Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment/Monarchies Flashcards
Describe the difference between a geocentric and an heliocentric view
Geo = Earth Helio = Sun
What is Galileo famous for?
He went to prison for his heliocentric belief
Enlightenment thinkers used this to describe the world around them.
The Enlightenment changed people’s view toward this aspect of society.
What id John Locke believe every person had a right to?
What were Montesquieu’s beliefs toward how the government should function?
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
What is the divine right theory?
A political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitamacy
What did Louis XIV mean by saying “I am the state”
He meant that he was the political authority
Who was Ivan the Terrible
Grand Prince of Moscow
Began Romanoff Dynasty
Killed his son
Why did Peter the Great embark in a campaign of Westernization?
He wanted it to be modern
Describe how a Constitutional Monarchy functions?
When a monarch has reserve powers
Limits power of the King
How are the English Bill of Rights and the US Bill of Rights similar
Both have rights in which the government can’t infringe
what is the significance of the Declaration of Independence
It declares the USA’s independence from Britain
What does the US Constitution do?
It provides a framework for US government
What does the US Bill of Rights do?
Grants freedom
It has the first 10 amendments
Describe France’s social structure before the French Revolution.
There were three social classes, called estates
First Estate - Merchants & Artisans
Second Estate - Workers, cooks
Third Estate - Poor
Describe France’s tax structure before the French Revolution.
High taxes
The third estate, which made up 80% of the population, had to pay 1/2 of their income to nobles
Name 3 causes of the French Revolution
Influence of the American Revolution
Economic troubles and rising influence of the middle class
Government corruption
What did the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen do for the French people?
It was a document to support rights
What was the major impact of the French Revolution (besides killing the Royal Family)
Rise and fall of Napolean
What was the reign of terror?
When you got killed if you spoke out again the Revolution
How were people executed during the French Revolution?
What was the Napoleonic Code?
A comprehensive system of laws
What did the Continental system seek to do?
Make continental Europe more self sufficient
Intended to destroy Britain’s economy
Which country defeated Napolean in 1812 crushing his Grand Army