SCRUM Guide ver 11-2017 Flashcards
Review of the SCRUM Guide to prepare for the PSM Exam on SCRUM.ORG.
When should a Sprint be cancelled?
If it no longer makes sense given the circumstances. BUT, due to the short duration of Sprints, cancellation rarely makes sense.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 10)
What are the attributes of Product Backlog items?
- Description
- Order
- Estimate
- Value
- Test Descriptions that prove “Done”
(The SCRUM Guide Page 15)
What three pillars help the SCRUM Team be effective?
- Optimize flexibility
- Creativity
- Productivity
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Finding techniques for effective Product backlog management?
SCRUM Master to the Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What does Empiricism assert?
Knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is known.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 4)
What is the SCRUM Master’s role in the Sprint Review?
Teaches everyone involved to keep within the time-box.
The SCRUM Guide Page 13
By the end of Sprint Planning the Development Team should be able to explain to whom - how it (the Dev Team) intends to work as a self-organized team to accomplish the Sprint Goal and create the anticipated Increment?
- The Product Owner
- The SCRUM Master
(The SCRUM Guide Page 11)
Who empowers the Development team and what is expected of the Development Team?
The organization - to organize and manage their own work (Being Self-Directed)
(The SCRUM Guide Page 7)
Who is the only person able to cancel the Sprint?
The Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 10
Who is the servant-leader for the SCRUM Team?
The SCRUM Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 7
Why is the Dev Team the only body able to decide the number of items selected from the Product Backlog?
Only the Dev team can assess what it can accomplish over the upcoming Sprint?
(The SCRUM Guide Page 10)
What are these?
- The Product Backlog
- The latest Product Increment.
- Projected capacity of the Dev Team during the Sprint
- Past Performance of the Dev Team
The inputs to Sprint Planning
The SCRUM Guide Page 10
What are the 5 characteristics of a healthy Development SCRUM Team?
- Self-Organizing - turning the Product Backlog items into increments of potentially releasable functionality.
- Cross-Functional - The having all the skills necessary to be self-organizing.
- SCRUM recognizes no titles for the Dev Team members no matter the work being done.
- SCRUM recognizes no sub-teams in the Dev Team.
- Accountability belongs to the Dev team as a whole no matter the individual team members.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 7)
In Sprint Planning who collaborates on understand the work of the Sprint?
The entire SCRUM Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 10
Who does the work within the SCRUM?
The Product Owner may do the work OR have the Development Team do it. However the Product Owner remains accountable.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What ceremony optimizes team collaboration and performance by inspecting the work since the last event?
The Daily Stand Up
The SCRUM Guide Page 12
SCRUM Teams should posses what two traits?
- Self-organizing
- Cross-Functional
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What limits risk to one calendar month of cost?
A Sprint of one calendar month.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
What is the recommended unit of deconstructed work?
One day of work or less
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
Who composes the Development part of the SCRUM Team?
The Development team and those the Development Team feels are necessary to deconstruct the work.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 7)
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Removing impediments to progress?
SCRUM Master to the Development Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What 5 areas has SCRUM been used extensively worldwide?
- Research and identify viable markets, technologies, and product capabilities.
- Develop products and enhancements
- Release products and enhancements frequently as many times per day.
- Develop and sustain Cloud and other operational environments for product use
- Sustain and renew products
(The SCRUM Guide Page 4)
What happens if a Dev Team has fewer than three individuals?
- Decreases interaction and results in smaller productivity gains.
- May encounter skill constraints during the sprint causing the Dev team to be unable to deliver potentially releasable increments.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 7)
How long should the Sprint Review be?
Four hour for one month Sprints - shorter for shorter Sprints
(The SCRUM Guide Page 13)
Why are Sprints limited to one calendar month for the longest duration?
When a Sprint’s horizon is too long the definition of what is being built may change, complexity may rise, and risk may increase.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
Can the Scope be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and the Development team during the Sprint?
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Understanding product planning in an empirical environment
SCRUM Master to the Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
Who decides the number of items selected from the Product Backlog for the Sprint?
The Dev Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 10
How does the Dev team convert the Product Backlog into a working product increment?
By starting to design the system based upon the work needed.
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
How does SCRUM optimize predictability and control risk?
An iterative and incremental approach.
The SCRUM Guide Page 4
When would multiple Product Backlogs be used?
Never Multiple Teams use the same Product Backlog.
The SCRUM Guide Page 15
Who works to forecast the functionality that will be developed during the Sprint?
