Sea-Level Change Part 1 Flashcards
What is Sea-Level?
Average level of the ocean’s surface. Snapshot or a moment in time. Elevation at a particular point in time.
What is Relative Sea-Level?
observed change in water level at a particular point (relative to the level of the nearby land)
Relative SL is what you experience.
What drives Relative Sea Level?
- Isostacy
- Gravity effects
- Tectonics
- Subsidence
- Sea Surface Temperature differences
- Meteorological forcing
- Ocean currents
What is Eustatic Sea Level?
alteration to the global sea levels due to change in either the volume of water in the world oceans or net changes in the volume of the ocean basins.
- The big picture
- It is impossible to measure directly
How much does global sea level change per year?
3.3 mm per year
How much does VA and Mississippi sea level change per Year?
Mississippi - ~11mm/yr
VA - ~5mm/r
What are the drivers of Ecstatic Sea Level: volume of water?
- Changes in total ocean water mass
- Changes in the size of the ocean basin
- Density changes of the water (thermal expansion)
How is water added to the system?
Through Volcanism (Think of BLAG and Uplift Weather Hypothesis)
How does vulcanism add water?
o Release of CO2 in the atmosphere from mid ocean ridges and subduction zones.
o This drives up the temperatures, melts ice, and puts more water into the ocean driving up sea level.
o Also has a release of volcanic water vapor. This transports water from the mantle and asthenosphere into the active system over time (active water cycle).
How do you get rid of water?
How much of the mantle is made up of water?
How much water is subducted?
What are some active water reservoirs?
o Atmosphere (water vapor)
o Ice (mountain glaciers, ice sheets, NOT sea ice)
o Lakes, River, ground water
o Human influences: dams, water use, etc
How have paper mills in Hampton Roads played a role in increasing relative sea level?
In our area, papermills extract ground water directly and once through the system, are directly deposited into the water body. This contributes directly to sea level rise.)
Steric effects
how expanded or contracted that water is. As the heat in the atmosphere gets circulated into the ocean (through ocean circulation), right down to the bottom water, heat then expands the deep oceans the entire warms. For every one degree it does so, global sea level goes up by 80cm.