scrum Flashcards
Hvor mange mennesker kan indgå som product owner?
En! - PO er en person, ikke en commite,
Men må gerne aggere på vegne af en commite.
The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. The Product Owner may represent the desires of a committee in the Product Backlog, but those wanting to change a Product Backlog item’s priority must address the Product Owner
Hvordan kan product owneren hjælpe med at få en plan for hvordan man får et “done” proiduct increment under sprint planning?
The Product Owner can help to clarify the selected Product Backlog items and make trade-offs. If the Development Team determines it has too much or too little work, it may renegotiate the selected Product Backlog items with the Product Owner. The Development Team may also invite other people to attend to provide technical or domain advice.
Hvad skal scrum masteren gøre med interaktioner fra folk uden fra scrum teamet?
Han skal hjælpe dem med at forstå hvilke interaktioner som gavner scrum teamet og hvilke der ikke gør.
Han hjælper også alle med at ændre disse interaktioner, så holdet leverer så meget værdi som muligt.
Who creates the definition of “Done”?
The development organization (or Development Team if none is available from the development organization)
If the definition of “done” is part of the conventions, standards or guidelines of the development organization, all Scrum Teams must follow it as a minimum. The Development Team of the Scrum Team can complement it with elements specific for the product or context.
If “done” for an increment is not a convention of the development organization, the Development Team of the Scrum Team must define a definition of “done” appropriate for the product.
Hvad giver det at have de vigtige værdier når man laver scrum?
Når disse værdier er levet i scrum teamet, vil de tre milepæle komme til live.
Scrumet teamets medlemmer udforsker og lærer disse værdier ved at arbejde med roller, events og artefakter.
Hvad er nogle eksempler på spørgsmål under daily scrum?
- What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal?
- What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal?
- Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?
Hvornår bliver product backlog items refined?
This is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate on the details of Product Backlog items.
Product Backlog items can be updated at any time by the Product Owner or at the Product Owner’s discretion.
Hvad er yderst kristisk for at en product owner kan få success?
At hele organisationen accepterer og respekterer hans beslutninger.
For the Product Owner to succeed, the entire organization must respect his or her decisions. The Product Owner’s decisions are visible in the content and ordering of the Product Backlog. No one can force the Development Team to work from a different set of requirements
Hvad bruger man sprint goal til under sprintet?
As the Development Team works, it keeps the Sprint Goal in mind. In order to satisfy the Sprint Goal, it implements functionality and technology. If the work turns out to be different than the Development Team expected, they collaborate with the Product Owner to negotiate the scope of Sprint Backlog within the Sprint.
Kan man undlade nogle af scrum events?
. Failure to include any of these events results in reduced transparency and is a lost opportunity to inspect and adapt.
Topic Two: How will the chosen work get done?
Efter at have fundet et mål, og efter at have valgt product backlog items for sprintet,
skal development teamet afgøre hvordan de vil lave denne funktionalitet til et “done” product increment under sprintet.
Hvor stort skal et development team være?
3 - 9
Smaller Development Teams may encounter skill constraints during the Sprint, causing the Development Team to be unable to deliver a potentially releasable Increment. Having more than nine members requires too much coordination. Large Development Teams generate too much complexity for an empirical process to be useful. The Product Owner and Scrum Master roles are not included in this count unless they are also executing the work of the Sprint Backlog.
Kan man undlade dele af scrum og stadig kalde det scrum?
Scrum’s roles, events, artifacts, and rules are immutable and although implementing only parts of Scrum is possible, the result is not Scrum.
Scrum exists only in its entirety and functions well as a container for other techniques, methodologies, and practices.
Hvad er de fire formælle events for inspektion og adaption?
Sprint planning
Daily scrum
sprint review
Sprint retrospective
Hvad giver det hvis en defintion af “done” er en del af konventionerne for scrum teamet?
Development Teams deliver an Increment of product functionality every Sprint. This Increment is useable, so a Product Owner may choose to immediately release it.
If the definition of “Done” for an increment is part of the conventions, standards or guidelines of the development organization, all Scrum Teams must follow it as a minimum.
Hvordan leverer et scrum team produkter og nye udvidelser dertil?
Scrum Teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing opportunities for feedback. Incremental deliveries of “Done” product ensure a potentially useful version of working product is always available.
Hvad er et sprint mål?
Each Sprint has a goal of what is to be built, a design and flexible plan that will guide building it, the work, and the resultant product increment.
Hvad er essensen af scrum?
Scrum er et lille team af mennesker
Hvert team er yder fleksibel og kan tilpasse sig omstændigheder
Disse styrker kan derefter fortsat virke ved skalering, hvor flere og flere små teams arbejder sammen og udvikling, release, vedligeholdelse af arbejde og produkter.
