What is linear search?
the process of starting at the beginning of the list and chronologically going through the list checking it against a criteria set
What is the advantages and disadvantages of a linear search?
A) easy to code, performs well with small and medium lists, does not break when new things are added into the list
D)slow to process large lists
What is binary search?
It the process of searching through larger data sets, the data is arranged in order. it works by finding the midpoint and asking whether its in the upper or lower parts of the sequence, then its repeated until it is found
What are the advantages and disadvantages of binary search?
A)good with larger lists
D)the list does not need to be in order, its a more complicated code, if stuff its added it gets slower
What is a merge sort?
its the process of breaking downs list by dividing them into 2 each time and it keeps going until it forms a lift of its own
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a merge sort?
A)fastest type of sort
D)more complicated compared to other