Scrubbing and gowning Flashcards
What is the main purpose of scrubbing, gowning and gloving before entering the operation theatre?
To maintain aseptic environment
What are the 3 general steps for correctly scrubbing, gowning and gloving?
Preparing to don PPE (scrub)
Surgical hand wash
Gowning and gloving
Before starting to scrub, how must you style your hair?
Hair must be tied up or short enough to fit inside theatre hat completely
Before starting to scrub, what should you wear on your head and face?
Theatre hat
Before starting to scrub, how much of your arms should be exposed?
Must be bare below elbows
Before starting to scrub, how much jewellery can you wear?
Must wear no jewellery
What type of badge must you bring to be allowed into the theatre?
ID badge
After putting on your theatre hat and becoming bare beneath the elbows, what must you prepare next?
Open scrub packet
Why must you open the scrub packet before surgical scrub wash?
So that the gown and gloves don’t get contaminated
How do you open the scrub packet so that the gown and gloves inside don’t get contaminated?
Peel back transparent cover then fold back edges of paper
To expose gown and packaged gloves
How do you open the packaged gloves so that they don’t get contaminated, and should you take out all the packaging?
Gloves are packaged with inner paper packaging then outer plastic packaging
Use each hand to peel back each side of the plastic wrapper and lightly drop paper package onto scrub paper
How should you adjust your face mask to fit securely, before scrubbing?
Make sure its secure around ears, flat against cheeks, use both hands to mold nose piece from bridge of nose, firmly press onto nose sides with fingers until fit is good, then extend mask down to fully cover chin
After you have completed the surgical scrub wash and gowning and gloving, can you adjust your theatre hat and face mask?
Before starting the pre-scrub wash and surgical scrub wash, what should you make sure is working?
Open tap and check that water temperature is appropriate, then leave running
After opening the water tap, what should you open before starting the pre-scrub wash and surgical scrub wash?
Open packaged nail brush and place open package on sink edge
What 3 steps are included in the pre-scrub wash?
Hand wash with proper technique and down to elbow
Rinse off soap with water
Scrub nails with nail brush and pick
Do you always need to clean your nails with the nail pick, in the pre-scrub wash?
No, only if nails are visibly contaminated
In the pre-scrub wash, do you need to add anything to the nail brush first?
Add soap to nail brush then clean nails
For the pre-scrub and surgical scrub washes, how do you dispense the soap properly?
Use elbow to press on dispenser, hold hand underneath dispenser to catch soap
After the pre-scrub hand wash, how should you wash off the soap?
Flex elbows so that hands are above, then run hand under tap and move forearm through
So that water drains down hand to elbow
How many times in the scrubbing, gowning and gloving procedure do you clean your nails with the nail brush?
Once, after rinsing off the pre-scrub hand wash
After cleaning nails, do you rinse off the nails only?
Must rinse water from hands to elbow
What are the 2 steps of the 1st surgical scrub wash?
Hand washing with proper technique, last step down to elbows
Rinse off from hand to elbow
What are the 2 steps of the 2nd surgical scrub wash?
Hand washing with proper technique, last step down to mid forearm
Rinse off from hand to elbow
What are the 2 steps of the 3rd surgical scrub wash?
Hand washing with proper technique, last step down to wrist
Rise off from hand to elbow
After completing the 3rd surgical scrub, how should you turn off the water tap?
With elbow
After cleaning your nails with the nail brush, should you immediately dispose of it?
Yes, immediately discard in clinical waste bin
After completing surgical scrub wash, how should you position your arms?
Elbows flexed so hands are held above elbow
Keep arms away from body
What do you use to dry your hands, forearms and elbows after the scrub wash?
Sterile towel included in scrub packet
Do you rub your hands to elbows dry with the sterile towel, and where on your arm do you start?
Use blotting motion so that skin cells aren’t disturbed
Blot from hands down to elbows, must not retrace
When drying hands to elbows, can you retrace back up your arm to your hands?
Can only go down arm
When drying hands to elbows, can you use the same sterile towel for both arms?
Must use different towel for each arm
After drying hands to elbows with the sterile towel, where do you put the dirty towel?
Discard immediately in clinical waste bin
After drying hands to elbows, do you put on the gown or gloves first?
For gowning, how do you pick up the gown from the scrub packet?
Hold each side tightly then step away from any unsterile surfaces
After you have picked up the gown from the scrub packet, what part must you identify then let fall?
Identify neck area, hold then let rest of gown fall freely
After you have let the sterile gown unfold freely, how do you insert your arms and hands?
Identify arms of the gown, then slide your arms in one at a time.
Keep hands inside gown cuffs, fingers must not protrude outside of elastic
Who will tie your scrub gown at the neck and waist?
The circulator
After the circulator has secured the gown ties at the neck and waist, what do you don next?
How do you don scrub gloves?
Open paper package and turn upside down
Put right thumb under fold of right glove then flip onto right palm, then use left hand to grab fold and pull glove onto hand
Repeat with other hand
How do you tie the belt tie, in scrubbing gowns?
Hold cardboard tab and pull out left tie
Pass cardboard tab to circulator, making sure that right tie is still in tab
Rotate 360 degrees anticlockwise then take right tie
Tie left and right tie together