Scture Commentaire Flashcards
On dit souvent que
It is often said that
On s accorde a dire
It is generally agreed that
C est un fait bien connu
It is a well known fact that
La plus part du temps
Most of the Time
Dans de nombreux cas
In many cases
Ce document parle de, traite de
This document is about/deals with
Met le focus sur
This document focuses on
Ce document s attaque probleme
This document tackles issue/problem of
Pour commencer start with
Secondement… troisiemement
Secondly… thirdly
Ensuite… apres… puis
Next… after that… then
Finally… last but not least
Dans l ensemble
On the whole… all things considered
Pour resumer
To sum up
En un mot
In a word … in a nutshell
Pour faire court
To put in a nutshell
A mon avis
In my view/opinion
I’m me semble que
It seems to me that
En de qui me conserne
As far as I m concerned