Season 35 Flashcards
215 passengers were rescued when it sank in July 1918, about 500 fewer than it had rescued 6 years earlier
the Carpathia
Rolling Stone said this 1976 album had “the best and worst tendencies of L.A.-situated rock” was an “unflattering portrait of the milieu”
Hotel California
This author and illustrator who won the 1964 Caldecott Medal was dubbed the “Picasso of children’s books”
Maurice Sendak
The prototype for this game that was introduced in 1948 was called Lexico
David Livingstone wrote of this discovery of his, “Scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight”
Victoria Falls
It’s the only state to have had 4 female governors, 3 of whom served consecutively between 1997 and 2015
The death penalty has been carried out only once under Israeli law–in 1962, for this man
Adolf Eichmann
This noble gas is the second-lightest element
In the 1670s English author Charles Cotton built a fishing cabin on the banks of the River Dove to honor this friend and author
Izaak Walton
Resolving a decades-long dispute with its neighbor to the south, in 2019 this 28-year-old republic added “North” to its name
North Macedonia
An award for works of horror, dark fantasy and psychological suspense honors this author who came to fame with a 1948 short story
Shirley Jackson
19th c. boots made with India rubber made one quieter, leading to this slang term for one whose job involves surveillance
This character featured in a 1992 Time magazine cover story on “Hollywood and Politics” returned to television in 2018
Murphy Brown
For help with research, the author of this 2003 novel acknowledged the Louvre, Catholic World News and “five members of Opus Dei”
The Da Vinci Code
In 1955 King Paul of Greece unveiled a statue of this hero near the cliffs where he died in the 5th century B.C.
In 2017 this city celebrated its 375th birthday and the 50th anniversary of an event that made it an international tourist destination
Hoping to stop Dominican friar Johannes Tetzel from preaching for indulgences, in 1517 he wrote a series of debate topics
Martin Luther
This play opens in Vienna in 1823, 32 years after the death of its title character
In Homer there’s only one of these, from the Greek for “terrible”; later they became 3 scary sisters
the Gorgons
Meaning cobbled together, it once referred to a temporary fix replacing a broken mast on a ship
jury-rigged or jerry-rigged
9-letter name for an area of 10 million square miles–4/5 the size of Africa–but only about 120,000 square miles of it is dry land
The first mention of this locale is in Chretien de Troyes’ 12th century poem “Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart”
The first time this organization invoked Article 5 was on September 12, 2001
“Hard and sharp as flint…he iced his office in the dog-days; and didn’t thaw it one degree at Christmas”
Ebenezer Scrooge