Scotland Flashcards
What was international trade like before 1600?
- Lots of trading ports, most trade to the East
- Didn’t have to go through England to get to Europe
- Exporter coal, salt, wool, cereals, fish
- Imported wine, spices, grapes, timber
What was international relations like before 1600?
- Anglo Scottish conflicts from 1300 - 1500 with the English monarchy wanting the whole island
- Aligned with France, England’s enemy, for protection
What were the impacts of international relations before 1600?
Economic (couldn’t trade with English ports)
Political (kings kidnapped, Scottish political stability maintained with threat)
Relationship with France (auld alliance)
Royal marriages (Denmark improved trade, Tudor later led to joint monarchy)
Church independence (got pope for archbishop)
Education (universities)
Who was involved in the Glorious Revolution
James the 2nd + 7th
William of Orange and wife Mary (James’s son in law)
Who was james the 2nd/7ths father
Charles 2nd
Why did James lose throne in 1689
Unpopularity of Charles 2nd
Parliamentary actions
James’s actions
Why was Charles 2nd unpopular
- Associated with revolutions, disruptions and chaos
- Repealed laws since 1639 restoring royal power and sacking ministers who didn’t agree with decisions
- religious persecution with arrests and executions, wanted to return to Catholicism
What was parliaments actions during Glorious Revolution
Exclusion crisis 1679 with attempts to exclude james from throne but Charles dissolved parliament
Parliamentary problems and fear of civil war so asked William to come to England
Why was James unpopular in Glorious Revolution
Appointed Catholics in powerful positions like judges and army officers
Gave freedom of worship to Catholics and quakers
Appointed Catholics to major offices like chancellor
Tried to pack parliament with sympathisers
Birth of catholic male heir
What were results of Glorious Revolution
William invaded in November
Scottish politicians went to London to negotiate
Convention 1689 with James sacked as Scottish ruler
Crown offered and accepted by William and Mary
When was the Glorious Revolution
When was the union of the crowns
What caused the union of crowns
Rule of monarch to produce heir
None of Henry 8ths children had heirs so end of Tudor dynasty
When queen Elizabeth of England died, closest relative was james 6th of Scotland
What were the consequences of the union 1603
Shared monarch
Non resident monarch
Foreign policy
Economic consequences
What was the consequences of having a non resident monarch
Disruptive for Scotland
Had been used to kings active participation in government
Communication through letters which was very slow
What were the changes to foreign policy after the 1603 union
Kings personal job to make treaties with other countries
End of Scottish independent policy, had to take into account England’s interests
Previously hostile so Scotlands allies were England’s enemies
Unclear relationship with France
What were the issues with Charles 1st, son of James 6th
Reigned from 1625
Uncounselled, not interested in taking advice
Believed in divine right of kings
Thought he had supreme authority
Unpopular politics and wanted to change way of church
Consequences of Charles 1st dislike
Covenanting Revolution 1638 with successful rebellion against kings policies
Constitutional monarchy declared (parliament had more power than king, needed to consult first and meet every 3 years)
What caused the decline in the Scottish England relationship after 1603 union
Execution of Charles 1st
Military occupation 1651-1660
Explain the execution of Charles 1st
Put on trial after wars of 3 kingdoms and executed by English in 1649
Scottish unhappy, was their king too
Scotland claimed Charles 2nd as their king
English unhappy do invaded and conquered in 1651
Explain the military occupation of 1651-1660
Cromwellian regime took over civil control
Absorbed by Oliver Cromwell into English republic
All Scottish institutions ceased
Strong military presence, forts built
Scottish reps in commonwealth
How was the joint monarchy restored after the military occupation
Oliver Cromwell died 1658
No constitution drawn up so role passed to son Richard
Richard uninterested
Military coup staged
Charles 2nd invited back from exile in Netherlands
Monarchy restored by 1660
What were the attempts at union before 1707
James 6th in 1603
Cromwell in 1650’s
Charles 2nd in 1660’s-70’s
What happened in Scotland’s ill years
Nine years war 1688-1697 (against France, disrupted trade the economy depended on)
Foreign protectionism (tariffs imposed on goods, couldn’t afford to pay)
Darien scheme
Famine (worst in history, killed 10% of population)
When we’re Scotland’s ill Years
What was the process of the 1707 union
William of Orange brings up idea and Queen Anne pushes it
Negotiations from 1702-05
Growing tensions over succession issues
Implemented in 1707
What was the Scottish impact of the 1707 union
Initially very popular
Scotland maintain church and education system
Maintained local parliament
Internal structure remained independent
Adopted English currency and economic system
Joint responsibility for English debt, Scots paid compensation
Reasons for 1707 union
Domestic succession issues
War of Spanish succession 1701-1713