scientist Flashcards
who made the theory of evolution
Charles Darwin
Descent with modification
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin’s ship captain
Robert FitzRoy
Modern Synthesis
Charles Darwin
Integral Model
basic unit of heredity
darwin did not use the word ___________ in the original theory
backbone of his Theory of Evolution
descent with modification
by Charles Darwin refers to the
species that changed over time
Evolution described as “descent with modification”
three basic concepts that are helpful in clarifying how descent with
modification works:
Genetic mutation
Individual (or natural) selection
Evolution of the population (or species as a whole)
On the Origin of Species (1859)
Charles Darwin
Heraclitus (c. 500 B.C.E.)
Greek Philosophy
believed that change was a fundamental property of
the universe
Heraclitus (c. 500 B.C.E.)
first articulated a crude but
dynamic theory that postulated that the origin of life had taken place in a manner that
suggested evolution.
Empedocles (c. 392–432 B.C.E.)
the belief in a changing universe fell into disfavor
Aristotle (384–
322 B.C.E.),
believed in
a static universe which held that living organisms were created initially and then remained
essentially unchanged.
r. Aristotle and his numerous
medieval and Renaissance translators, commentators, and supporters
suggested that fossils were of organic (once-living) origin and that uniform or
constant processes rather than catastrophic or one-time events had shaped Earth’s history
. Geological
one of the first
to question the fixity of species and to suggest a transmutationist theory with a startling
resemblance to Darwinian evolution
Comte de Buffon (Count Buffon, 1707–1788)
Although he was a respected naturalist, his
theoretical explanations for the origin of life and of species change were not accepted
during his time
Comte de Buffon (Count Buffon, 1707–1788)
Buffon’s transmutationist ideas were also not accepted because they
opposed the philosophical teachings of his French colleague __________________
Georges Cuvier
the great
comparative anatomist and the father of modern paleontology
Georges Cuvier
The first to suggest a viable theory of species change
was interested in adaptation or the manner and process by which
organisms are able to adapt physiologically and morphologically to their environment.
According to ____________, the use or, in many cases, disuse of such a vital organ
could lead to the development of novel but well-adapted traits. The cumulative effect of
these adaptations could eventually lead to a new species.
Darwin’s own grandfather
Erasmus Darwin
suggested that life originated from “ one living filament”
Erasmus Darwin
studied birth defects
Isidore Geoffroy Sainte Hilaire (1805-1861)
suggested that through such “monstrous birth” a new species might suddenly arise
isidore geoffroy sainte hilaire
the leading transmutationist of the 19th century
charles darwin
who is the scientist that formulated an identical theory to darwin
alfred russel wallace
On the Origin of Species or the Preservation of Favored
Races in the Struggle for Life
charles darwin
occurs when an organism with
a favorable variation in some trait reproduces more as a result, thereby increasing the
frequency of the variation in the next generation.
natural selection