Sec. 1 to 5 of RA 11232 of Revised Corporation Code Flashcards
What is the Sec. 1 of RA 11232 of Revised Corporation Code
This code shall be known as the “Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines”
What is the Sec. 2 of RA 11232 of Revised Corporation Code
It defines corporation. A corporation is defined being created by operation of law, having the right of succession, and the powers, attributes, and properties authorized by law or incidental to its existence
Explain corporation being an artificial being
A corporation is a juridical entity vested with a legal personality separate and distinct from those acting for and in its behalf and, in general, from people comprising it
What are the characteristics/attributes of a corporation?
- It is an artificial being
- Created by operation of law
- It has right of succession; and
- It has the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incidental to its existence
Two requisites must concur before one may be classified as a stock corporation, namely:
- That it has capital stock divided into shares, and
- that it is authorized to distribute dividends and allotments of surplus and profits to its stockholders
A corporation is considered a GOCC only when
the government directly or indirectly owns or controls at least a majority or 51% share of the capital stock
What is the Sec. 3 of RA 11232 of Revised Corporation Code
Classes of Corporations - Corporations formed or organized under this code may be stock or nonstock corporations.
Other Classes of Corporation as to purpose
- Public Corporation
- Private Corporation
(a.) Publicly listed
(b.) Quasi-public
(c.) GOCC
Other Classes of Corporation as to number of corporators
- Corporation Sole
- One Person Corporation
- Corporation Aggregate
Other Classes of Corporation as to whether it is open or close
- Open Corporation
- Close Corporation
Other Classes of Corporation as to legal or corporate existence
- De jure corporation
- De facto corporation
Other Classes of Corporation as to whether it is for a religious purpose or not
- Ecclesiastical Corporation
- Lay Corporation
Other Classes of Corporation as to formation
- Domestic Corporation
- Lay Corporation
Other Classes of Corporation as to their relation to another corporation
- Holding or Parent Corporation
- Subsidiary Corporation
- Affiliated Corporation
Other Classes of Corporation as to its nationality
- Philippine National
- Foreign Corporation
What is the Sec. 4 of RA 11232 of Revised Corporation Code
Corporations created by special laws or charters - Corporations created by special laws or charters shall be governed primarily by the provisions of the special law or charter creating them or applicable them, supplemented by the provisions of this code, insofar as they are applicable
What is the Sec. 5 of RA 11232 of Revised Corporation Code
Corporators and Incorporators, Stockholders and Members - Corporators are those compose a corporation, whether as stockholders or shareholders in a stock corporation or as members in a non-stock corporation. Incorporators in those stockholders or members mentioned in the articles of corporation as originally forming and composing of the corporation and whose signatories thereof.
What is a corporator?
Those who compose a corporation, whether as a stockholders or as members
What is an incorporator?
The stockholders or members mentioned in the articles of incorporation as originally forming and composing of the corporation and whose a re signatories thereof
What is a stockholder (shareholder)?
The owners of shares of stock in a stock corporation
What is a member?
The corporators of a non-stock corporation
Define Board of Directors or Board of Trustees
The board of directors is the governing body in a stock corporation, while the Board of Trustees is the governing body in a non-stock corporation
What is a Corporate Officer?
The president, who shall be a director, a treasurer who may or may not be a director, a secretary who shall be a resident and citizen of the Philippines, and such other officers as may be provided for in the by-laws. If the corporation is vested with public interest, the board shall also elect a compliance officer
What are subscribers?
Persons who agreed to take and pay for original, unissued shares of a corporation formed or to be formed
What is an underwriter?
A person who guarantees on a firm commitment and/or declared best effort basis the distribution and sale of securities of any kind by another company.
A person or an entity, especially an investment banker, who guarantees the sale of newly issued securities by purchasing all or part of the shares for resale to the public
What is a promoter?
Is a person who brings about or cause to bring about the formation and organization of a corporation by:
1. Bringing together the incorporators or the persons interested in the enterprise;
2. Procuring substitutions or capital for the incorporation; and
3. Setting in motion the machinery which leads to the incorporation of the corporation itself.
A founder or organizer of a corporation or business venture; one who takes the entrepreneurial initiative in funding or organizing a business enterprise