Search and unemployment Flashcards
Unemployment rate
Participation rate
Employment/population ratio
(Q-U) / N
Vacancy rate
A / (A + Q - U)
Beveridge curve
Unemployment rate and vacancy rate are negatively correlated
Welfare of unemployed worker increases with:
Unemployment benefit increasing
Frequency at which workers receive job offers
Welfare of employed worker decreases with:
the separation rate
Reservation wage
Wage at which unemployed worker is just indifferent between accepting and declining a job offer.
Determining unemployment rate in the search model in words (one period model)
Separation rate * employment rate = Unemployment rate * frequency at which wage offer arrives * fraction of workers receiving a job offer
Determining unemployment rate in the search model equation (one period model)
s(1-U) = UpH(W*)
Increase in unemployment benefits (B) (one period model)
Raises w* and Unemployment
Increase in job offer rate (p)
Raises reservation wage, lowers unemployment
Matching equation
M = e*m(Q,A)
The payoff of staying at home equals the payoff from a match. this depends on…
Unemployment benefit
Labour market tightness
Difference between market wage and the Unemployment benefit
In equilibrium, what must k equal
expected payoff for the firm from posting the vacancy