Secion A Flashcards
Review the Section A exam with more than a 100 cards related to E1 exam.
Which ONE of the following is NOT normally associated with the (rational) staged decision making purchasing process? A Need recognition B Loyalty to a brand C Information searching D Post-purchase evaluation
Answer: B
Transaction costs are expenses resulting from which ONE of the following?
A Outsourcing of services
B Off-shoring of organizational functions
C Penetration pricing
D Organizational downsizing
Answer: A
Subsidies for home industries, quotas and embargoes are mechanisms associated with which ONE of the following? A Fiscal policies B Free trade C Liberalisation D Protectionism
Answer: D
When segmenting a market based on demographic factors, which ONE of the following would NOT be considered? A Age B Gender C Stage in the family life cycle D Frequency of purchase
Answer: D
Diagrams which present the flow of information and products across supply networks are known as which ONE of the following? A Process maps B Fishbone 'cause and effect' diagrams C Job analysis outlines D Statistical control maps
Answer: A
Queuing theory analysis and flexible manufacturing systems represent methods of which ONE of the following? A Process design B Managing operational capacity C Quality control D Quality assurance
Answer: B
The outsourcing of an Information Technology service by an organization can lead to which ONE of the following?
A Increased reliance on the IT department
B Increased reliance on central departments generally
C Certain staff having responsibility for monitoring contracts
D Recruitment of additional programmers
Answer: C
Social networking and blogging are normally associated with which ONE of the following? A Web 2.0 tools B Management information systems C Distributed data processing systems D An open database
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is NOT normally associated with Total Quality Management (TQM)? A Six sigma B 5-S C Kaizen D Insourcing
Answer: D
The terms 'guerilla' and 'viral' are often applied to which ONE of the following? A Different organisational forms B Predatory take-over tactics C Marketing communications D Stakeholder groupings
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following is NOT associated with the internal governance of a
A The use of non-executive directors (NEDs)
B Annual environmental reporting
C The operation of remuneration committees
D The operation of audit committees
Answer: B
Brand equity is
A something that only exists in the minds of customers.
B the value due to the premium customers are prepared to pay for branded goods.
C additional production costs arising from product differentiation of branded goods.
D a purely notional concept.
Answer: B
According to Herzberg, hygiene factors represent which ONE of the following?
A Compliance with health and safety regulations
B A particular job context that can influence levels of dissatisfaction
C Motivators to work harder
D Typical attitudes of theory Y workers
Answer: B
A planned national economy moving towards becoming free is known as which ONE of the following? A A transition economy B A transactional economy C A 'stuck in the middle' economy D An intermediary economy (
Answer: A
Mutual 'promises' and 'expectations' of an employer and the workforce is generally known as A the psychological contract. B the employment contract. C the person specification. D the job description.
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following activities is NOT associated with recruitment? A Conducting panel interviews B Performing a job analysis C Preparing job advertisement copy D Preparing a person specification
Answer: A
An organization that continually uses promotional offers in order to entice customers is known as which ONE of the following? A Marketing orientated. B Production orientated. C Product orientated. D Sales orientated.
Answer: D
A technique depicting driving and restraining forces, sometimes used when overcoming
problems when introducing an information system, is known as which ONE of the
A A fishbone diagram
B A process map
C A directional matrix
D A force field analysis
Answer: D
Information indicating the profitability of potential markets is an example of which ONE of the following? A 'Blue sky' information B Operational information C Tactical information D Strategic information
Answer: D
An organization that offers the same product to the market as a whole is said to engage in which ONE of the following? A Unitary marketing B Concentrated marketing C Differentiated marketing D Undifferentiated marketing
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT a category featured in Porter's Value Chain? A Procurement B Operations C Marketing and sales D Gross profit
Answer: D
'Uncertainty avoidance' is a term used to describe which ONE of the following? A A national cultural dimension B A country risk C A political risk D A sustainability audit key finding
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is an independent member of a company's Board with particular concern for governance? A Non-executive director B Management consultant C Political lobbyist D External examiner
Answer: A
An investment made by a company into a company or entity based in another country is known as which ONE of the following? A Foreign direct investment (FDI) B Portfolio flows C Outsourcing D Offshoring
Answer: A
Mendelow’s four cell matrix illustrates which ONE of the following?
