SCIENTIFIC VARIABLES (eg. independent, aim, method etc) Flashcards
What is an independent variable?
The variable that changes.
In a graph, it usually would go on the x-axis (horizontal axis).
What is the dependent variable?
What is measured during the experiment.
In a graph, it would go on the y-axis.
What is the controlled variable?
The variable that remains the same throughout the experiment.
What is an aim?
The purpose of the investigation/research including both the independent and dependent variable. Often started with “To investigate…”
What is included in a risk assessment + meanings?
Hazard - What is the item of danger?
Risk - What is the harm it can cause?
Strategy - How can you prevent this from happening?
What is the reliability of a method?
What has the researcher done to ensure that results could be reliable eg. are the results consistent, has the research/experiment been conducted 3-4 times?
What is the validity of a method?
How well are the components of the experiment controlled? Have all the controlled variables been mentioned?
What is the accuracy of a method?
How well the researchers collected their data. Have they used the correct unit of measurement/equipment?
What is the abstract/outline?
A detailed summary (approx. 100 words) of the whole project including aim, method, results and statistics from the experiment/results.
What is a hypothesis?
The prediction/estimation of results.
What is a Research Question?
What is the question being researched?
What are Ethical Issues?
Does the researcher cause harm or put risk to any living things?
What is an audience?
Who would benefit from the research? How or why it would benefit this audience?
What are limitations of research?
Issues or problems within the research.
What are modifications of research?
Suggestions to change so that research can be further improved.
What are further research questions?
Questions to help ADVANCE knowledge and understanding.