Search introduction Flashcards
Purpose of S&S Act 2012 (3)
- Modernising the law of search, seizure, and surveillance to take into account advances in technologies and to regulate the use of those technologies.
- Providing rules that recognise the importance of the rights and entitlements affirmed in other enactments.
- Ensuring investigative tools are effective and adequate for law enforcement needs.
Lawful search
- With a search warrant or
- Under a warrantless search power or
- With the person’s consent
Reasonable search
Complies with section 21 of the NZ Bill of Rights Act and considers factors such as:
- The nature of the search
- How intrusive the search is
- Where and when the search takes place
Considerations for applying for a SW over a warrantless search power
- Is there time to gain approval and apply for a SW
- Can the scene be secured (117)
- Are reasonable resources available to minimise risk and ensure safety
- Is the evidential material at risk
- Location of the search and who may be present
Using a search warrant (3)
- Ensures judicial oversight.
- Provides greater protection for Police and the public.
- Requires recording and reporting of results.
Consent search (must be one reason)
- To prevent the commission of an offence.
- To investigate whether an offence has been committed.
- To protect life or property.
- To prevent injury or harm.
Undertaking a consent search
You must advise the person of the reason for the proposed search and they may consent or refuse to consent to the search.
Consent search and under 14 years
A person under 14 years is unable to consent to the search of a place, vehicle or other thing (unless they are found driving with no passenger of or over 14 years of age with authority to consent to the vehicle’s search).
Concealed, altered, destroyed, damaged
Section 131
- Identify yourself by name or by unique identifier
-. Provide evidence of identity if not in uniform
- Announce your intention to enter and search
- State the name of the Act
- Give notice by providing a copy of the search warrant
- Caution them
Section 110 (11)
- Enter and search the place, vehicle or other thing that you are authorised to enter and search.
- Search any items/s found in that place, vehicle or thing.
- Use reasonable force.
- Seize anything that is the subject of the search or anything else that may be lawfully seized.
- Request assistance with entry and search.
- Bring and use any equipment found on the place, vehicle or other thing.
- Bring and use a trained law enforcement dog and its handler.
- Copy any document that may be lawfully seized.
- Access a computer system or other data storage device.
- Copy intangible material.
- Take photographs, sound and video recordings and drawings.
Section 116
You can secure a place, vehicle or other thing to be searched and exclude any person from there.
Section 118
You can detain people when searching places and vehicles for the purposes of determining whether there is any connection between a person at the place or in or on the vehicle and the object of the search.
Section 119
- You can search people found when searching places and vehicles if you have RGTB that evidential material that is the object of the search is on that person or
- if you have RGTS that the person is in possession of a dangerous item that poses a threat to safety and you believe that immediate action is needed to address that threat.
Section 120
If you are in fresh pursuit and with RGTB that relevant evidential material is still on the person, you have the power to enter any place to apprehend the person and search the person or vehicle.