Sea floor spreading Flashcards
What is seafloor spreading?
It is when plaits move apart.
Why do plates move apart, or at all?
Because of convection cells.
How does the earth recycle itself?
In deep-sea trenches or continents edges, it gets subducted and then is pushed back up eventually.
Where is the lithosphere pulled into?
It is pulled into the mantle.
What floor subducts first, the older or newer seafloor?
The older seafloor goes into the mantle.
Who is Harry Hess?
He had the theory of seafloor spreading.
What material sinks into the seafloor?
The denser seafloor.
What is subduction?
It is where one plate slides under another.
Who is Wegner?
It is the theory of Pangea.
What is the evidence that the plates used to fit together?
Continents fit together, and same plants and animals, rocks found on several continents.
What is the most powerful force on earth?
It is plate tectonics.
What happens when it is continent to continent?
It creates convergent plate boundaries.
What happens when one plate is oceanic and continental plates?
One of them will subduct.
What are volcanoes?
It is when a continent is in a line on continental plates.
What happens when two continental plates converge?
It is when they come together to create a mountain.
What happens at transform faults?
They create massive earthquakes very often.
Where is San Andreas Fault at?
It is California and between Pacific American plats.
What is the location of the Rocky mountains?
Canada to New Mexico.
What is the height of the Rocky mountains?
It is 4,401 m tall.
What is the climate of the Rocky mountains?
It has permanent snow.
What is the length of the rocky mountains?
It is 4800 km.
What is the peak shape of the Rocky mountains?
It is a triangle shape.
What is the location of the Appalachian mountain?
It is from Canada to Alabama.
What is the height of the Appalachian mountain?
It is 6,684 m tall.
What is the climate of the Appalachian mountain?
It is warm and short winter.
What is the length of the Appalachian mountains?
It is 3200 km.
what is the peak shape of the Appalachian mountains?
It is round and smooth.
Where is the Himalayan located?
In India.
What is the height of the Himalayan?
it is 29032 m.
What is the climate of the Himalayan mountains?
it is cold and has permanent snow.
What is the length of the Himalayans?
It is 2400 km.
What is the peak shape of the Himalayan mountains?
It is an hourglass shape.
How deep is the Marina trench?
It is 12000 m.