Scull, Meninges, Gross brain Flashcards
What are the 3 parts of the cranial fossae
Anterior, Middle, Posterior
What seperates the anterior and middle cranial fossae
spehnoidal crest
What seperates the middle and posterior cranial fossa
superior border of petrous part of temporal bone
Anterior cranial fossa is formed by which bones
Frontal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid
Which lobe of the brain does the anterior cranial fossa hold
frontal lobes
Which bones make up the middle cranial fossa
Sphenoid, parietal, temporal (petrous)
What part of the brain does the middle cranial fossa hold
temporal lobes
Which fossa does the temporal lobe sit in
Which fossa does the frontal lobe sit in
anterior cranial fossa
Which bones make up the posterior cranial fossa
parietal, temporal, occipital
Which parts of the brain does the posterior cranial fossa hold
cerebellum and brainstem
Which fossa do the cerebellum and brainstem sit in
posterior cranial fossa
Which parts of the brain sit on the cranial fossa
Frontal lobes- Anterior fossa
Temporal lobes- middle fossa
Cerebellum and brainstem- Posterior fossa
What does dura mater split into medially
Periosteal dura (superficially) and meningeal dura (deeper)
What creates the venous sinus
Dura mater- creates tunnel for flow of CSF between Periosteal dura and meningeal dura
Where is CSF created
in ventricles
Where do vessels travel in brain
Between Arachnoid and pia mater
Which carotid goes into the brain
Internal carotid (external carotid provides blood to face, meninges, and scalp)
Which carotid supplies the face, meninges, and scalp
External carotid
What are the terminal branches of the external carotid artery
Maxillary artery and superficial temporal artery
Branches of trigeminal nerve
Opthalmic, Maxillary, Mandibular
If you are looking at veins, which layer are you in?
Arachnoid mater
If you see gyri and sulci, which layer of the brain are you in (no veins)
pia mater
Which layers is subdural hematoma between
Dura mater and arachnoid mater (bridging veins cause it)
If the middle meningeal artery ruptures what does this cause
epidural hematoma
What are the dural folds
- Falx cerebri
- Falx cerebelli
- Tentorium cerebelli
- Diaphragma sellae
What does the falx cerebri seperate
R and L hemispheres of brain
What does the falx cerebelli seperate
divides the cerebellum
Which area is associated with the pituiatary gland
diaphragma sellae
What do the superior saggital and inferior saggital sinuses form
Straight sinus at the confluence of sinuses
What veins drain into the confluence of sinuses
Straight sinus (made of superior sagittal and inferior sagittal sinus), great cerebral vein (from deep in the brain) and Transverse sinus
What does the inferior sagittal sinus connect with to make straight sinus
Great cerebral vein –>Straight sinus
Which area is the root of infection because of its drainage of the face and scalp
Cavernous sinuses
Which fossa does pituitary gland sit in
hypophysial fossa
What do sinuses secrete
What connects lateral and third ventricles
interventricular foramen
What connects the third ventricle to fourth ventricle
the aqueduct of midbrain
Which ventricle is associated with the cerebellum
4th ventricle
Anterior to cerebellum between brainstem and cerebellum
Which ventricle is between R and L hemispheres
Third and 4th are on the midline descending to central canal
What creates CSF and where is it
Choroid plexus. Sits in Lateral vcentricle and 3rd ventricle (a bit of it is also in 4th vcentricle)
What is the frontal lobe responsible for
Motor and executive function
What is the parietal lobe respomsible for
Sensory information and spatial awareness
What is the temporal lobe responsible for
Auditory, speech, memory
What is the occipital lobe responsible for
Visual processing
What is the cerebellum responsible for
Fine motor coordination, balance
If you have a deficit in sensory information and spatial awareness which part of your brain is dysfunctioning
parietal lobe
If you have a deficit in auditation, speech, and memory, which part of your brain is dysfunctioning
temporal lobe
What is the groove inbetween 2 gyri called
What structures seperate different parts of the brain
What seperates frontal lobe to parietal lobe
Central sulcus
What is the precentral gyrus responsible for
What is the postcentral gyrus responsible for
sensory information
What seperates the frontal and parietal lobes from temporal lobe
lateral fissure
What seperates occipital lobe and temporal lobe from cerebellum
Transverse fissure
What seperates the R and L hemispheres of the brain
Longitudinal fissure
What runs from longitudinal fissure to lateral fissure
The Central sulcus (seperates frontal to parietal lobe)
What seperates parietal and occipital lobes
parieto-occipital sulcus
What sit inbetween R and L thalamus
3rd ventricle