Season 4, E 06 Flashcards
take one day at a time
to deal with each day’s problems as they come instead of worrying about the future
// Take one day at a time and don’t expect things to change overnight.
How is james holding up?
I’m gonna need to vet them, no offense
assess, evaluate, appraise
Rumors and hearsay
it’s nothing but hearsay
Mean to
Intend to
// Well, they took on Gatwood, so I’ve been meaning to follow up
// I meant to go running this morning but got up too late
cheap and of low quality.
// cheesy motel rooms
// i know it sounds cheesy but, that’s the truthful.
have your cake and eat it too
He wants to stay with his wife but still see his girlfriend – talk about having your cake and eating it too!
wear a hair shirt
No one expects you to wear a hair shirt for the rest of your life
pressing need
I got a pressing need only $5000 will cure
I take it?
Just making the office a little more feng shui, I take it?
I take it that neither of you reads ‘The Times’.
difficulty, problem, a reversal or check in progress.
// a serious setback for the peace process”
We have full … of the place, there is no prying eyes
scrawny, barely alive
a scrawny tree that never bore fruit!
لاغر استخونی
مراقبت کردن
// who is tending the store in your absence?
// you mind your own business and I’ll tend to mine
It … turned into fruits, I didn’t tell anyone, I … one and hid it behind our …
bud, plucked, shack
دست و پا زدن، به خود پیچیدن
// the coati thrashed so hard, it broke out of the snare
// the wounded soldier was thrashing in agony
// thrash out
get off on the wrong foot
make a bad start
an awkward unsophisticated person
// you thought I was just some rube out looking to score a quick buck
I’m proposing if you let me sell my phones without hassle, I cut you in.
But then I stop selling, and you lose a valuable revenue stream.
// I appreciate the enthusiasm