large to store in GSA-approved containers?
If new security storage equipment is needed, procure it from the what?
GSA Federal Supply Schedule
Only what containers are on the current GSA schedule?
Class 5 and 6
GSA approved containers manufactured before when are identified by GSA label that has either black lettering on a silver background, or silver on black?
October 1990
What GSA approved containers have a silver label with green lettering?
Class 7
What containers are GSA-approved security containers for protection of IT systems?
Information Processing System (IPS)
GSA approved Class 5 containers provide the same protection as Class 6 plus how many minutes against forced entry attack?
What GSA approved containers are typically used for storage of classified information such as documents, maps, drawings, and plans?
Class 6
Security containers manufactured by what must be removed from service and disposed of under accepted safety standards?
Remington Rand
Two and four-drawer Class 5 security containers manufactured by what are no longer approved for the storage of classified information?
Art Metal Products, Inc.
New purchases of combination locks shall conform to what Federal Specification?
Built-in combination locks will then be reset to what standard combination when taken out of service?
Combination padlocks will be reset to what standard combination when taken out of service?
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 1386 makes unauthorized possession of keys, key blanks, keyways, or locks adopted by any part of the DoD for use in the protection of conventional arms, ammunition or explosives (AA&E), special weapons, and classified equipment a criminal offense punishable by fine or imprisonment up to how many years, or both?
What reference governs key security and lock control used to protect classified information?
When securing security containers, rotate the dial of mechanical combination locks at least how many complete turns in the same direction, and check each drawer?
Neutralization of lock-outs, repairs and maintenance of GSA-Approved security containers shall be accomplished in accordance with what?
Federal Standard 809
What consists of monitors and electronic sensors designed to detect, not prevent, an attempted intrusion?
What system is designed to assess, view areas, or detect an intrusion?
What components consist of card reader devices and/or biometrics, such as hand geometry, iris or fingerprint scanners, and the computers to control them?
What provides additional protective controls at vital areas in the event of human or mechanical failure?
Destroy classified information no longer required for operational purposes per what reference?
SECNAV M-5210.1
Refer to what reference for IT storage media destruction techniques?
DON IA Pub P-5239-26
Who provides technical guidance concerning appropriate methods, equipment, and standards for the destruction of classified electronic media and processing equipment components?
Directorate for Information Systems Security, NSA
A cross-cut shredder shall reduce the information to shreds no greater than how many square millimeters?
Crosscut shredders purchased prior to 1 January 2003 which reduce the information to shreds no greater than 3/64 inch wide by 1/2 inch long may continue to be used until when?
October 2008
Pulping (wet process) devices with a what size or smaller security screen may be used to destroy classified water-soluble material?
1/4 inch
What may be used to store classified material awaiting destruction at a central destruction facility?
Burn bag
A record of destruction is required for Top Secret information. What form, “Classified Material Destruction Report”?
OPNAV 5511/12
Retain Top Secret records of destruction for how many years?
Destroy record copies of FOUO, SBU, DoD UCNI, DOE UCNI, and unclassified technical documents assigned Distribution Statements B through X, per what reference?
SECNAV M-5210.1
Commanding officers shall ensure that the release of classified information in connection with the transfer to a friendly foreign government is processed per what reference, and that the permission of the Archivist of the U.S. is obtained before transferring records to other agencies or non-U.S. Government organizations, including foreign governments?