Search Engine Optimization Flashcards
What are some of the characteristics
of good, effective keywords?
- Target the right keywords
- Search Volume
- Relevancy
- Help seeking (vs. Research
- Reactive attachment disorder
- Anxiety
- Depression
- These terms are more research terms – these are not asking for help
- Likewise, people don’t type in these terms
- Counseling for new fathers
- Therapy for professional Women
- Adolescent Counseling
- Help seeking phrases
- Couples therapy vs. Marital Therapy
- Teen Counseling vs. Adolescent Counseling
- Target keywords popular in my geographic area to get more local results
What are some aspects of proper site structure?
- Have one page for every specialty and every term
- Same with blog posts – center it around one term
What are some characteristics of good content on my website/blog post?
- Landing pages should be 900-1000 words in length
- Blog posts should be at least 600 words.
- Landing pages and blog posts should both have a focus keyword, and should have unique titles and/or descriptions.
How long should my blog posts be -
and what sort of keywords should I focus on?
- My blog posts should be at least 600 words - more words don’t hurt.
- As for keywords, I should consider focusing on more of the long-tail keywords that have less competition.
- Examples of these include sub-topics of each specialty page :
- Treating depression without medication
- The difference between anxiety and stress
- How to argue in a healthy way with your partner
- My posts are much more likely to rank in Google if I use these long-tail keywords
- Examples of these include sub-topics of each specialty page :
Should I leave my comments open on my blog posts?
- I could test it out
- CounselingWise generally recommends that you turn the Comments section off when it comes to private practice blogs
What should I blog about in my Therapy website?
- Blog about sub-sets of my specialities.
- What are the most common issues come to see me for - or subsets of those issues?
- E.g., Couples Therapy
- Parenting Issues
- Intimacy Issues
- Communication
- Depressed
- How to get up in the morning
- How to communicate with one’s partner
- Blog about the common questions or concerns that people talk to me about in my private practice.
How should I format my blog posts for my website?
- Use bolded headers throughout the text
- Use bullets - if applicable
- Use lists - if applicable
- Avoid large chunks of text
What is a good metatitle, and how to I write a good one?
- A metatitle is a description of a page for the search engines & users. it’s the text that appears in blue when you do a search in Google.
- Beneath the metatitle is the URL for the page/post
- Below that is the metadescription
- The following tips are important for Metatitles:
- Should be 70 characters or less
- It should describe the page
- It should include the focus keyword
- Include Location (if it fits)
- Include business name (if it fits)
What is a long-tail keyword, and why is it important?
- A long tail keyword is a keyword (or, rather, a search that has been made on the internet) which is really specific to something that the searcher is looking for.
- So, if, for example, you’re selling exterior paint, your research may lead you to discover that there are real people (your potential customers) out there who have asked “can exterior paint be used on interior walls”, for example.
- These are good to use in blog posts, in order to improve my chances of ranking.
According to Micheal Hyatt,
how do you get started building an audience?
How do you find your voice or the ‘one thing’ to focus on?”
- The most important thing in building an audience is that dreaded word we’ve used already: consistency. I don’t care if it’s once a week, three times a week, or five times a week. Start small. Make sure, no matter what, you follow that schedule. Slow and steady wins the race usually.
- The other thing I would say is the way to find your voice and to find your focus is just to experiment. Start with what you’re passionate about. Once you establish a following, people will read you just to get your perspective. They won’t really care what you write about on because they like the way you think and because they are following you.
- So consistency is key, along with being experimental until you figure it out.
According to Michael Hyatt,
what are the 3 keys to building a thriving platform?
Our platorm needs to reflect the intersection of the following qualities in order to thrive.
- Passion
- Competencee
- Market Demand
According to Michael Hyatt,
how do we determine if there market demand for a given subject?
And how to we write about unique topics
that people are interested in?
- Here is a simple way to start. I would start with the Google Keyword Tool. So just Google that phrase to find it: Google Keyword Tool.
- This will tell you how many people in any given month are searching for a phrase or a term.
- As for unique topics, see if there are other website where people are talking about this topic. The more, the merrier. I would not worry about the fact that it’s not unique. What makes your topic unique is you. Your stories and your personality are what gives it its uniqueness.”
- So again, start with the Google Keyword Tool. That’s where I would start. Then look for validation that there are other sites that are out there and seem to be monetizing it around your particular topic or interest area
How does Michael Hyatt balance the desire to begin with wow
and the need to launch?”
- The best way I know to manage this is with a deadline. Sometimes We get right up to the deadline. Thenunless it’s just awful, we ship it.
