Sec. 1 - Ch.10 - Business Law/Consumer Protection Laws Flashcards
What the elements of a contract?
- There must be an agreement preceded by offer and an acceptance by the one to whom the offer is made (Counteroffer is not an acceptance)
- There must be consideration, and something of value must be exchanged
- The principal must have legal capacity to execute contracts
- The contract must be for lawful purpose
What is a void contract?
A contract that was never valid, it is not enforceable because it lacks one of the requirements for being an enforceable contract
What is a voidable contract?
Where one party has the option of voiding the contract if desired while the other party is bound by the contract
What is express authority?
Written, explicit direction from principal (the insurance company) to agent
What is implied authority?
That which the public believes the individual has and is based on such indicators as signage, rate books, etc. Implied authority is actual authority that the agent has to carry out the principals business in accordance with general business practices
What is apparent authority?
Arises out of the negligence of the principal in allowing the agent to appear to have the authority because of certain past actions of the agent
What is conditional receipt?
Evidence of a temporary contract obliging a life insurance company to provide coverage as long as a premium accompanies an acceptable application
- This allows the insurer time to process the application and to issue or refuse a policy
**If a applicant were to die, and their application would have been approved, they death benefit will be payed out
What is the Law of Agency
Compliance with the rules of the insurance company
If an insurance broker writes a policy without discussing all the clients health issues, does the company have to honor the policy?
No, an insurance brokers authority does not extend to insurers. So the insurance company would refund the premium and not be obligated to pay any claims.
- It would be different it an AGENT of the company wrote this policy
Can a broker make insurance policies effective in any way?
NO, the broker is not party to the contract in any way
- AGENTs are the ones that are tied to the company and the policy
What is chapter 11 bankruptcy?
This is typically for individuals who do not qualify under ch 13 because they exceed the debt limitations or do not have a regular sourse of income
What is chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Reorganization: Payments to creditors are typically reduced to be more manageable
- Creditors cannot harass the debtor
- The advantage is that debtors generally do not have to relinquish assets
What is chapter 7 bankrupty?
Permits a debtor to claim either the “federal” exemptions or the exemptions available under state law. Basically this allows people to walk away from most of their debt, but will have assets seized
What is the cap on exemptions for an IRA or Roth?
$1 million
What is the cap on exemptions for a Rollover IRA?
**If the IRA income exceeds a debtor’s need it is not exempt
What accounts are considered exempt accounts?
SEPs, SIMPLEs, ERISA plans, and Deferred Compensation plans
Are 529s exempt from Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Yes, unless they were opened within 2 years of filing or a non-child/grandchild beneficiary
What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
- Consumers may review their files at anytime for a nominal fee but are entitled to one free report per year per reporting firm
- If consumers are denied credit, they have the right to receive a free copy of their file
- Only interested parties can access a consumers file
What is the Consumer Credit Protection Act (Truth in Lending Act)?
- Interest must be reported as annual percentage rate (APR)
- Credit terms must be disclosed, including fees, points, prepayment penalties, etc.
- Lost or stolen credit cards have limited liability of $50 per card