A The dominance of various stakeholders in a decision
B The potential growth and market share of a product
C The support required by a technostructure
D The direction of organisational growth strategies
Answer: A
The acronym BRIC refers to which ONE of the following?
A A system of business reporting and inventory control
B A tool for macroeconomic analysis
C Certain important national economies
D A framework for determining business risk in a country
Answer: C
The range of management issues associated with converting resources into required goods or services within an organisation is known as which ONE of the following? A Sourcing strategies B Product marketing C Liberalisation D Operations management
Answer: D
Electronic Executive Information Systems (EIS) and Expert Systems (ES) are examples of which ONE of the following?
A Customer relationship management software
B Database management
C Computer networking
D Decision based software
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is the usual reason for dispersed and virtual team working in an organisation?
A Weak management
B Utilisation of developments in technology and information systems
C Poor hygiene factors in the workplace
D Localised human resource management
Answer: B
When evaluating a new information system, which ONE of the following would NOT represent a tangible cost?
A Additional training undertaken by IS staff
B Heating and lighting where the system is housed
C Staff uncertainty caused by the change
D Time taken on system design
Answer: C
Loss of goodwill and the expense of product recalls are known as which ONE of the following? A External failure costs B Costs of lean C Excess production costs D Transaction costs
Answer: A
The psychological contract is an important factor when considering which ONE of the following? A Staff retention B Supply networks C Buyer behaviour D Corporate political activity
Answer: A
Assessment centres are associated with which ONE of the following activities? A Staff selection B Career counselling C Focus group market research D Societal marketing
Answer: A
Most supply chains involve which ONE of the following? A A number of different companies B An organisation’s infrastructure C After sales service D A strategic apex
Answer: A
Regular reporting on stockholding of products (inventory) is an example of which level of organisational information? A Strategic B Tactical C Integrative D Techno-structural
Answer: B
A lack of physical presence and extensive use of IT are typical features of which sort of organization? A Non-governmental organizations (NGO) B Multinational enterprises (MNE) C Shamrock organizations D Virtual organizations
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following features is NOT normally a result of gaining ISO9000? A Improved marketing B Improved quality C Work rationalization D Improved industrial relations
Answer: D
The quality management thinker Philip Crosby is most closely associated with which ONE of the following ideas? A Fitness for purpose B The fishbone diagram C Zero defects D Business process re-engineering
Answer: C
Herzberg's dual (two) factor theory involves which ONE of the following? A Theory X and Theory Y workers B Hygiene factors and motivators C Low and high power-distance D Carrots and sticks
Answer: B
Personal characteristics, qualifications and necessary experience expected of a particular post holder are normally all found in which ONE of the following documents? A Job description B Person specification C Reference letter D Summary appraisal meeting record
Answer: B
A lean approach is associated with which ONE of the following? A Supply sourcing strategies B Demographic profiling C Employee selection criteria D Removal of waste
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT normally a barrier to international trade?
A High levels of consumption tax
B Subsidies for domestic (home) producers
C Customs duties
D Embargoes
Answer: A
Under a free market economy prices are determined by which ONE of the following? A The stock market B Government regulation C Multinationals D Supply and demand
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT a macroeconomic factor?
A The relationship between price and demand in a particular market
B Price inflation
C Levels of savings and investment
D Unemployment amongst young people
Answer: A
Under an ABC inventory management system which ONE of the following items should be monitored most closely? A 'A' classified items B 'B' classified items C 'C' classified items D All items equally
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following characteristics is NOT normally associated with a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)? A Furthering humanitarian causes B Championing social causes C Making profits D Exercising independence
Answer: C
When government regulation and restriction is absent the effect is A protectionism. B economic nationalism. C liberalisation. D a mixed economy
Answer: C
Mintzberg's design of an effective organisation does NOT include which ONE of the following categories? A Technostructure B Outsource partners C Operating core D Strategic apex
Answer: B
Which ONE of the following is NOT a feature of a service? A Intangibility B Immediate consumption C Inventory management D Involvement of the consumer
Answer: C
Reck and Long's strategic positioning tool measures the contribution of which ONE of the following organizational functions? A Quality control and assurance B Purchasing and supply C The management of systems D The management of human resources
Answer: B
The phrase 'uncertainty avoidance' refers to which ONE of the following? A A dimension of national culture B Country risk C Political risk D Disaster recovery planning
Answer: A
Corrective systems maintenance refers to which ONE of the following?
