Scientific Investigation Flashcards
Bio 101 Lab Quiz1
What makes a question scientific?
Scientific Question
Possible explanation or answer for the question
Scientific Experiment
Dependent Variable
* Independent Variable
* Controlled variable
* Procedure
* Level of treatment
* Replication
* Control
Well defined and testable phenomenon.
Scientific Questions
Scientific questions are _____ and _____ elements
measurable, controllable
a proposed explanation (an
Hypothesis must be _____ and ______
testable, falsifiable
then results can either
falsify or support the hypotheses.
Controlled experiment:
Hypotheses can also be tested
by observations or synthesis of information from a
variety of sources.
Accumulating data
Designing experiments to test Hypotheses
by controlled experiment
- An experiment involves:
- Defining variables.
- Outlining a procedure.
- Determining controls to be used as the
experiment is performed.
this can be measured or counted
or observed in response to experimental conditions
Dependent variable;
scientist choose one variable or
environmental condition to manipulate.
Independent variable
factors other than the
independent variable that might affect the dependent
Controlled variables
Stepwise method or sequence of steps
. Outlining a procedure
the value set of the independent
Level of treatment:
how several the same procedure will be
serves as a benchmark that allows the scientist
to decide whether the predicted effect is really due to the
independent variable.
_________ are written in the form of “If the
hypothesis is supported, then the results of the
experiment will be……..’’
Making predictions
Data must be organized and summarized in
tables and figures.
Presenting and analyzing Results
Values of the same kind should read down the column.
2. Non‐essential information and results should be omitted.
3. The headings of each column should include units of measurements
4. Tables are labeled consecutively.
5. Title located at the top of the table, The first and important words
should be in capital.
6. Refer to each table in the written text. (Table 4)
provides a visual summary of the results and
show the effect of the independent variable on the dependent
graph or figure