Scientists Flashcards
Was an early pioneer in the study of the human major histocompatibility complex or HLA
Jean Dausset
Provided experimental evidence of acquired immunologic tolerance
Milan Hasek
Introduced radioimmunoassay
Rosalyn Yalow
Made crucial discoveries about the structure of immunoglobulins, the first complete sequence of antibody molecule
Gerald Edelman
Discovered IgE as reagins antibody
Kimishige Ishazaka
Discovered that bursa of fabricious is responsible for generating the cells capable of manufacturing antibodies - B cells
Noel Warmer
Were interested in transplantation
E. Doumal Thomas and Joseph Murray
Discovered the adaptive immunity is mediated by lypmohocytes, focusing the attention of immunologists on these small cells
James Gowans
Developed the hemolytic plaque assay and several important immunological theories, including an early version of clonal selection, a prediction that lymphocyte receptors would be inherently biased to MHC recognition, and the idiotype network
Niels Jerne
Pioneered monoclonal antibody production from hybrid antibody-forming cells with Ceasar Milstein
George Kohler
Pioneered monoclonal antibody production with Georgea Kohler
Cesar Milstein
Worked out the polypeptide structure of the antibody molecule, layering the groundwork for its analysis by protein sequencing
Rodney Porter
Discovered the somatic recombination of immunological receptor genes that underlies the generation of diversity in human and murine antibodies and T cell receptors
Susumo Tonegawa
Linked the two theories by showing that humoral and cellular factors were involved in a normal immune response. He observed that humoral or circulating factors called opsonins coated bacteria rendering them susceptible to phagocytosis. This observation gave him the idea that serum factors were formed in response to exposure to foreign substances. He called these serum facctors, antibodies
Almoth wright
Discovered immune response genes and collaborated in the first demonstration of MHC restriction
Baruj benecerraf