- Same with blogging. I kind of have that sinking feeling like, “Oh, if I’d only had another hour, if I’d only had another half a day…” I could have made it so much better
- Sometimes things just need to get done. In fact, if you try to make everything a wow, you’ll just wear yourself out. You wear your team out. You have to be strategically selective and decide what has to be a wow, realizing all the while that if you don’t ship it, it doesn’t matter.
- “Don’t worry, be crappy” is a good motto in this regard. You can always fix and improve things later.
According to Michael Hyatt,
what are 4 essential steps in building a platform?
- Creating a great home base is job #1. Until you do that, you’re really kind of wasting your time out there in social media land because you have nothing to refer people to.
- You’re not going to do that on Facebook. You’re not going to do that on LinkedIn. You have to do that on your home base and point people back to the home base.
- Content is king. Platform is queen. It takes both to be successful. I would personally build the platform first. You’ll be able to build the products out of all the content you generate in building your platform.
- if you really care about your products and you really want to get an audience for them, you have to build a platform. I would say do that first and develop your content as you go.
What does MIchael Hyatt have to say
about the balance between what we think people want to hear versus what we want to say?
- There is not always or even usually a correlation between what I think will be popular and what actually is popular.
- However, it’s really important to ask why something worked or didn’t work. The goal is to find that sweet spot that exists at the intersection of our passion, our skills, and market demand, but we can’t give up too early. Sometimes it just takes time to build a following.
- Don’t be surprised when you publish something that is just kind of a throwaway, but it goes crazy.
- Don’t also be surprised when you work so hard on something that just kind of sinks without a ripple, nothing but crickets. That’s just normal, but learn from it and let it inform the way you develop your platform. Don’t give up on your vision, but you just have to get smarter about getting it out there.
Other than keepingtrack of unique visitors,
what information should we use
Google Analytics to measure - and why?”
Unique visitors. Yes, visitor count is important, the number of unique individuals who come to your website on a monthly basis.
2. Page views. If you’re going to monetize your blog, that is what you’re going to be selling. That is what advertisers are interested in buying is a certain number of page views. You also want to pay attention to the ratio between this and your visitor account.
You should be able to generate two or three more page views per visit. So if you have people who are coming who are only looking at one page (in other words, your page views equals your unique visitor account), they’re not hanging around. You probably
need to add more internal links to other content on your site that keep them on your site while they’re there. So page views is another metric. -
Site speed. Speed kills, or to say it another way, really slow speed kills. Google now measures this in assessing how to rank you. So you want your site to be as fast as you can get it so people don’t give up and bounce off the site because it takes too long for
your page to load. So pay particular attention to the size of your images, to the number of plug-ins you have installed. All that stuff, if you’re not careful, will slow down your speed and decrease your ranking with Google. - Mobile visitors. If you’re getting a lot of mobile traffic, people accessing your site on Android devise or iOS devices, you want to make sure your site is mobile-friendly.
According to Michael Hyatt, what is a productive way of viewing the relationship between bloggng and podcasting?
- Have your podcasts transcribed and turn them into blog posts.
- Or go the other way. My podcasts often start as a blog post and then I decide to podcast that, but you can do the exact opposite way, as well.
- So if you have content, don’t get hung up on how you’re sharing it. There is a way to get it out there.
What is “Evergreen content”?
- Evergreen content, as the term defines itself, is a content that never relies on current trends and is simply an informational or reference material that somehow never goes out of date
- Good evergreen material can be used over and over by the general public, creating a built-in guarantee of continuing hits. The quality of the content in terms of its presentation, clarity, and usefulness will go a long way towards dictating the popularity of the site.
What is anchor text?
- Anchor text is the visible characters and words that hyperlinks display when linking to another document or location on the web.
- E.g., “Jon Wye’s Custom Designed Belts” might be the anchor text for
- Search engines use this text to help determine the subject matter of the linked-to document
What are the three essential aspects of a good website?
- It sets me apart from the masses and grabs the attention of my potential clients.
- Once attention has been capture, I provide even more value to my potential clients (they stay longer and are more impressed)
- Once attention has been captured and I have provided value to my client, I create a way to keep in touch with them - until they are ready to come in.
What are the criteria for a Step 1 Website?
- Does the site let the visitor know - within 1-2 seconds of their arrival - that they are in the right place for good information about their specific issue.
* Put yourself in the place of someone looking for a therapist who can help you with relationship issues. - Give them a very clear path to follow to find out more about their specific issue.