A A process undertaken prior to systems implementation
B A remedy of defects after systems implementation
C A process of upgrading both hardware and software
D A means of ensuring that machines and equipment do not hold up production
Answer: B
Transaction costs are associated with which ONE of the following? A Materials procurement B Flexible working arrangements C Outsourcing D Lobbying
Answer: C
The aim of total productive maintenance is which ONE of the following? A Inclusivity and empowerment B Motivation and teamwork C Engagement and commitment D Prevention and continuity
Answer: D
The term BRIC refers to which ONE of the following?
A Certain national economies
B Bringing about real continuous improvement
C A ranking index used in aptitude testing
D A system for business resource and information capture
Answer: A
Foreign earnings are included in which ONE of the following? A Gross Domestic Product B Gross National Product C Government fiscal policy D Consumption tax
Answer: B
Lobbying by a business is an example of which ONE of the following? A Focus group research B Country and political risk analysis C Corporate social responsibility D Political activity
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following does NOT represent a control in a computer network? A A firewall B Data encryption C Passwords D A cookie
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following does NOT represent a spoke in Cousins' supply wheel? A Cost benefit analysis B Portfolio of relationships C Performance measures D A firm's infrastructure
Answer: D
SERVQUAL is a technique for the service sector to do which ONE of the following?
A Eliminate waste and unnecessary effort
B Map work and document flows
C Measure quality of life for employees
D Measure the scale of quality in service provision
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is an example of secondary market research?
A Telephone surveys to identify purchasing intentions
B Focus group meetings to identify product preferences
C Online questionnaires to identify buying habits
D Use of search engines to identify market growth trends
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT normally associated with operations management? A Supply chain management B Enterprise Resource Planning systems C Liberalisation D Continuous inventory
Answer: C
An approach that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message through existing social networks is known as A guerrilla marketing. B viral marketing. C experiential marketing. D cause marketing.
Answer: B
An organizational approach that involves targeting an entire market with a single marketing mix is known as which ONE of the following? A Undifferentiated B Differentiated C Saturated D Blanket
Answer: A
Forecasting production and inventory levels needed to meet estimated customer purchases leads to which ONE of the following? A A push based system B A pull based system C Cohesive supply chain management D Scientific management
Answer: A
A software management system combining all of a globally diverse organization’s sales, marketing and customer support information is known as
A distributed data processing (DDP).
B customer relationship management (CRM).
C a database management system (DBMS).
D a wide area network (WAN).
Answer: B
Information that takes the form of a list of debtors and creditors is by nature said to be A strategic. B tactical. C operational. D executive.
Answer: C
The building of a prototype model is normally associated with which ONE of the following? A Process design B Reverse engineering C Concept screening D Positioning
Answer: A
The process of ensuring employees support an organization's marketing activities is known as A performance management marketing. B social marketing. C autocratic management. D internal marketing.
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT normally associated with an organization's pricing mix? A Payment terms B Credit policy C Discounts for bulk purchase D Commission for a sales team
Answer: D
Organisations that move part of their activities to another country are said to do which ONE of the following? A Downsize B Divest C Offshore D Outsource
Answer: C
The so called BRIC economies do NOT include which ONE of the following? A Britain B Russia C India D China
Answer: A
The advantages of a database management system (DBMS) include
A end-user flexibility and power.
B open communication and social networking.
C data sources compiled by the user.
D data integrity and elimination of duplication.
Answer: D
Certified approval of documented work procedures including procedure manuals and work instructions are associated with which ONE of the following? A Workforce skills audits B Appraisal costs C Total Quality Management (TQM) D ISO 9000 accreditation
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT associated with quality improvement? A Fishbone diagrams B Pareto analysis C Why/why analysis D Political lobbying
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT an inventory management system? A Periodic B EOQ C ABC D 5S
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following should logically precede market segmentation? A Market research B Targeting C Positioning D Promotional activity
Answer: A
In marketing the concept of ‘physical evidence’ refers to
A seeing the product before it is purchased.
B a physical meeting between vendor and buyer.
C some form of reassurance of service quality before purchase.
D proof that market research has actually been conducted.