The Dev Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 10
What is the focus of each Sprint?
Like projects, Sprints are used to accomplish the Sprint Goal of what is to be built, a design and flexible plan that will guide building it, the work and the resultant product increment.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
When is the Sprint Goal Created?
Sprint Planning
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
Sprints enable predictability by what two factors?
- Ensuring inspection and adaptation of progress toward a Sprint Goal at least every calendar month.
- Limit Risk to once calendar month of cost.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
Who helps those outside the SCRUM Team understand which of their interactions with the SCRUM Team are helpful and which aren’t?
The SCRUM Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 7
Who helps everyone change interactions to maximize the value created by the SCRUM Team?
The SCRUM Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 7
What are the SCRUM events specifically designed to enable?
Critical transparency and inspection.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
What is considered the essence of SCRUM?
A small team of people. The individual team is highly flexible and adaptive.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 4)
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Working with other SCRUM Masters to increase the effectiveness of the application of SCRUM in the organization.
SCRUM Master to the Organization
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
Who ensures that the event takes place and that attendants for Sprint Planning understand its purpose?
The Scrum Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 10
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Understanding and practicing agility and facilitating SCRUM events as requesting or needed?
SCRUM Master to the Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What ceremony is described as:
“An opportunity for the SCRUM Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvement to be enacted during the next Sprint.”?
The Sprint Retrospective
The SCRUM Guide Page 13
What role does the Dev Team have in the Sprint Review?
It discusses what went well during the Sprint, what problems it ran into, and how those problems were solved.
It also demonstrates the work “Done” for acceptance by the PO.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 13)
Who is responsible for promoting and supporting SCRUM as defined in the SCRUM Guides?
The SCRUM Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 7
Each Sprint has a goal of what is to be built a design and flexible plan that will guide building it, the work. What is the result of this process?
The Product Increment
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
When is the Sprint Review held?
At the end of the Sprint
The SCRUM Guide Page 13
Who can force the Development team to work from different sets of requirements from the Product Backlog?
No one!
The SCRUM Guide Page 6
What are the 3 purposes of the Sprint Retrospective?
- Inspect how the last Sprint went well
- Identify and order the major items that went well and potential improvements
- Create a plan for implementing improvements to the way the SCRUM Team does its work.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 14)
Why does the Dev Team Self-Organize?
To undertake the work in the Sprint Backlog, both during Sprint Planning and as needed throughout the Sprint.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 11)
True or False - All events (other than the Sprint) may end whenever the purpose of the event is achieved, ensuring an appropriate amount of time is spent without allowing waste in the process.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
What is a good example of Transparency that has its basis defined as a common standard so observers share a common understanding of what is being seen?
A common definition of “Done”
The SCRUM Guide Page 5
What can be considered a project with no more than a one-month horizon?
The Sprint
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
Why is “Empiricism” important in Agile?
In complex environments, what will happen is unknown. Only what has already happened may be used for forward-looking decision-making.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 16)
Can a committee act as the Product Owner within the SCRUM?
No, the Product Owner is one person, not a committee.
The SCRUM Guide Page 6
Why would a Sprint be cancelled?
If the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete. This might occur if there is a change in direction, or if market or tech conditions change.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 10)
Where are the following items formally discussed:
- Timeline
- Budget
- Potential Capabilities
- Marketplace
- Anticipated releases of functionality or capability of the product
The Sprint Review
The SCRUM Guide Page 13
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Ensuring that goals, scope, and product domain are understood by everyone on the SCRUM Team.
SCRUM Master to the Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What impact to the definition of “Done” occurs as the SCRUM Team matures?
It will expand to include more stringent criteria for higher quality.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 18)
Who attends the Sprint Review?
Includes the SCRUM Team (PO, SM, & Dev Team), key stakeholders and others as invited by the Product Owner.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 13)
What two questions are answered in Sprint Planning?
- What can be delivered in the Increment resulting from the upcoming Sprint.
- How will the work needed to delivery the Increment be achieved.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 10)
What has SCRUM proved especially effective?
In iterative and incremental knowledge transfer.
The SCRUM Guide Page 4
Who decides how it will build the functionality into a “Done” product Increment during the Sprint?
The Dev Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
What are the three traits that best describe what SCRUM is?
- Lightweight
- Simple to understand
- Difficult to master
(The SCRUM Guide Page 3)
Who can help clarity the selected Product Backlog items and make trade-offs?
The Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Helping the SCRUM Team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items.
SCRUM Master to the Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What is key within an organization for a Product Owner to succeed?