Hvad kræves der før en product backlog item kan trækkes over i sprint backloggen?
Product Backlog items that can be “Done” by the Development Team within one Sprint are deemed “Ready” for selection in a Sprint Planning. Product Backlog items usually acquire this degree of transparency through the above described refining activities.
Hvad er mulighederne ved et sprint retrospective?
The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint.
Hvor lang tilbage har scrum været brugt?
De tidlige 1990’ere
Hvordan tjener scrum masteren product owneren?
- Ensuring that goals, scope, and product domain are understood by everyone on the Scrum Team as well as possible;
- Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management;
- Helping the Scrum Team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items;
- Understanding product planning in an empirical environment;
- Ensuring the Product Owner knows how to arrange the Product Backlog to maximize value;
- Understanding and practicing agility;
- Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed.
Kan nogle komponenter tages ud af scrum frameworket?
Hvet komponent tjener et bestemt formål og er essentiel t
Hvad er instepection for en af de tre milepæle?
Scrum brugere, skal ofte undersøge scrum artefakter og fremskridt mod et sprint mål for at opdage uønskede variationer.
Inspektion bør ikke ske så ofte at det står i vejen for selve arbejdet.
Inspektion er mest anvendelig når den bliver udført af erfarne inspektører under selve arbejdet
Er scrum kun til IT udvikling?
Nej - det blev lavet til at styre og udvikle produkter, men er også set blevet brugt til:
- Research og identifikation af marked, teknology og produktmuligheder
- Udvikle produkter og udvidelser
- Release produkter og udvidelser
- Udvikle og vedligeholde cloud (online - secure - on demand) og andre operationelle miljøer for produkt brug
- Vedligeholde og fornye produkter
scrum har været brugt til Software, hardware, selvkørende biler, skoler, marketing, og næsten alt vi gør i vores daglige liv som individer og som samfund.
Hvad er et sprint
Hjertet i scrum
Time boxed tid (en måned eller mindre) hvori et “done”, brugbart og potentielt releaseable produkt inkrement bliver lavet.
Hvordan kan ting tilføjes og fjernes fra sprint backloggen?
As new work is required, the Development Team adds it to the Sprint Backlog. As work is performed or completed, the estimated remaining work is updated.
When elements of the plan are deemed unnecessary, they are removed.
Hvem er ansvarlig for product backloggen?
The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog, including its content, availability, and ordering.
Hvad indgår i at styre produkt backloggen?
- Clearly expressing Product Backlog items;
- Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve goals and missions;
- Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs;
- Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all, and shows what the Scrum Team will work on next; and,
- Ensuring the Development Team understands items in the Product Backlog to the level needed.
The Product Owner may do the above work, or have the Development Team do it. However, the Product Owner remains accountable.
Hvad er daily scrum?
The Daily Scrum is a 15-minute time-boxed event for the Development Team. The Daily Scrum is held every day of the Sprint. At it, the Development Team plans work for the next 24 hours.
Er det kun product owneren som må lave backlog management?
Nej - der må gerne uddelegeres, men det er PO som har ansvaret for at det er gjort ordentligt.
The Product Owner may do the above work, or have the Development Team do it. However, the Product Owner remains accountable.
Hvordan håndterer man de første opgaver som kommer i sprintet?
Work planned for the first days of the Sprint by the Development Team is decomposed by the end of this meeting, often to units of one day or less.
Hvad består et sprint egentligt af?
Sprints contain and consist of the Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, the development work, the Sprint Review, and the Sprint Retrospective.
Hvilken videnskabs teori bygger scrum på?
Emperisk proces kontrol teori. Eller Emperi.
Som er at viden kommer af erfaring og at tage beslutninger, baseret på hvad der er kendt.
Scrum bruger en iterativ, inkrementiel tilgang for optimere forudsigelighed og kontrol af risici.
Hvad er en sprint backlog?
Items fra product backlog samt plan for hvordan man løser dem.
Hvad er scrum masterens ansvar ved sprint planning?
At lære holdet at holde sig inde for den timeframe som er sat (8 timer for en måneds sprint).
Hvad er en product backlog?
The Product Backlog is an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product. It is the single source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product.
Hvilke andre elementer er en del af sprint review?
- The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning;
- Review of how the marketplace or potential use of the product might have changed what is the most valuable thing to do next; and,
- Review of the timeline, budget, potential capabilities, and marketplace for the next anticipated releases of functionality or capability of the product
Hvad gør man når et sprint bliver afbrudt?
Alle “Done” product backlog items bliver reviewed.
Hvis dele af produktet kan releases, kan product owneren ofte acceptere at gøre dette.
Alle ikke færdige product backlog items, er re-estimated og placeret tilbage i product backlogen
Hvad betyder det at scrum teamet er cross-functional?
