SDLC Flashcards
- What are the steps in the software development lifecycle?
It’s typically divided into six to eight steps:
Planning, Requirements, Design, Build, Document, Test, Deploy, Maintain.
What is Waterfall methodology?
Waterfall Model methodology which is also known as Liner Sequential Life Cycle Model. Waterfall Model followed in the sequential order, and so project development team only moves to next phase of development or testing if the previous step completed successfully.
Explain the benefits and drawbacks of Waterfall methodology
- It is one the easiest model to manage. Because of its nature, each phase has specific deliverables and a review process.
- It works well for smaller size projects where requirements are easily understandable.
- Faster delivery of the project
- Process and results are well documented.
- Easily adaptable method for shifting teams
What is the Agile methodology?
Agile methodology is a practice that helps continuous iteration of development and testing in the software development process. In this model, development and testing activities are concurrent, unlike the Waterfall model. This process allows more communication between customers, developers, managers, and testers.
Explain the benefits and drawbacks of Agile methodology
- It is focused client process. So, it makes sure that the client is continuously involved during every stage.
- Agile teams are extremely motivated and self-organized so it likely to provide a better result from the development projects.
- Agile software development method assures that quality of the development is maintained
- The process is completely based on the incremental progress. Therefore, the client and team know exactly what is complete and what is not. This reduces risk in the development process.
- List some of the principles declared in the Agile manifesto
The four core values of Agile software development
- individuals and interactions over processes and tools;
- working software over comprehensive documentation;
- customer collaboration over contract negotiation; and.
- responding to change over following a plan.
5 main Agile methodologies:
Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), Lean Devolopment, & Crystal
What is Scrum and its main features?
- Scrum,
Scrum is characterised by cycles or stages of development, known as sprints, and by the maximisation of development time for a software product towards a goal, the Product Goal. This Product Goal is a larger value objective, in which sprints bring the scrum team product a step closer.
What is Kanban and its main features?
- Kanban,
the Kanban method is organised on a board or table (Kanban board), divided into columns, showing every flow within the software production project. As the development evolves, the information contained in the table changes, and whenever a new task comes into play, a new “card” is created.
What is Extreme Programming (XP) and its main features?
- Extreme Programming (XP)
based around the idea of discovering “the simplest thing that will work” without putting too much weight on the long-term product view.emphasises values such as Communication, Simplicity, Feedback, Courage and Respect, and prioritises customer satisfaction over everything else.
What is Lean Development and its main features?
- Lean Development
Lean development forces the team to ruthlessly remove any activity that does not bring ultimate value to the product.
There are seven essential principles: deleting things that do not matter, quality development, creating knowledge, differing commitments, fast delivery, respecting the team, optimise the whole
What is Crystal and its main features?
- Crystal.
Crystal is one of the most flexible frameworks, giving tremendous freedom to the team to develop their own processes. It focuses way more on individuals and how they interact rather than on the process or the tools – so communication is an essential key aspect.
The core of this development process is interaction and symbiosis, which have to exist between the people allocated to the projects and processes in order to bring efficiency to the project.
What are the Scrum Ceremonies?
Scrum Ceremonies in order
1.Sprint planning
- Daily stand-up.
3.Sprint review
4.Sprint retrospective
Explain Spirit Planning?
1.Sprint planning
creates a road map for the upcoming product development sprint. the team consults the backlog
Explain Daily stand-up?
- Daily stand-up
also called the daily Scrum, informal gatherings designed to help identify any roadblocks and allow team members to describe their current tasks, goals, and obstacles.
Explain Sprint Review?
3.Sprint review
. The Scrum team, Scrum Master, and product owner meet with other teams, managers, and executives to showcase what they accomplished during the sprint
Explain Spirit Retrospective?
4.Sprint retrospective
During this last phase, the development team, the Scrum Master, and the product owner meet to discuss the sprint’s successes, challenges, and insights. The retrospective usually lasts around an hour.
- How long is a typical sprint?
Sprint in agile is normally 1 week to 1 month
- What is a “standup” and what should you report about your work?
also called the daily Scrum, informal gatherings designed to help identify any roadblocks and allow team members to describe their current tasks, goals, and obstacles. usually lasts no longer than 15 minutes
the 3 daily standup questions are:
- What did you do yesterday?
- What will you do today?
- Anything blocking your progress?
- What is the role of a “Scrum master” in a project? What about the “Product owner”?
A Scrum Master leads the Agile development team and supports the Product Owner by relaying updates to relevant employees.
Product Owners manage the product backlog and ensure the company gains maximum value from the product
- Explain the following metric/chart: burndown chart
A burndown chart shows the amount of work that has been completed in a time-boxed sprint (or epic) and how much work remains.
Explain the following metric/chart: sprint velocity
A velocity chart displays the average amount of work your team is completing during a sprint or iteration. It can be measured either in issues, story points, or hours.
What is a Scrum board? Have you used any software tools for your team’s Scrum board.
A Scrum board is a tool used to help organize a Scrum project and add progress visibility. A Scrum board was initially a physical board, such as a whiteboard with sticky notes or cue cards attached.