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following is an example of a durable good? A Hand made shoes B Long life milk C Long lasting deodorant D A jar of instant coffee
Answer: A
Computer to computer transmission of structured data using standardized documentation is known as A electronic data interchange (EDI). B online networking. C systems compatibility testing. D a 'cookie'.
Answer: A
The most significant emerging global economies, in terms of growing power and influence, are normally referred to as which ONE of the following categories? A Developed economies B BRIC economies C Northern hemisphere economies D G14 economies
Answer: B
According to Herzberg, pay, status and working conditions are examples of which ONE of the following? A The preference of Theory Y workers B Self actualisation C Motivators D Hygiene factors
Answer: D
An assessment centre commonly refers to which ONE of the following? A A building where testing occurs B An approach to selection C An approach to recruitment D Online supplier vetting procedure
Answer: B
The system of policies by which an organisation is directed and controlled is known as which ONE of the following? A Corporate governance B Corporate social responsibility C Corporate infrastructure D Corporate strategic apex
Answer: A
In social marketing, goods that society discourages because of their negative social effects are known as which ONE of the following? A Demerit goods B Durable goods C International embargoes D Imports
Answer: A
Organizational costs associated with contracted out activities are known as which ONE of the following? A Transaction costs B Offshoring costs C Transfer costs D Social costs
Answer: A
For organizations failing to adopt the marketing philosophy, which ONE of the following is NOT recognized as an alternative? A Sales orientation B Product orientation C Lean orientation D Production orientation
Answer: C
Corporate political activity often involves which ONE of the following?
A Clarifying corporate social responsibility
B Scanning the microenvironment
C Lobbying and political campaign contributions
D Internal marketing
Answer: C
The basis of a psychological contract is
A an understanding of mutual obligations between a worker and the organization.
B a corporate responsibility to act in a way that does not harm the environment.
C an emotional affinity for a particular product brand.
D an organisation-wide commitment to listen to customer views.
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is the most complete measure of national economic growth?
A Inflation levels
B Unemployment levels
C The overall level of the FTSE 100 index
D Gross National Product
Answer: D
A transition economy is one that is
A about to be controlled by a different political regime.
B still introducing the benefits of e-commerce.
C moving from a planned to a mixed or free market economy.
D retrenching due to adverse economic circumstances.
Answer: C
Corporate governance is best described as
A a code for organisational direction, administration and control.
B stakeholder guidelines.
C a system of penalties for unethical behaviour.
D the relationship between an organisation and the government.
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is a program that impairs data and software? A A virus B Corrective maintenance C Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) D Cyber bullying
Answer: A
Background and circumstances, special attributes and disposition are all factors often identified in which ONE of the following? A Service level agreements B Key performance indicators C Person specifications D Job descriptions
Answer: C
IS client-vendor relationship is a feature of which ONE of the following? A An outsourced IS function B Enterprise-wide systems C Social networking D Virtual team working
Answer: A
If an employee who is opposing the introduction of a new system is given a key role in its implementation, this is an example of which ONE of the following? A Co-optation B Career planning C Succession planning D Networking
Answer: A
Contrived, volume and realistic are examples of which ONE of the following? A System testing methods B Supply relationship categories C Ways of classifying inventory D Ways of estimating market potential
Answer: A
A psychological contract refers to which ONE of the following?
A Intangible costs arising from outsourcing
B The mutual expectations of an employer and employee
C The responsibilities of citizens to their nation
D The use of contracted experts in psychometric staff testing
Answer: B
According to Douglas McGregor, managers believe Theory X people
A naturally dislike work and avoid responsibility.
B naturally enjoy work and seek the challenge of responsibility.
C are a younger generation which is comfortable with new technology.
D are an older generation unlikely to engage in e-commerce.
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is most likely to lead to an organization accessing a larger market for its goods or services? A Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) B Teleworking C e-trading D Penetration marketing
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following is NOT a feature normally associated with a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)? A Government funded B Independent C Non-profit making D Explicit social mission
Answer: A
Gross National Product (GNP) represents
A another term for Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
B Gross Domestic Product (GDP) adjusted for foreign earnings.
C the total intellectual and social capital of a country.
D aggregated ‘bottom-line’ performance of a country’s top 100 companies.
Answer: B
Cattell's 16PF test is normally associated with which ONE of the following? A IS feasibility studies B The process of market segmentation C Auditing existing supply arrangements D Employee selection
Answer: D
Supplier relationships in a supply network are categorized in which ONE of the following ways?