Cross-functional teams have all competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others not part of the team.
Hvilke værdier er vigtige at have for at kunne udføre scrum?
commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect
Kan sprint backloggen modificeres?
Ja! Grundet ny information ved at løse opgaverne.
The Development Team modifies the Sprint Backlog throughout the Sprint, and the Sprint Backlog emerges during the Sprint.
This emergence occurs as the Development Team works through the plan and learns more about the work needed to achieve the Sprint Goal.
Hvad er definitionen på scrum?
Det er et framework til at kunne adressere komplekse adaptive problemer, og samtidigt kunne levere en løsning med højest værdi på en produktiv og kreativ måde.
Hvad indeholder sprint backloggen?
The Sprint Backlog makes visible all the work that the Development Team identifies as necessary to meet the Sprint Goal.
To ensure continuous improvement, it includes at least one high priority process improvement identified in the previous Retrospective meeting.
The Sprint Backlog is a plan with enough detail that changes in progress can be understood in the Daily Scrum.
Er en product backlog nogensinde færdig?
A Product Backlog is never complete.
If a product exists, its Product Backlog also exists.
Hvornår er scrum specielt effektivt?
Ved inkrementiel og iterativ videns overførsel.
Derfor bliver det også brugt til at styre parent organisationer samt produkter og services
Kan flere scrum teams arbejde ud fra samme product backlog?
Ja! Der kan dog introduceres grouping attributes for at give overblik.
Multiple Scrum Teams often work together on the same product. One Product Backlog is used to describe the upcoming work on the product.
A Product Backlog attribute that groups items may then be employed.
Hvad er det helt præcist der er i en product backlog?
The Product Backlog lists all features, functions, requirements, enhancements, and fixes that constitute the changes to be made to the product in future releases.
Hvordan påvirkes definition of “done” under et retrospective?
During each Sprint Retrospective, the Scrum Team plans ways to increase product quality by improving work processes or adapting the definition of “Done”, if appropriate and not in conflict with product or organizational standards.
Er scrum masteren en boss på holdet?
Nej - scrum masteren er en servant-leader
Hvad gør man hvis der ikke er nogen definition for “Done” fastlagt for et inkrement?
If “Done” for an increment is not a convention of the development organization, the Development Team of the Scrum Team must define a definition of “Done” appropriate for the product.
Hvad er scrum masterens rolle i daily scrum?
The Scrum Master ensures that the Development Team has the meeting, but the Development Team is responsible for conducting the Daily Scrum.
The Scrum Master teaches the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15-minute time-box
The Daily Scrum is an internal meeting for the Development Team. If others are present, the Scrum Master ensures that they do not disrupt the meeting.
Hvad er formålet med et sprint retrospective?
- Inspect how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships, process, and tools;
- Identify and order the major items that went well and potential improvements;
- Create a plan for implementing improvements to the way the Scrum Team does its work
Hvad er udfaldet af et sprint review?
The result of the Sprint Review is a revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint. The Product Backlog may also be adjusted overall to meet new opportunities.
Må ingen andre påvirker product owneren til at afbryde et sprint?
he or she may do so under influence from the stakeholders, the Development Team, or the Scrum Master.
Er det meget vigtigt at teste et inkrement?
Each Increment is additive to all prior Increments and thoroughly tested, ensuring that all Increments work together.
Hvordan monitorer man fremgang i sprint backloggen?
At any point in time in a Sprint, the total work remaining in the Sprint Backlog can be summed.
The Development Team tracks this total work remaining at least for every Daily Scrum to project the likelihood of achieving the Sprint Goal.
By tracking the remaining work throughout the Sprint, the Development Team can manage its progress
Beskriv et sprint review
A Sprint Review is held at the end of the Sprint to inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if needed
During the Sprint Review, the Scrum Team and stakeholders collaborate about what was done in the Sprint
Hvad er scrum masterens ansvar?
At understøtte og promovære scrum. Dette gøres ved at hjælpe hele holdet og andre med at forstå scrum i praksis.
The Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide. Scrum Masters do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, rules, and values.
Hvad menes der med en definition af “Done”?
When a Product Backlog item or an Increment is described as “Done”, everyone must understand what “Done” means.
Although this may vary significantly per Scrum Team, members must have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete, to ensure transparency.
This is the definition of “Done” for the Scrum Team and is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment.
Hvorfor må et sprint ikke være længere end en måned?
Sprints enable predictability by ensuring inspection and adaptation of progress toward a Sprint Goal at least every calendar month. Sprints also limit risk to one calendar month of cost.
Hvor lang tid varer et sprint review?
This is at most a four-hour meeting for one-month Sprints.
For shorter Sprints, the event is usually shorter.