- Talk to them about their specific issue in such detail that there is NO QUESTION that you know what they’re feeling
- Tell them what to do next (Call to Action)
How do I keep my Flesch-Kincaid (Readability) Level low?
- Write about one idea at a time.
- Keep your sentences short. The fewer words between periods the lower your score. While a few long sentences are not bad and add variety, aim for less rather than more.
- Five sentences per paragraph is a good amount. Some will be shorter, a few longer but break up text often for greater ease of reading. Some paragraphs can be as short as one or two sentences.
- Use words with as few syllables as possible. For instance use the word big instead of enormous.
- Include dialogue in your writing when possible. Natural conversation tends to be short and direct. It also adds interest to an article.
What is the 7-part structure, according to CounselingWise?
(This card is not complete)
The solution – this is the part that gives hope. Don’t get too involved in your actual technique. Client’s can’t relate to this, and it could freak them out in some ways. We can also handle whatever they are going through.
The explanation – this is where we bring back the problem and let the client know they are not alone.
Objections – bring up the most common objections/fears/resistance the people have about coming to therapy for this issue.
Social proof – this increases trust. This can include testimonials from other professionals. You can also use case studies.
Uniqueness – what is it that is unique to me that set you apart?
Call to Action – tell them what to do next? Don’t assume they know. Give them a quiz to complete or a report to download.
According to CounselingWise,
what are the factors that help with Conversion Rate?
- Average Session Duration. The longer a visitor stays on my site, the more likely they are to convert.
- Page Views. The more pages a person views on my website, the more likely they are to convert
According to CounselingWise,
how do I get people to stay longer on my site?
Provide value to the client in the form of good, relevant content.
This leads to:
- Users staying longer
- Users forming a stronger impression about me
- Users even developing a bond with me
According to CounselingWise:
- How do we create good, relevant content on our site, in order to get users to stay longer?
- What should happen when a potential clients cliks on a blog post?
- How does this help our ranking with search engines?
- You do it with blog posts
- The article should be insightful about their issues.
- They stay and read it
- They begin to think “this therapist could really help me.”
- They think “I guess I’m not the only one,” and their shame dissapates a bit.
- With regards to Search Engines
- They notice that people are staying longer on my site
- They take a liking to my site because I’m providing their customers with a positive search experience
- I end up ranking higher for relevant search terms
According to CounselingWise,
how to we create blog posts that add value to our site?
- Look at each of my specialities, and jot down the most frequently asked questions that my clients pose to me - ones that you know you’re clients would like to read.
- For example:
- What is ADHD?
- What causes ADHD?
- How to I know if I have ADHD?
- Is medication the only treatment for ADHD?
- How can therapy help with ADHD?
- For example:
- Also use keyword researc tools, and then determine what you come up with represent relevant questions.
According to CounselingWise, what are the three aspects to an exceptional therapy website?
- Make your site engaging
- Provide your potential clients with value through helpful, relevant blog posts.
According to CounselingWise, what is the best approach to take to our website and blog posts as far as clients are concerned?
- Develop a problem orientation and mirror the client’s pain back to them.
- Talk to the client’s pain, and help them see that you have answers.
What is the 7 part marketing structure recommended by CounselingWise?
First, you need to some prep work through the Dig Deep Exercise (1-2 hours)
- Feel the feelings so that you can really relate to you potential client.
- Three important questions
- What keeps my potential client awake at night, in pain or just frustrated, lying in bed, eyes wide open, and staring at the ceiling?
- What is their single biggest frustration (related to my offer) that causes them the most pain and frustration?
- What do they secretly, and privately desire most? Become your potential client and just finish this sentence. “If I could just _________?”
After that:
- Talking to the problem the person is having
- Talk to the solution
- Provide an explanation
- Think about - and answer - their objections
- Offer a proof piece
- Talk about my uniqueness
- Present a call to action
According to CounselingWise, what is the purpose of the problem section of the 7-point structure?
The problem part of the message is meant to get the attention of your potential client by mirroring back their issues/pain. in addition to that, it’s helpful to normalize their problem.
According to CounselingWise,
what are the 3 Steps to a Smart Therapist Website?
- Get the attention of prospective clients
- Provide more value
- Keep in Touch
According to CounselingWise,
what is the purpose of a blog structure for a therapy website?
And what is the value of blog posts for a therapy website?
- It allows me to provide very good content to my visitors
- It provides this informaiton in a format and a structure that they can find.
- Blog posts are not only about more pages and more value, but they are also about attracting visitors to my site.
