SE01-EP1 Flashcards
A large lump on the back of a person, caused by an unusual curve in the spine.
Ex: Does the guy have hump and a hairpiece? That wants to go out with you?
Go through sth
To experience or suffer sth
Ex: phoebe : Wait! Does he eat chalk? I don’t want Monica to go through what I did with Carl.
كلاه گيس
A piece of false hair worn to make your own hair look longer or thicker .
intestine BrE / ɪntestɪn / NAmE / ɪntestɪn / noun [ usually plural ]
a long tube in the body between the stomach and the anus . Food passes from the stomach to the small intestine and from there to the large intestine.
ex: I feel like someone grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth.
all of a sudden
quickly and unexpectedly
- All of a sudden someone grabbed me around the neck.
BrE / ɔrə /
NAmE / ɔrə /
~ (of sth)
a feeling or particular quality that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place
ex: - She always has an aura of confidence.
- The mountains have a magical aura.
murky BrE / mɜki / NAmE / mɜrki / adjective ( murk • ier , murki • est )
1 ( of a liquid ) not clear; dark or dirty with mud or another substance
- She gazed into the murky depths of the water.
2 ( of air, light, etc. ) dark and unpleasant because of smoke, fog , etc
-a murky night
3 ( disapproving or humorous ) ( of people’s actions or character ) not clearly known and suspected of not being honest
-He had a somewhat murky past.
-the murky world of arms dealing
Focus on
Ex: why does everyone keep fixating on that? ( گير دادن )
in an uncontrolled way
strip joint
A nightclub or other establishment where striptease is performed.
Ex: Let’s pick up bitches in the strip joint.
sob verb, noun BrE / sɒb / NAmE / sɑb / verb ( -bb- )
1 [ intransitive ] to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths
- I heard a child sobbing loudly.
- He started to sob uncontrollably.
2 [ transitive ] to say sth while you are crying
+ speech ‘I hate him,’ she sobbed.
- ~ sth (out) He sobbed out his troubles.
بدون كافئين
Ex: - Can I get you some coffee?
- Decaf!
Gravy boat
جا سسي
- Limoges gravy boat
Turn sb on
N: turn-on
To make sb excited or interested, especially sexually
- Jazz has never really turned me on.
- She gets turned on by men in uniform.
Get out of sth
To leave or go out of a place
- she screamed at me to get out.
Drift apart
To become less friendly or close to sb
- As children we were very close, but as we grew up we just drifted apart.
- money isn’t an issue.
pipe organ
a large musical instrument with keys like a piano. Sounds are produced by air forced through pipes
She plays the organ in church.
BrE / wɪskə(r) /
NAmE / wɪskər /
1 any of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of a cat, mouse, etc.
بچه گربه
BrE / sleɪ /
NAmE / sleɪ /
درشکه سورتمه
a sledge (= a vehicle that slides over snow), especially one pulled by horses
-a sleigh ride
mitten BrE / mɪtn / NAmE / mɪtn / ( also mitt ) noun
a type of glove that covers the four fingers together and the thumb separately
BrE / əweɪ /
NAmE / əweɪ /
3 not present
SYN: absent
-There were ten children away yesterday.
- Sorry, he’s away.
-~ from sb/sth She was away from work for a week.
- Me and chandler live right across the hall and he’s away a lot.
hit on sb
to start talking to sb to show them that you are sexually attracted to them ,to flirt with sb
or somebody/something/somewhere |somebody/something/somewhere or other ( informal )
used when you are not exactly sure about a person, thing or place
- He’s a factory supervisor or something.
- ‘Who said so?’ ‘Oh, somebody or other. I can’t remember who it was.’