A Single, multiple, delegated and parallel
B Primary, secondary and post-purchase
C Phased, pilot and integrated
D One-to-one, several to one, 180 degrees and 360 degrees
Answer: A
Results and enablers are features of which ONE of the following?
A Servqual
B Total Quality Management (TQM)
C The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model
D Competitive benchmarking
Answer: C
The desirable features of a candidate for a job are best contained in which ONE of the following? A A person specification B A job description C A job advertisement D A verbal briefing at the interview
Answer: A
Enlargement, enrichment and rotation are terms associated with which ONE of the following?
A Adjustments to an individual’s job content and role
B Improvements brought about by competitive benchmarking
C Market and product development strategies
D Customer approval ratings
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is NOT associated with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? A Self-actualization B Affiliation C Hygiene D Safety
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following is NOT a cost of quality? A Internal failure B Appraisal C Prevention D Transaction
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is associated with recruitment rather than selection? A Assessment centres B Interviews C Advertising copy D Psychometric testing
Answer: C
Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of corporate governance?
A Improved access to capital markets.
B Stimulation of performance.
C Enhanced marketability of goods and services.
D Prevention of fraudulent claims by contractors.
Answer: D
Corporate political activity is normally undertaken in order to
A secure policy preferences.
B make the world a better place.
C further an environmental agenda.
D understand the external drivers on an organisation
Answer: A
Political risk analysis is conducted by a company considering international operations and normally focuses on the
A world economy generally.
B relations between the USA, Japan and Europe.
C political and cultural differences between the home and target country.
D industrialisation of the target country.
Answer: C
Efficient regulation of companies is said to exist if
A the total benefit to the nation is greater than the total cost.
B there is greater integration of the world’s economies.
C greater innovation takes place by all businesses.
D the effect on businesses is neutral.
Answer: A
The basis of the stakeholder view is that
A only shareholders are legitimate stakeholders.
B only creditors and shareholders are legitimate stakeholders.
C persons, groups and organizations with an interest in the organization are stakeholders.
D only members that an organization officially recognizes are stakeholders.
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following is not an approach to systems implementation? A Parallel running. B Phased changeover. C Matrix operation. D Pilot testing.
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following is not normally associated with outsourced IS solutions?
A Ensuring contract compliance.
B Assembly and maintenance of a suitably skilled workforce.
C Preparing formal tendering documents.
D Invoicing, processing and payment.
Answer: B
A necessary product/service requirement to meet the Japanese interpretation of ‘quality’ is A to comply with all safety standards. B to cost no more than necessary. C to meet a design brief. D to meet customer expectations.
Answer: D
Process design can best be improved by
A an organizational restructure to reflect functions not processes.
B improved checks on suppliers.
C adopting a strategy of continuous improvement.
D improved quality control.
Answer: C
Collaborating with its suppliers may bring a company added value because it can
A strike a harder bargain with its suppliers.
B work with a supplier to improve quality and reduce costs.
C avoid transaction costs.
D introduce price competition amongst suppliers.
Answer: B
Small groups of employees that meet to identify work problems and their solution are known as A quality circles. B peer counsellors. C cellular production teams. D teleworkers.
Answer: A
The extended marketing mix does NOT include which ONE of the following: A People B Processes C Physical evidence D Positioning
Answer: D
According to Hertzberg's dual factor theory of motivation, one set of factors is known as A demotivation factors. B disposition factors. C self actualization factors. D hygiene factors.
Answer: D
Porter’s value system shows the organisation in terms of
A the value chains of suppliers, channels and the customer.
B primary activities, support activities and margin.
C the technostructure, strategic apex and operating core.
D passive, independent, supportive and integrative approaches to supply.
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is NOT associated with quality management? A 5-S practice B 180 degree feedback C Six Sigma methodology D Five-w
Answer: B
Intrinsic satisfaction is said to be derived from which ONE of the following issues:
A Perks of the job
B Job content
C Job rewards
D Group cohesiveness and belongingnesshy process
Answer: B
Which ONE of the following is an example of direct marketing?
A Writing an article for a trade journal
B Targeting individual customers with promotional material
C Posting ‘blogs’ to draw attention to the organization
D Public relations activities
Answer: B
Motivation theories and reward systems derived from F W Taylor's thinking are by nature best described as A behavioural. B human relations. C content. D scientific.