What can I do within my power to help potential clients remember me?
- I can get to the magic number of 12 contacts, since 80% of sales are made on the 5th - 12th contact.
- I can stay “Top of Mind”
- Show up again and again - with VALUE - so that your e-mail that and their motivation intersect.
According to CounselingWise,
what is the best way to use my e-mail list to stay in touch with clients and prospective clients?
- Send them something that is valuable - informative, educational, or helpful.
- Send them a blog post/newsletter 1-2 times a month.
- Segment your list by specialty and send them only relevant information
- You can also set up a 2-month sequence ahead of time so they get pre-set set of e-mails from me.
According to CounselingWise,
what results can we anticipate if we do a good job of staying in touch with our e-mail list?
- Expect people who came to my site months ago to suddenly become clients.
- Expect old clients to come back more often (if they are still on my list)
- Once your list has grown to several hundred people, you can expect to get a few clients each time you send it.
- If you do group work or workshops, fill them much more easily!
According to CounselingWise,
what’s an acceptable bounce rate for at therapist website?
Becky DeGrossa states that a good bounce rate for a therapist website should be in the 50s or very low 60s - this is pretty good if we’re getting a fair amount of traffic.
According to Justin Wise, what is the goal of social media?
What is social media NOT about?
Social Media is about:
- Social Media is a relational platform
- The goal is to start, grow, and nuture relationships
Social media is NOT about:
- Being a sales channel
- It is not about generating direct sales - that is not the purpose of social media.
“Asking for the close on social media is like making out in church. You can do it, but it’s highly frowned upon.”
What is the Know-Like-Trust-Build Spectrum?
- Know is about increasing awareness. How many people know who we are?
- Like involves engagement. How many people like who we are and interact with us?
- Trust is conversion or commitment. How many people are converting or committing to what it is that we put in front of them?
- Build is all about advocacy. How many people are advocating on our behalf? Who is taking action when we ask them to take action? Who is willfully telling people about us on social without any coercive measures?
What are the top three mistakes that Justin Wise
sees organizations making on Social Media?
Selling a product, blasting out information, or singing your own praises.
These are probably the top three mistakes I see organizations making on social media again and again and again.
What is the Twitter strategy that is recommended by Justin Wise for getting new followers?
- Find the hashtag of a conference you’re going to be at. Maybe an industry-related one.
- Find the hashtag of a popular Twitter chat related to your business. I use #BufferChat often.
I want you to favorite 100 tweets from the hashtag.
Make sure they’re actually interesting. But favorite 100. No more. No less.
In the next 12 hours you’ll add 8-10 new followers. Guaranteed.
Now 8-10 may not seem like a lot. But if you do this every day for 30 days you’ve got hundreds of new followers.
And the best part? They are all related to a topic you care about.
This is how how you grow your Twitter channel.
This is also how you increase your targeted connections.
A friend of mine once said a favorite is like a “virtual high-five”.
I agree 100%.
A high-five doesn’t cost you anything. Plus it makes people feel good (yourself included!).
You’ll see hundreds of favorites if you look at my profile.
There’s a reason.
I’m adding 80-100 new followers per day from this one tactic alone.
These aren’t randoms either.
They are people and brands connected to the topics I am most knowledgable and passionate about.
I focus on Twitter growth because it’s a “top of the funnel” channel for me.
The more people I can connect with in a meaningful way the more our business grows.
Twitter helps facilitate those connections.
In short:
Twitter ≠ more business.
People = more business.
Make sure you know your “why?” before you start.
Once you do…start high-fiving!
According to CounselingWise, should we have images on our blog?
What types of images should we have on our post.
- Yes! Blog posts with relevant images get 94% more views than blog posts without relevant images. Images naturally grab the reader’s attention
- The human brain processes images much quicker than text.
- Images are more likely to be liked and clicked on Social Media
- Images increase reader engagement - vistors will stay on my sight longer.
- Images can communicate my message beyond what words can express - and can convey empathy.
- Images make content more memorable
- Use relevant, relatable images that convey the emotions of the post.
- We can create graphics with just the post title - at
- Avoid cheesy, posed stock photos that may look fake or make the reader feel as though they are being mocked.
According to CounselingWise, should we accept blog posts from others (guest posts)?
- Why is this person wanting to contact me in the first place
- They may want a backlink from my site to improve their ability to rank.
- If I am a well-known expert in my niche, it could improve the writer’s credibility.
- Know what the person is after - what is their motivation.
- It is a good idea to accept high-quality articles that work with my site and are a benefit to my readers?
