Scrotum- Part 1 Flashcards
Testicular Development
Testicles arise in fetal abdomen near kidneys. 4th month descend to level of bladder & remain there until 7th month. They descend through inguinal canal to scrotum after 7th month. Descent is controlled by hormones.
Process vaginalis
Evagination of peritoneum travels through inguinal canal from abdomen into scrotum
Pouch of skin that is continuous with abdomen. Suspended from base of male pelvis btw perineum & penis. Derived from labioscrotal folds.
Median Raphe: point of fusion of twin sacs
Scrotum Purpose & Contents
Protective casing. Maintain testicular temp at ~2 deg C below intrabdominal temp.
Contents: testicles, epididymis, proximal part of vas deferens
Testicles (testes)
Male gonads. Oval shaped symmetric. US: appear as smooth medium gray structures with fine echo texture.
Each testis: divided into ~250-400 lobules that contain SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES. Tubules join to from 20-30 larger ducts, known as the tubuli recti.
Testicle Size
Normally measure 3-5 cm in length. AP: 3cm. Width 2-4 cm. size & weight decrease with age.
Jobs of the scrotum:
Produces sperm & testosterone. 95% of testosterone is secreted by Leydig cells in the testicles.
Endocrine & exocrine functions: testosterone - endocrine
Tunica Albuginea
Echogenic, dense fibrous capsule surrounding testes. Covered b tunica vaginalis. Mult septa are formed from tunica Albuginea and coverage at mediastinum testis. Form lobules in the testes.
Mediastinum Testis
Posterior portion of tunica Albuginea reflects into the testis forming a vertical septum. Supports the testicular vessels and ducts. Extends into testicles from the epididymis.
Tunica Vaginalis
Serous membrane, formed by peritoneum, that partially testicle. Inner visceral layer covers testis, epididymis, lower spermatic cord. Outer parietal layer lines wall of scrotal pouch. Small amount of fluid btw 2 layers is normal. Layers normally not seem on US.
Seminiferous Tubules
Contained within the testes. Converge at apex of each lobule and anastamose. Tubuli recti enter mediastinum to form Rete Testis in medistinum testis. Rete testis drains into the head of the epididymis through Efferent Ductules.
Single tightly wrapped tube, 6-7cm, begins superiority and courses posterolateral to testis. Composed of head body tail and appendix. Aids in sperm maturing as well as concentrates, stores and transports sperm.
Epididymal Head
AKA: globus major. Measures 10-12 mm diameter. Superior to upper pole of the testis. Larger portion of epididymis. Formed 10-15 efferent Ductules from Rete testis joining together
Epididymal Body
Bod is smaller then head. Posterolateral margin of testicle.
Epididymal Tail
AKA: globus minor. Slightly larger then bod. Inferior to testis
Appendix Epididymis
Appendix is small protuberance on head. Commonly seen when hydrocele present (excess fluid in scrotum)
Seminal Vesicles
Are convoluted pouch like structures that empty into the distal ductus deferens to form ejaculatory ducts. NOT in the scrotum but part of reproductive tract. Paired gland encapsulated by connective tissue. US: appear as low level echoes superior to the prostate.
Appendix testis & Appendix Epididymis
Not always seen, but are susceptible to torsion.