Search Persons Flashcards
Explain S and S Act 2012 section 125
You must
-identify yourself
-state the name of enactment
-state the reason for search
Explain S and S Act 2012 s85
Under arrest or detained you may search to ensure they are not carrying anything that me used
-to harm any peron
-facilitate escape
Explain S and S Act 2012 s88
Arrest or detain and you have RGTB the person is carrying
-may be used to harm any person
-facilitate escape
-is EVIDENTIAL MATERIAL in relation to offence
Explain S and S Act 2012 s11
You may search any person who has been taken into lawful custody about to be locked up. After 85 or 88 search
Explain S and S Act 2012 s13
Any money or property taken under s11 must be returned when they are released unless
-possession is an offence
Explain S and S Act 2012 s92
Consent search
-prevent offence
-investigate possible offence
-protect life/property
-prevent injury/harm
Explain S and S Act 2012 s93
Before undertaking consent search
-determine search fits s92
-advise reason of search
-advise either consent or refuse seatch