- Is the message consistent with what I would write myself?
- Where is this article going to link out to? Check out the site to make sure that it is a quality site, and not one that would harm my site if I were to link to it.
- Create guest post guidelines if I want to purse this. Check these out at
- Once I have guest post guidelines, I can seek out guest posters and refer them to my guidelines. If they agree, then we have a deal.
According to Liz Lockard,
how long does it take to see results from my SEO efforts?
- It can take anywhere from 3, 6 or 12 months to see results.
- There are three things that make SEO take as long as it does
- How much are we engaged in outreach efforts in order to get links back to my site? How much are we consistnly publishing content that our ideal audience is looking for - and promoting it? These factors are within our control.
- Am I competitors doing a better job of this than I am?
- What is the Search Engine doing to update its formula to decide what the ranking factors are?
According to Michael Hyatt, what is involved in making a committment to my blog?
- Make a commitment to work on my blog
- If is just going to be a hobby – fine
- But if I want to take it to the next level, I’m going to need to put in substantive, consistent time.
- Write down why this is important for me – and what is at stake
- Come up with a strategy
- Schedule the time – and keep the commitment
According to Michael Hyatt,
why it is important to humanize my brand?
Because people distrust institutions these days – as such, anything that I can do to humanize my brand, the better.
What is Michael Hyatt’s approach to goal-setting?
- Write down my goals
- Get clear on why this is important to me (My why)
- Develop a clear time-management strategy (My how)
- Enter it into my calendar as an appointment
- What would it take to make that goal become a reality?
What are Michael Hyatt’s recommendations
about blogging consistently?
- Decide on a writing schedule that I can stick with that is regular and predictable
- Get consistent about writing once a week at least before building up to twice a week.
- This builds trust with your audience
- Slow and steady wins the race!
How often should we post to Facebook and Twitter,
according to Michael Hyatt?
He recommends posting to Twitter and Facebook at least twice a day
What are Michael Hyatt’s
recommended ways of conducting market research?
- Use the Google Keyword Tool to find out how many people are looking for a word or a term in any given month
- This is one of the most basic ways to conduct market research
- Are there other websites that talk about this topic? Great – look at what they are focusing on – especially if they are monetizing around my topic or interest area
What are some best principles for conversion copywriting?
- Ask yourself this question about the prospect for whom you’re writing: “What was going on in your life that brought you to us today?”
- Pain Aware people respond to seeing solutions to their pain, or even their pain itself.
- Solution Aware people respond to high-level benefits – so don’t think of the problem, folks, think of the solution.
- Problem Aware people realize they have a problem … but they have no idea how to solve it.
What are some catastrophic tips for increasing conversions?
Because poor web copy doesn’t read smoothly, stir emotions, influence behaviors, or make explicit calls to action—it feels purposeless—and that’s just bad marketing.
- Be clear. “Clearness is secured by using words that are current and ordinary.” – Aristotle. If you wouldn’t use a phrase in a personal conversation with a customer, then don’t use it in your web copy. Clarity is the key to mutual understanding between you and your customers.
- Be concise. Every single word used in your web copy should add value for the reader and act as a critical part of your argument or purpose. Cut out excessive language whenever possible and aim for an average sentence length of about 16 words.
- Make It About Them. As straightforward as this seems, many companies fail to reflect this principle in their web copy. Instead of saying “We do inbound marketing” try something like “Increase your web traffic and leads with irresistible content.
- Break up the page with subheads and bullets. A study from the Nielsen Norman Group found that 79% of readers skim, while only 16% read every word on a page. Breaking up your page with subheads and bullets will make it easier for those 79% to digest the copy—and ultimately take a desired action—on your website.
- Avoid overuse of buzzwords. Don’t betray your web copy by leaving its reader without a clue for what to do next. The call to action (CTA) is one of the most important aspects of web copywriting and, as such, it can be one of the most difficult to master. I recommend subscribing to the email list on to receive regular emails about A/B-tested marketing campaigns (yes, CTAs are included).
- Know Your Audience. More specifically, know their pain points and address them in your web copy. Figure out why people buy your product or service, how they buy it, what they use it for, and what really matters to them.
Why is it important to reach out to a “Starving Crowd?”
“What advantage do you want?” they ask.
“The only advantage I want,” I reply…
“Is… A Starving Crowd!”
Think about it. When it comes to direct marketing, the most profitable habit you can cultivate is the habit of constantly being on the lookout for groups of people (markets) who have demonstrated that they are starving (or, at least hungry) for some particular product or service.