The entire organization must respect the decisions of the Product Owner. (And the Product Owner must be empowered to make decisions by the organization).
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What does “Time-boxed” mean according to SCRUM?
Every event maximum durations are set in advance and are strictly adhered to.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
What binds together the roles, events and artifacts governing the relationships and interaction between them?
The Rules of SCRUM.
The SCRUM Guide Page 3
How is the Dev Team’s size decided?
Small enough to remain nimble and large enough to complete significant work within the Sprint.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 7)
What an item changes priority in the Product Backlog who must be notified?
The Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 6
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Facilitating SCRUM events as requested or needed?
SCRUM Master to the Development Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What is the best description for the following? “A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value?”
The Definition of SCRUM
The SCRUM Guide Page 3
What happens if the work planned for the Sprint is different than the Dev Team expected?
The Dev Team collaborates with the Product Owner to negotiate the Scope of the Sprint Backlog within the Sprint.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 11)
What is the maximum time-box for Sprint Planning?
8 Hours for a one month Sprint
The SCRUM Guide Page 10
How long should the Sprint Retrospective be?
At most a 3 hour meeting for one month Sprints - shorter for shorter Sprints.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 14)
Who in the Sprint Review explains what Product Backlog items have been “Done” and what has not been “Done”?
The Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 13
What is the Product Owner’s key role?
Responsible for maximizing the value of the product resulting from work of the Development teams.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What are the key segments of the SCRUM Framework?
- SCRUM Teams
- Associated Roles
- Events
- Artifacts
- Rules
(The SCRUM Guide Page 3)
How much capacity of the Dev Team should Product Refinement of the Product Backlog consume?
The SCRUM Guide Page 15
What are the 4 SCRUM Events?
- Sprint Planning
- Daily SCRUM
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Retrospective
(The SCRUM Guide Page 5)
What does it mean if a team is said to be Cross-functional?
They have all the competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others not part of the team.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Coaching in organizational environments in which SCRUM is not yet fully adopted and understood?
SCRUM Master to the Development Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What three questions should be addressed during the Daily Stand Up?
- What was done yesterday
- What will be done today
- What blockers are being experienced
(The SCRUM Guide Page 12)
Why was SCRUM originally developed?
For managing and developing products starting in the early 1990s.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 4)
When is the Daily SCRUM held?
Each 24 hours
The SCRUM Guide Page 12
Who is the sole person responsible for managing the Product backlog?
The Product Owner
The SCRUM Guide Page 6
Are the SCRUM Master and Product Owner accounted for in the Dev team sizes?
The SCRUM Guide Page 7
True or False - During the Sprint its okay to make changes as necessary as long as the Sprint Goal and the SCRUM Processes are not affected.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
What does it mean if a team is said to be Self-Organizing?
Teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being direction by forces outside the team.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
Why is Transparency important to SCRUM?
Significant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 5)
Why is SCRUM considered a Framework rather than a process, technique, or definitive method?
Because a Framework lets you employ various processes and techniques. Additionally this makes clear the relative efficacy of your product management and work techniques for continuous improvement.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 3)
When is the Product Backlog ever complete?
It is never complete
The SCRUM Guide Page 15
What is the result of the Sprint Review?
Revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 13)
What five key focus areas are the responsibility of the Product Owner?
- Clearly expressing Product Backlog items
- Ordering the items in the Product backlog to best achieve goals and missions
- Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs.
- Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to be all, and shows what the SCRUM Team will work on next.
- Ensuring the Dev Team understands the items in the Product Backlog to the level needed.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Leading and coaching the organization in its SCRUM Adoption.
SCRUM Master to the Organization
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
Who is responsible for all estimates contained in the Product Backlog?
The Dev Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 15
What happens if “Done” for an increment is NOT a convention of the development organization?
The development organization must define a definition of “Done” appropriate for the product.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 18)
Why is the Daily Stand Up held in the same place at the same time each day?
To reduce complexity
The SCRUM Guide Page 12
What is Product Backlog Refinement?
Is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product Backlog.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 15)
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Coaching in self-organization and cross-functionality?
SCRUM Master to the Development Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What roles make up the SCRUM Team?
- Product Owner
- The SCRUM Team
- SCRUM Master
(The SCRUM Guide Page 6)
What is the longest and shortest recommended Sprint lengths?
Shortest - One Week
Longest - One Month
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
How can SCRUM teams detect undesirable variances?
By frequently inspecting SCRUM artifacts and progress toward the Sprint Goal.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 5)
What is the purpose of the Daily SCRUM?