Answer: D
Service Level Agreements are normally associated with
A job reductions negotiated with staff groups.
B deskilling.
C agreed appraisal outcomes.
D outsourcing.
Answer: D
Which ONE of the following is NOT associated with a government's fiscal policy? A Levels of taxation B Level of spending by the government C Revenue raising D Interest rates
Answer: D
Balanced trade is
A a national economic alternative to free trade.
B an example of free trade.
C a form of supply chain agreement.
D a form of alliance with other companies.
Answer: A
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions do NOT include which ONE of the following:
A Individualism versus collectivism
B Masculinity versus femininity
C Weak versus strong uncertainty avoidance
D Corrective versus perfective approaches
Answer: D
EOQ represents a form of
A inventory system based on economic order quantities.
B European observance quality certification.
C equal opportunity quantification index used in HRM.
D Japanese inspired technique aimed at continuous improvement.
Answer: A
5S and 6 Sigma are examples of A portfolio analysis frameworks. B marketing communication. C quality improvement practices. D Human Resource Development models.
Answer: C
The use of assessment centres and psychometric tests is normally associated with processes of A recruitment. B selection. C induction. D appraisal.
Answer: B
CIMA’s Code of Ethics for professional accountants is based upon
A a framework of fundamental principles.
B a framework of strict rules.
C a scale of penalties for non compliance.
D sustainability principles and best practice
Answer: A
According to Herzberg's motivation theory, which ONE of the following is the cause of dissatisfaction? A Demotivators. B Motivation detractors. C Hygiene factors. D Process theories.
Answer: C
David Kolb identified a four stage model representing
A a quality evaluation framework.
B a cycle of learning from experience.
C a career planning and development framework.
D a way of assessing the value of training events.
Answer: B
The headings found in a person specification are likely to be based upon A Rodger's 7 point plan. B job enrichment principles. C employment best practice guidelines. D the main tasks within the job role.
Answer: A
A key feature of a lean philosophy within operations is A removal of waste. B incremental change. C official accreditation. D continuous improvement.
Answer: A
Transferring some part of an organisation's activities to a subsidiary in another country is an example of A free trade. B outsourcing. C offshoring. D delegation.
Answer: C
'Servqual' relies on feedback from A customers. B managers. C careful business process re-engineering. D a 360 degree appraisal.
Answer: A
Attempts by a country to help local producers by restricting international trade is known as A factor conditions. B enterprise management. C governance. D protectionism.
Answer: D
Total productive maintenance involves
A maintaining worker satisfaction and high productivity.
B a cycle of PDCA.
C a prevention of quality failures through equipment faults.
D eliminating non-value adding activities from a process.
Answer: C
The ABC system is a method of A managing inventory. B selection criteria. C production improvement. D quality compliance.
Answer: A
A computerized payroll package is an example of a A data processing system. B management information system. C decision support system. D web dependent application.
Answer: A
The acronym SDLC normally relates to
A skills, deliverables, limitations and capability.
B collaborative quality orientated activities.
C standard data listed code.
D a system (or software) development lifecycle.
Answer: D
Electronic data interchange relies on
A structured data and standard business documents.
B networking and creativity.
C social networking and intelligence sharing.
D software development skills.
Answer: A
Corrective, adaptive and perfective are forms of
A rewards and punishments used in people management.
B performance management variables.
C systems maintenance.
D stock control methods.
Answer: C
Data integrity and elimination of duplication are key features of
A effective databases.
B end user flexibility and autonomy.
C autonomous (independent) working by different functions.
D all Web 2.0 tools.
Answer: A
Which ONE of the following is NOT a fundamental principle identified in CIMA’s code of ethics? A Professional competence B Professional behaviour C Integrity D Independence
Answer: D
Independence is not one of the fundamental principles in CIMA’s code of ethics.
Which ONE of the following would NOT be regarded as a responsibility of the IASB?
A Responsible for all IFRS technical matters
B Publish IFRSs
C Overall supervisory body of the IFRS organisations
D Final approval of interpretations by the IFRS Interpretations
Answer: C
The IASB is not responsible for overall supervisory body of the IFRS organisations, this is the
responsibility of the IFRS Foundation