Screenings in Medicine Flashcards
What are the two questions that a patient should ask the physician when a medical screening is recommended?
- how accurate the screening test is
2/ How confident the doc is about the prediction of the disease
What are the 4 outcomes to a screening?
true positive
false positive
true negative
false negative
Define true positive
the test correctly reports a positive test result in a patient that actually has the disease
Define True negative
the test correctly reports a negative test result in a patient that does not have the disease
Which portion of the 2X2 table does a true positive fall under?
What portion of the 2X2 table does a true negative fall under?
Define False positive
A test incorrectly reports a positive result in a patient that does not have the disease
Define a False Negative
A test incorrectly reports a negative test result in a patient that does have the disease
Which portion of the 2X2 table does the false positive fall under?
Which portion of the 2X2 table does the false negative fall under?
What are the two aspects that describes the accuracy of the screening test?
Sensitivity and Specificity
Define sensitivity
How well a test can detect the presence of disease wen the disease is present
What is the equation for sensitivity?
Define Specificity
How well a test can detect the absence of disease when in fact the disease is absent
What is the equation for specificity?
What are the two elements that represent the doctors confidence?
Positive predictive value and negative predictive value
Define positive predictive value
How accurately a positive test predicts the presence of disease
What is the equation of positive predictive value?
Define negative predictive value
How accurately a negative test predicts the absence of disease
What is the equation for the negative predictive value
NPV=TN/(TN+FN) x 100%
What happens to the PPV as the prevalence gets closer to 100%?
It sky rockets to 100% as well
WHY? because tests will increase with more disease
Will sensitivity and specificity change as the prevalence gets closer to 100%?
No they will not because the TEST DOES NOT CHANGE
Define diagnostic accuracy
the proportion of total screenings that a patient is correctly identified as either having a disease (TP) or not having a disease (TN) with either a positive or a negative test, respectively
What is the equation for diagnostic accuracy?
Define the likelihood ratio.
the ratio of the probability of a given test result for a person with disease OVER the probability of the same test result for a person WITHOUT the disease
What is in the numerator for the likelihood ratio?
the people with disease
Define the likelihood ratio positive
The probability of a positive test in the presence of disease over the probability of a positive test in the absence of disease
Using the letters from the 2X2 table, what is the equation for the likelihood ratio positive?
Define the likelihood ratio negative
The probability of a negative test in the presence of disease over the probability of a negative test in the absence of disease
Using the letters from the 2X2 table, what is the equation for the likelihood ratio negative?
For a test to be deemed beneficial, what does the LR+ have to be?
More than 10
For a test to be deemed beneficial, what does the LR-have to be?
Less than 0.1
Define validity
the ability to accurately discern between those that do and those that do not have the disease
analogous to precision
Define internal validity
the extent to which results accurately reflect what was being assessed (true situation of study population)
Define External validity
the extent to which the results are applicable to other populations included in the original study
Define reliability
the ability of a test to give the same result on repeated uses
analogous to reproducibility/consistency
Is a valid test always reliable?
Is a reliable test always valid