Scleroderma, Sjogren's & Myositis Flashcards
Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis)
Scleroderma (SS)
- a systemic autoimmune disease with unknown origin, effecting all organ systems
- females > males
Three Features of the Disease
- Excessive deposition of ocllagen and other connective tissue molecules in skin and internal organs
- Vascular lesions of capillaries and small arteries
- alterations in the cellular and humoral immunity
high mortality rates: because the tissue fiberosis taht occurs in vital organs compromises function
Pathology - Collagen
- the excessive collagen deposition is due to overproduction of the collagen protein by fibroblasts
- there is alteration in the collagen regulation gene expression pathway due to cytokines and growth factors being released from the inflmmatory cells
- TGF-beta and SMAD pwathways
Pathology - Vascualr
- endothelial cell dysfunction: inital event the disease
- vascuarl abnormalities become apparent BEFORE tissue fiberosis
- cellular infiltrates with T cells and macrphages
Pathology - Immunity
- ANA pathology: triggers over activation of the system
organ systems most commonly invovled
Organ Systems Involved
- always skin: collagen buildup
- Raynauds! (vasucular)
- GI tract
- lungs
can be (less comon)
bones/joints, muscles, heart, kidneys
Scleroderm: Skin Symptoms
limited v diffuse
face findings
other key signs
virtually everyone with scleroderma has skin findings
if they dont have the skin = scleroderma sine scleroderma
- thickened skin appears distally first and progresses proximally
- Limited Scleroderma: hands, feet, face, forearms and legs
- diffuse Scleroderma: upperarms, thighs, chest, abdomen also invovled
- face becomes expressionless: no wrinkles
- talengiectagias
Diffused Hyper/hypo-pigmentation
- areas near hiar follicles are depigmeneted
Painful Ulcerations: fingertips and areas where the skin is so tight
cutaneous calcifications at fingertips (calcium deposits)
Raynauds and Scleroderma
Other Vascualture Symptoms of Scleroderma
Scleroderma: raynauds is the vascualr finding
- often happens before the skin findings
- temporary occculsion: white then blue, then excessve vasodilation leading to rednes and pain
- develops in virtually all pt. with scleroderma
Vascualr Symptoms
- capillarie heohrrages at the cuticle line : “WIre Loop” as the vessels try to go around the collagen blockage and divert
- necrotici lesions in the fingers and toes emergency
Scleroderma: Skeletal Symptoms
Skeletal Involvement
- symmetrical polyarthrialgia (pain) but TRUE arthritis or synovitis are rare
- contractures of teh hands and wrists with lost hand function
- carpel tunnel
- coarse leathery crepitus (tendon friction rub) rare but specific for diffuse scleroderma (since chest)
Xray Findings
- shows resporbtion and dissolution of teh distal phalanx : such bad circulation the bone goes away
- muscle fiber atrophy & possible polymyositis
Scleroderma: GI changes
GI Symptoms
- esophageal abnormalities in 90%
- incomplete LES and decreased/gone peristalsis leads to EXTREME REFLUX, odyniphagia and dysphaiga
- barretts esopahgus (and icnreased transition to CA) and lower esophageal stricture can occur
- causes hoarsness, and aspiration to pneumonitis
watermelon stomach: when there are big vessles that are dilated trying to compensate: high risk of GI bleeding
disordered gut motility: malabosrbtion, diarrhea, bacterial overgrowth
colonic disease with psueodiverticular (wide-mout sacculation)
Scleroderma: Respiratory Changes and Symptoms
tests for detecing these changes
lung involvement is the leading cause of morbitiy/mortality
Results in Pulmonary Fiberosis & Pulmonary Hypertension
PUlmonary Fiberosis
- insidious in onset
- hear fine inspiratory crackels as the lungs start to harden at the bases
Pulmonary Hypertension & Cor Pulmonale
- in those with limited and diffuse
Tests for Pulmonary invovledment
PFTs are the best
- if DLCO is low = pulmonary HTN
