Scotts Deck Flashcards
Name 6 nab cep tests
- PV entry level exam
- Installer certification
- PV technical sales certification
- Solar thermal entry level
- Solar thermal certification
- Small wind certification
- Renewable energy storage systems
What does nab cep stand for
North American board of certified energy practitioners
in 1839 what did PV pioneer Edmond Bacquerel discover?
1839 Electrode emissions in solution increased emissions when exposed to light
In 1954 what did bell labs develop.
The first silicon based solar cell
What type of pv system feeds power to the grid but can’t power your house if the grid goes down?
A grid tied utility interactive Pv system
What type of system feeds power to the grid but can keep giving you power if the grid goes down.
Grid tied with battery backup
What are two differences that differentiate commercial from residential pv
Residential single phase 240v ac under 10k
Commercial 208 277 480 usually over 10 k
Advantages of PV over other renewable energy systems
Pv works when energy demand is highest
Wind not reliable people live sunny rather than windy places
Would it be more economical to implement energy efficiency improvements or install PV in a house with poor insulation and inefficient appliances and lighting.
Energy efficiency would be a better choice. because it is easier and more cost effective to insulate or use more efficient lights and appliances than it is to make enough solar power to compensate for using inefficient buildings or appliances. It’s cheaper to save than buy.
What does OSHA stand for and what is required for NABCEP certification.
Occupational safety and health administration
Equation for power
Power in watts = v volts x current I in amps
Energy =
Energy equals watt hour
Relationship between voltag resistance and current
V= I x R
Vis volts I is current r is resistance in oms
What is kilo mega giga and milli mean
Kilo thousand mega million giga billion
What is Isc
Isc is short circuit voltage. all current no voltage wires shorted
What is Voc
Voc is open circuit voltage, no current wires not touching
It is all voltage no current
What is Imp and Vmp
Imp and Vmp are current and voltage at the point of maximum power output
What does STC have to do with how do you find the maximum
Rated power of your panel and why isn’t it realistic?
You find panel rating in watts by multiplying current times voltage both at maximum power output or Imp x Vmp
What are the STC ‘s
STC stands for standard test conditions and is 1000 watts per sq meter at 25 degrees Celsius and 1.5 atmospheres pressure
What is Irradiance?
Irradiance represents an instantaneous measure of power on an area
What is MPPT and what does it accomplish
Solar edge uses MPPT or maximum power point tracking in power optimisers to keep the output power V x I always at the point where maximum power can be made by the panel
How does Linking panels in a longer series string affect the output current and voltage?
Linking panels in series increases the voltage by the number of panels times the output voltage of each panel
On the I V curve graph of a panels measured voltage vs. current. what is significant about the point on the graph whare Vmp and Imp are found
It is the voltage and current at which your panel will make the most power.
What is solar insulation
Solar insulation is a measure of solar irradiation usually over a year
What is solar irradiation
Irradiation is irradiance times time
Is irradiance a measure of power or energy
Irradiance commonly measured in watts per meter squared is a measure of power
What is a peak sun hour
A peak sun hour is a measure of the solar irradiation 1000 watts per square meter for one hour at noon
How do you measure azimuth and what direction would you be looking if your reading was 180
You use a compass to measure azimuth and a reading of 180 means you are facing south
What is magnetic declination, and with a declination of 14 degrees in California what would your compass have to read to face true south
Magnetic declination is the deviation of magnetic north from true north caused by the fact that geographic north does not line up with magnetic north. You would have to turn until your compass read 190 degrees
If you were tilting a south facing panel up to get the most sun at noon would you use your latitude or longitude for your tilt angle
You’re latitude as this would make the panel perpendicular to the suns rays
Why is it not usually worth using single or duel tracking on our solar arrays
The cost of the tracker does not improve the performance of the system enough to justify the cost. You would be better off spending the money on more panels
Why would a duel axis tracker give a greater increase in proformance on the moon than on earth
At low angles of sun on the moon the atmosphere would not diminish the amount of solar irradiance hitting the panel
What is the function of the solar pathfinder or solmetric suneye
They both help determine the annual amount of solar resource available to you in a specific location
Compare and contrast direct beam and diffuse solar radiation.
Direct beam radiation is direct uninterrupted solar radiation, while diffuse radiation is indirect radiation not coming from a single direction and source( clouds, blue sky, haze)
What type of solar radiation is albedo.
Reflected radiation
What does a pyranometer measure.
Total solar irradiation both diffuse and direct beam
Use your understanding of the different types of solar radiation to explain why a 1 megawatt CSS , or concentrating solar collector array would be more likely to use a tracking system than a 1 megawatt PV solar array
A concentrating solar collector needs direct beam radiation to function and therefore it’s collecting mirrors must always have a way to remain pointed at the sun, a PV panel system can gather both diffuse and direct beam radiation without being precisely oriented toward the sun and thus hav less need of tracking