Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Flashcards
What time period did philosophers begin the change their thinking?
15th and 16th centuries
During this time period mathematics was vital to what three things?
Navigation, military science, and geography.
Who developed the Heliocentric theory?
Nicolaus Copernicus
Who is Johannes Kepler?
Destroyed the Ptolemaic System by developing laws of planetary movement.
Who is considered the greatest Scientific Genius of this time period?
Isaac Newton
Who is considered the founder of modern chemistry?
Antoine Lavoisier
What became a force of Revolution?
Who were two thinkers who had a huge impact on the Enlightenment?
John Locke and Isaac Newton
What types of people made up the Philisophers?
Writers, journalists, professors, economists, and reformers.
Who was a big believer in the separation of powers?
Charles-Louis de Secondat
What is Laisse Faire?
The philosophy that government should not interfere with people who are trying to conduct business.
Who is Adam Smith and what is he known for?
A French founder of modern social science who is known for writing the Wealth of Nations
Simplify the Social Contract? And Who wrote it?
A concept that all people should be forced to abide to society’s general will, written by Jean-Jaques Rosseau
How were Enlightenment ideas spread?
Magazines, newspapers, books, and conversation.
What rights were included in the idea of Natural Rights?
Equality in law, religious freedom, hold property, and pursue happiness.
Explain the belief of most monarchs during this time and how that was viewed by
Most monarchs believed they had to create war because it was their responsibility to grow their countries territory. It was viewed as a waste of lives, supplies, and food.
How did England get land East of the Mississippi River?
The Treaty of Paris; The French gave it up to England.
Who wrote Common Sense and what did it challenge?
Thomas Paine; It challenged the authority of the British Monarchy.
What important American document was inspired by the Enlightenment and
started the American Revolution?
Declaration of Independence
What three philisophers strongly influenced Thomas Jefferson who also supported
separation of church and state?
John Locke, Francis Bacon, and Isaac Newton.
Describe the structure of our government.
A president serves as head, and the people elect the representatives.