Search Warrants Flashcards
Search warrant process overview
1 - Gain prior approval 2 - Gain online approval 3 - Gain Issuing Officer authorisation 4 - Plan and brief search warrant execution 5 - Execute search warrant 6 - Report outcomes 7 - File investigation records
Practicable in the circumstances?
When considering whether applying for a search warrant is practicable, remember that in certain circumstances, with supervisor approval, you can:
• apply for a search warrant orally
• apply for a search warrant without approaching an issuing officer in person (by using the phone)
• secure a scene while you apply for a search warrant for a maximum period of 6 hours (section 117).
Note: If oral approval is sought, you must make an online application in the Search and Surveillance system as soon as possible and back-capture the required information.
Before making an on-line application
you must:
1. Be sure that there are:
• RGTS that an offence punishable by imprisonment has been, will be, is being, or is about to be committed, and
• RGTB that the search will find evidential material in respect of the offence in the place, vehicle, other thing or facility.
2. Have checked the target/s history in NIA for other search warrant applications / outcomes.
3. Have assessed the risks associated with executing the search warrant.
4. Have obtained initial approval from a supervisor at or above the rank of sergeant to proceed with the on-line application.
Search warrant risk assessment
Any search is inherently risky. These risks must be:
• identified
• assessed
• considered in planning how you execute the search warrant
The risks must be assessed before the application is approved and again before a search warrant is executed.
Special power – Section 117
Section 117 offers a special power when a search warrant application is pending.
If a search warrant application is about to be made or has been made and you are waiting to hear if it has been authorised, and you have RGTB that evidential material may be CADD or removed before the search warrant can be issued, you may:
• enter and secure a place, vehicle or other thing, and
• secure any item found there, and
• direct any person to assist with entry and securing the place or vehicle or securing items in it.
Special power – Section 117
can be exercised until?
Remember that section 117 authorises the securing of the address until a search warrant is obtained. It is not a search power.
The powers conferred by section 117(1) may be exercised until the first of the following occurs:
(a) the expiry of 6 hours from when the power is first exercised:
(b) the warrant is available for execution at that place or vehicle or in respect of that other thing:
(c) the application for a search warrant is refused.
Who can issue a search warrant?
Issuing Officers are the only people who may issue a search warrant. An Issuing Officer may be a: • District Court Judge • High Court Judge Or any person authorised by the Attorney General such as a: • Justice of the Peace • Community Magistrate • Registrar • Deputy Registrar
When will a search warrant be authorised?
When Issuing Officer is personally satisfied that RGTS offence punishable by imprisonment and RGTB that search will find evidential material relating to that offence.
An Issuing Officer may put restrictions on a search warrant, including:
• restricting the time when the search warrant can reasonably be executed
• requiring the occupier or person in charge of a place to provide reasonable assistance to the officer executing the search warrant
• requiring a report on the search warrant within a specified time
When the search warrant application is refused
When the Issuing Officer does not sign the search warrant application you should:
• record the Issuing Officers reasons for refusing to sign
• consider the issues raised and if possible re-draft the application, ensuring you have addressed these issues
• re-submit the application to the same Issuing Officer
Who may execute a search warrant?
The person to whom it is directed or any constable.
How long is a search warrant valid?
No more than 14 days from the date of issue, as specified by the Issuing Officer, or
No more than 30 days from the date of issue, as specified by the Issuing Officer, if you have justified why this is necessary and the Issuing Officer is satisfied.
When can a search warrant be executed?
- at any time that is reasonable under the circumstances, or
* at a restricted time required by the Issuing Officer as a condition of execution.
When is a search warrant considered executed?
When you (or anyone assisting you): • have seized the evidential material specified in the search warrant, or • leave the place, vehicle or other thing to be searched and do not return within 4 hours.
How often can a search warrant be executed?
- once, unless
- more than one execution is applied for, justified and authorised in the search warrant. You must detail the reason for the multiple entries.
Planning searches and assessing risk
However, risk assessment must be on-going and in preparing a search warrant execution plan you must:
• review and re-assess the identified risks
• work with others to identify and consider any further risks
• plan how to manage and minimise any identified risks
• determine how risk management will be communicated in your search warrant briefing
When executing a search warrant you may be required to use reasonable force to?
- enter the place, vehicle or other thing (section 131)
- search (on property only) and seize (section 110)
- carry out a search of a person (section 125)
Search warrant briefings? GSMEAC
Ground Situation Mission Execution Administration Communication
- location to be searched
- address
- neighbours
- reason for seeking the search warrant
* background on any suspect(s)
- address
- suspect(s)
- specific evidential material sought
- timings
- method of entry
- roles – O/C Scene, O/C Exhibits etc
- responsibilities
- obligations on entry
- managing suspects
- searching for evidential material
- recording evidential material
- assisting vulnerable people
- sequence of events
- managing risks and ensuring safety
- travel to and from the place to be searched under warrant
- timing of the search warrant execution
- recording of evidential material seized
- cell-phone numbers and radio channels
- before executing the search warrant
- during execution of the search warrant
- debrief
Additional powers
- securing a place, vehicle or other thing to be searched and excluding any person from there (section 116)
- powers of detention incidental to search of places or vehicles (section 118)
- powers of search by a person who has a power of arrest (section 119)
- stopping vehicles for search (section 121)
- moving vehicles for search / safekeeping (section 122)
- seizure of items in plain view (section 123)
- items of uncertain status may be seized (section 112)
Before or when you enter a place or vehicle you must?
- identify yourself by name or unique identifier (eg: QID)
- provide evidence of identity if not in uniform
- state the name of the Act and reason for your search
- announce your intention to enter and search
- provide a copy of the search warrant
When you exercise a power to search a person you may?
- detain the person to enable the search to be carried out (for as long as is reasonably necessary)
- use force that is reasonable for the purposes of the search
- search any item that the person is wearing, carrying or is in the person’s physical possession or immediate control
- seize anything carried by or in their physical possession or immediate control if the thing is the subject of the search or may be lawfully seized.
Stopping a vehicle for the purposes of search
Section 121 provides the power to stop a vehicle if you intend to search it.
You may use section 121 to stop a vehicle if you have authority to search the vehicle by:
• executing a search warrant or
• using a warrantless power
Executing a search warrant for a vehicle
Section 127 allows you to enter any place:
• to locate the vehicle to execute the search warrant if
• you have RGTB that the vehicle is there.
You are not required to specify a place for the vehicle to be located in the search warrant application. Your search warrant target is the vehicle.