- if FVC/DLCO are both decreased = pulmonary fiberosis
CT can see the alvolitis: ground glass appearnce
Pulm HTn (lmitied)
interstital dx. (diffuse)
Renal Involvment in Scleroderma
renal involvement is the most deadly
- less commong, but it happens QUICKLY
- severe HTN and volume overload = lead to the crisis
Scleroderma Renal Crisis
- HTN, cardiac failure, MI, stroke = renal crisis
can be countered with prompt adminstration of ACE inhibitor
diffuse scleroderma at highest risk
Cardiac Involvement of Scleroderma
- heart will be effected; but symptomaitc andcardiac dysfunction less common
Tachyarrythmias and pericardial effusions are seens
Right heart strain due to pulmnary HTN can happen
Organ Invovlement Scleroderma
- neuro
- GU
- thyroid
- bile
Nero: periphearl neuropathy CNS is typically spared
GU: erectile dysfunction
thyroid: hypothyroid
can give secondayr sjogrens syndrome
pirmary biliar cirrhosis can happen too
Scleroderma: Diagnosis & prognosis
Diagnosis is made clinically
lab data can help decide what type of scleroderma
- ESR = usually normal
- ANA is typically positive in 90% +:
- diffuse = speckled or nucelor formation
- anti-centromere = limited
ANA findings
anti-centromere is most important = limited
anti-SCL70 (topoisomerase I) + RNA polymerase = diffuse
anti-scl70 = increased risk of pulmonary interstital involvement
highest risk in first 2-5 years
diffuse = shorter life span
limited = a bit longer
renal, cardiac or pulm involvemen t= worse off
Sjogrens Syndrome
- a chronic autoimmune disorder or the exocrine: mositrue producing glands
- creates a “Sicca Syndrome” of dry mouth and dry eyes
- reduced lacrimal and salivary gland function due to autoantibodies attacking
- second most common autoimmune after RA
Primary Sjogrens
- the dry eyes and mouth in a previously healthy individaul
Secondary Sjogrens
- the association of sjogrens from antoher rhum. disease: usually RA but also SLE too
Sjogrens Syndrome
Occular Specifics
slow, benging course of disease progression
Dry eyes and Dry Mouth = initial presenation for most pt.
Classic Traid
- keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes)
- dry mouth (xerostomia)
- arthritis
Occular Involvement
- chronic inflmamed lacrimal = decrease tear production
- dilation of conj. vessels & pericornal injection = red eye
- irregualr cornea
- burnchin, sandy, scratchy sensation and photosensitivtiy
- failure to treat dry eyes = ulcers and corneal perforation/melting and infection
Asked via these questions
- FB sensation in teh eye ?
- dry eye for 3+ months?
- using artifical tears 3+ months
Sjogrens Syndrome: Symptoms
Oral Involvement
Dry mouth due to decrease saliva production by the glands
- difficult to swallow
- inability to speak continuously
- changes in taste
- buring sensation in mouth
- **parotid and salivary galnd enlargement can occur in 60% of pt. **due to the destruction
the dry mouth can lead to
- cavities
- sialolithiasis (stones)
- oral candidias
- infections
- weight loss
sympomts for 3+ months
recurrent or persistnat swollen glands
need liquid to swallow dry food
Sjogrens Syndrome : Symptoms
symmetrical polyarthritis simialr to RA but milder and non-erosive
Sjogrens Syndrome : Pathology
the B and T cells overactivate and direclty impact the salivary and lacrimal glands
this overreaction of cytokines and lymphocytes and antibodies = leads to fiberosis and scarring
fatty tissue is replaced instead of glandular tissue in these areas
this disrupts innervation and decrease function = irreversible destruction of the glands
Sjogrens Syndrome Diagnosis
3 of the 4 of the following need to be met for a dx.
Objective documentation of dry eyes
- schirmers test 5mm or less
- Occular Staining score
Objective documentaion of dry mouth
- unstimulated whole saliva flow
Autoimmunity via blood : SS-A
confirmation of histological involvement through gland biopsy of the sailvary gland
+ symptomatic ocular or oral symptos reported by pt. (need both)
4+ points = dx.
