Sec 2 Flashcards
Who is in charge of performing a hose change on a reserve apparatus?
The company that has that equipment at the scheduled time. (complete an F-15, original to hose officer, copy in reserve apparatus file)
The Coordinator shall establish and maintain a steam-cleaning schedule for each piece of reserve apparatus. Each unit will be steam cleaned once every months.
Complete form whenever reserve apparatus is placed into service or returned to its storage station, an inventory will be made.
32 (reserve apparatus inventory status)
Stress debriefing sessions shall be scheduled as soon as possible and within hours of the time of the incident
On Memorial Day the flag is flown at half staff from sunrise until .
- Supervising Chief Officers may grant temporary leaves of absence from duty for reasons of a personnel nature or in instances of a personal emergency. Time Out of Station (Form ) is completed in duplicate. The original shall be forwarded to and the copy filed in Company File 12.
What form is filled out when a citizen is injured on city property?
Red Bordered Form RM-3 (general liability loss report)
How often does one need to obtain an attendance slip for jury duty and who is it submitted to?
one for each day
personnel coordinator
What form is to be completed for an on duty industrial injury? This must be completed within how many days?
5 work days
(pink copy to employee, the rest to personnel coordinator, sign back of each page)
Which additional for must be completed if medical treatment is required and within what time frame? (this form is not required for exposures to contagious disease unless the disease is actually contracted
24 hours
How often/when does the WC002 form need to be filled out for an injury?
After each doctors visit. (duty status)
What is the WC003 form
To see personal physician in the event of a work injury
after 30 days you can see your own physician regardless of form
Suppression personnel, off line for weeks or longer due to injury, illness or other medical condition will be required to complete a back to work physical agility.
Personnel off work for months or longer will report to the training division to complete a skills refresher checklist and review policy’s protocols etc
Without exception, the supervising Chief shall authorize in advance all announcements using the printer or e-mail systems
All complaints shall be investigated and concluded within days. and on what form?
10 (on form F-41) Sustained Unsustained Unfounded Exonerated
What happens If an employee is required to bring a physicians certificate and returns to work without the certificate?
they shall be absent without pay until the certificate is provided
Visitors are not allowed in the firehouse after ? .
2200 hours
- In the case of an accident occurring while a private vehicle is being used on city time for city business, the employee’s or employer’s liability insurance would first apply
employee’s first. (city would cover any additional)
In a vehicle accident on duty in city vehicle or other, what forms need to be filled out and sent in?
An Accident Form RM 2-77 and an F-68 must be submitted to the office.
If a false alarm is initiated by the battalion chief, who completes the fire report?
1st due engine company
Off duty firefighters who render assistance to any Fire Department, are or are not automatically covered by Workman’s Compensation Insurance
What form is used if involved in any vehicle accident? What is the procedure?
RM-2, blue border
Notify comm center, chief, and request an investigator
complete an F-68.
- Requests for payment of 56 hours in lieu of vacation must be made by prior to the subject year? And payouts are an option for those who earn shifts of vacation annually?
December 1st
(form F-66)
As a rule of thumb you can calculate the approximate square footage of the assembly area and divide that figure by and that should be close to the posted occupancy load and/or SKED (to determine overcrowding)