To plan out the work for the next 24 hours.
The SCRUM Guide Page 12
Who is responsible for conducting the Daily SCRUM?
The Dev Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 12
When does a Sprint start?
Immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
True or False - During the Sprint quality goals are likely to change and quality tolerances should shift based on those changes.
False - Quality goals do not decrease
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
Who collaborates about what was done in the Sprint during the Sprint Review.
- The SCRUM Team (PO, SM, Dev Team)
- Stakeholders
(The SCRUM Guide Page 13)
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Causing change that increases the productivity of the SCRUM Team.
SCRUM Master to the Organization
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
What is the purpose of the Sprint Review?
An information meeting (not a status meeting), and the presentation of the increment is intended to elicit feedback and foster collaboration.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 13)
What ensures a potentially useful version of working product is always available?
Incremental deliveries of “Done” product.
The SCRUM Guide Page 6
Who ensures the Sprint Retrospective takes place?
The SCRUM Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 14
True or False once a Sprint begins, its duration is fixed and cannot be shortened or lengthened.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
During Sprint Planning who may also invite other people to attend to provide technical or domain advice?
The Dev Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
What events does a Sprint contain?
- Sprint Planning
- Daily SCRUMs
- Development work
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Retrospective
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
Who ensures that the Dev Team as the Daily Stand Up meeting?
The SCRUM Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 12
What happens if a Dev Team is larger than nine individuals?
- Requires too much coordination.
- Generate too much complexity for an empirical process to be useful.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 7)
What is the Daily SCRUM?
It is a 15-minute time-boxed event for the Dev Team.
The SCRUM Guide Page 12
What is the risk of a Sprint’s horizon is too long?
- What is being built may change
- Complexity may rise
- Risk may increase
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
What contains an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed about the Product?
The Product Backlog
The SCRUM Guide Page 15
What is the heart of SCRUM?
The Sprint
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
What is the Sprint Backlog?
The set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint, plus a plan for delivering the product increment and realizing the Sprint Goal.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 16)
What is the definition of “Development Team” according to the SCRUM Guide?
Professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially releasable increment of “Done” product at the end of each Sprint.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 7)
What is the key focus of the Sprint Retrospective?
Identify improvements that it will implement in the next Sprint.
Formal opportunity to focus on inspection and adaptation.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 14)
What is the time-boxed rules for a Sprint?
One month duration or less which a “Done”, (useable and potentially releasable product increment) is created.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 9)
When does the Sprint Retrospective occur?
After the Sprint Review and prior to the start of the next Sprint.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 14)
What is contained in the Product Backlog?
- All Features
- Functions
- Requirements
- Enhancements & Fixes
(The SCRUM Guide Page 15)
What is SCRUM founded on?
The empirical process and control theory, or empiricism.
The SCRUM Guide Page 4
Who ensures the Sprint Review takes place?
The SCRUM Master
The SCRUM Guide Page 13
What can be best described by an objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of the Product Backlog?
The Sprint Goal
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
What provides guidance to the Dev Team on why it is building the Increment?
The Sprint Goal
The SCRUM Guide Page 11
What SCRUM Master interaction is demonstrated below (SCRUM Master to Product Owner, SCRUM Master to Dev Team, or SCRUM Master to the Organization)?
Helping to create high value products?
SCRUM Master to the Development Team
The SCRUM Guide Page 8
Along with the visibility of all the work the Dev Team has identified in Planning, to meet the Sprint Goal what else should the Sprint Backlog contain?
At least one high priority process improvement identified in the prior Retrospective meeting.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 16)
What is the Product Owner’s role in Sprint Planning?
The PO discusses the objective that the Sprint should achieve and the Product Backlog items that, if completed, would achieve the Sprint Goal.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 10)
What ceremony is this trait:
“The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog as it stands. He or she projects likely target and delivery dates based on progress to date (if needed)”?
The Sprint Review
The SCRUM Guide Page 13
True or False - Scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and SCRUM Master as more is learned.
False - …Product Owner and Development Team.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
What is the purpose of the Sprint Review?
To inspect the increment and adapt the Product Backlog if needed.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 13)
Each event in SCRUM is a formal opportunity to do what?
Inspect and adapt something.
The SCRUM Guide Page 9
If a Sprint is cancelled what happens to any completed or “Done” items?
They are reviewed. If part of the work is potentially releasable, the Product Owner typically accepts it.
(The SCRUM Guide Page 10)