Sjogrens Syndrome
once objective dry mouth has been determiend
what testis conducted
salivary gland biopsy
- lower lip incision to get the biopsy of gland
- focal lymphocytic sialadenitis of 50 or more cells around a salivary duct
- determined as a focus score
- focus score > 1 per 4 mm is a diagnosis
Sjogrens Syndrome : Lab tests
postive Anti-SSa
can also have postive anti-SSb
- ANA and RF can be postive = not specific
- can have elevated ESR
- elevated B2 microglobulin
only ss-A is used in the diagnosis criteris for sjogrens
alwasy rule out medications causing the symptoms simialr to sjogrens!!!
Objective Documentation of the eye and mouth for dryness for dx. of Sjogrnes how
Objective Documentaion of Eye
- Schirmer’s test (paper and measure tears): nomal > 10mm/5min)
- Rose Bengal or fluorescein corneal staining: see irregualr surfaces
- tear break film test: measures the staibiltiy betwen blink and if it leakssooner = +
Objective Documentation of Dry mouth
- sialmetry: lashely cup to measure amount of salivation
- flow at normal rate should be > 0.1 ml/min
- stimulated with citric acid
- salivary scintigraphy not used
- salivary sialography: to see the ducts (Xray or MRI)
what are inflammatory myopathies
a group of autoimmune disorders characterized by muscle inflammation and loss of function
necorttizing autoimmune myositis
inclusion body myositis
Inflammatory Myositis
- proximal muscle weakness: difficulty getting out of a chair or blow drying hair
- neck extensor weakness: difficult to hold up head: eyes look up
- distal strength is preserve: except in inclusion body where this is an issue (exaple: can still button buttons)
- no occular muscle issued
- painless
- assocaited with cancer!!! dermato more than poly
non-muscle symptoms
- rash, swelling of hands
- arthralgias
- raynauds and interstiatnl lung disease also possible
Inflammatory Myositis (dermato and poly)
lab tests
- CPK!! will be high (CPK, CK and aldoase) since this is a muscle issue
- other liver enzymes will be normal (LDH, AST/ALT)
specific symptoms & key pearls
signs on imaging (Ct and EMG)
- subacute presentaion of proximal muslce weakness
- EMG done: shws irritable EMG with shapr waves and decreases amplitude and duration
- Muscle biopsy to show necrosis of fibers and perivesicualr perimysal inflammation : infiltreation of inflammatory cells around the vesicles
- autoantibodies: anti-MDA-5 and anti-Mi2
- MRI can show active inflammation: muscle edema on T2 (good for monitoring)
Rash: Chracteristics of the disease:
- eyes: helotrope rash
- shawl sign on upper shuolders
- mechanics hands
- knuckles “gottron” sign
Calcinosis (more common in kids)
what is is
labs and findings
Polymyositsi = no skin invovlement
- subacute onset of proximal muscle weakness
- CK elevated
- EMG shows myopathic units
- muscle biopsy: lots of CD8 cells INVADING the fibers
- auto-antibodies: antisyntehase = think interstital lung disea and mechanics hands
- MRI: shows active inflammation
Nectortizing Autoimmune Myositis
- THIS IS PAINFUL!!! none of the others are
- this is associtaed with statin use
acute or subacute onset of proximal muscle weakness: severely in adults
CK = will be very high over 50x normal
EMG: scute myopathic uints
Muscle Biopsy scatter necortic fibers, no CD8+ cells (dead fibers at this one)
labs : anti-SRP and HMGCR
MRI: inflammation
Inclusion Body Myositis
INclusion Body
- think of this as the AD of msucles
- slow and progression degeration adn misoflding proteins invading healthy cells
slow onset of proximal and distal muscle weakness in qudas, forearms, face
CK wil be 10x ULN
EMG: myopathic units
Muscle Biopsy: CD8+ cells invading health fibers and VACUOLES forming : from misfolded
labs: anti-cNIA
MRI: selective muslce invovlement
inflammatory myositis autoantibodies and treatment
the treatment is guided by the prescene of which antibodies
myositis specific
- non-synthestase
- synthestase
- myositis assocaited autoantibodies