SCIENE Flashcards
4 Which of the following statements about requirements of all living things are true?
All living things need water to distribute nutrients and waste within cells and throughout body
Earthquakes are most common in areas…
near boundaries where tectonic plates slowly collide
Renewable energy–What starts as kinetic energy then goes into mechanical/electric energetic energy?
windmill wind turbine
which light emits heat and light?
What causes tectonic plates to move?
the heat in the earth core
LA and coastal aquifers–what is the main concern?
the coastalaquifiers are subjected to the intrusion of sea water
Students conducting a science experiment with sugar cubes in water versus crushed sugar in water ….
surface area of solute
which of the following is indicated by the size of the mineral in an ingenious rock sample?
how long the rock too to cool as it formed
why is iridium so rare in earth?
it is found in high abundance in meteorites
a nutcracker is a
In which direction will the rain drop fall?
B (wind pushes it to the right and gravity down)
El niño impacts/effects of seagulls/fish/fisheries…
losses of phytoplankton–small fish starve. El Nino reduces the upwelling of cold water off the coast of the americas. when this happens, fish die or migrate into areas where they find food. With fish gone, seabirds that depend on them may die or migrate. Kelp forests are often destroyed by storms and ocean shells.
During the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, homes located near San Fran bay generally sustained worse damage than similar homes further from the bay. The severity of the damage sustained by homes nearest to the bay is most likely due to the
existence of sediments and fill near the shoreline
which of the following change is an example of natural selection?
the percent of Beatles that are genetically darker in color increases population that expand from prairie to forests
which of the activities take place in the nucleus of the cell?
RNA molecules are synthesized from DNA template
what statement is true about mutations?
they create variation within genes of population
what is the new tech that is able to predict weather and can detect changed in air pressure? like hurricane and tornado
doppler radar
why is it colder in central valley in the winter than on the coat in CA?
Inland humidity is hit during winter
what device is used to measure tsunami?
if a student created a model of methanol representing an atomic structure, what is the model representing?
neutrons and protons are in the center, in nuclei or equal number of neutrons and protons
mutation questions + advantages
a change in gene (DNA) causes mutations
beneficial: white fur gene for rabbit living arctic
harm/kill sickle cell anemia
for evolution to work+ mutations
the white fur of rabbit helps it survive in snow because it is camofalouged
Polaris view
north star, the earth is pointed directly at it. Stars circle around it. It does not move, northern direction, earth rotates
water cycle question
features of continental shelf
shallow on the east coast, plant and algae make them richer feeding grounds for sea creatures, sunlight is prevalent in shallow water and organisms thrive. ocean currents and runofff from rivers bring nutrients to organism to live in c.s
in lab, handling which substances creates most safety concerns?
volatile solvent acetone
what instrument is used to measure air pressure?
which of the following is most acidic?
what are the folds of the long digestive system for?
to absorb nutrients
what would happen if a plant is watered in ocean or salt water?
it will wilt. if too much water is lost during osmosis, the plant will die
why does the ocean not freeze as fast as the lake?
freshwater freezes at 32 degrees and sea water freezes at 28.4 degrees because of the salt in it. salty seawater is denser than fresh seawater
what makes grass green of give it a green color?
chlorophyll (it reflects blue light and red light reflects green
the the North Star the brightest star? Does it stay in the same spot everyday?
it is the not brightest, it stays in the same spot (Polaris view), it is directly above North Pole. In the northern hemisphere contestations appear to rotate around Polaris. Different constellations come into view at different times of the night and different parts of the year.
what is the most ocean life?
the sunlit zone (euphoric zone)–top player is nearest to the surface. there is enough light penetrating the water to support photosynthesis (90% of marine life lives in the sunlit zone) 600 ft
what is the problem with deforestation?
erosion and loss of nutrients
what is the biggest danger for the reason of loss of plants and animals?
destruction of habitat
a screw is an example of what simple machine?
inclined plane
light travels at ____ speed per km. which number represent how far it will travel in …..x10
2.9 x10^5 (3.0 x10^5)
an electrical battery is made with a magnet. the coil is turning because
attraction and repulsion between the magnetic field and the free electrons
what is something you would see happen in a chemical reaction?
iron rusting, burning wood, metabolism, cooking an egg, making a cake, electroplating, rotting banana, vinegar +baking sods, fireworks, chemical battery
what is a good conductor of electricity?
what would a cell look like if its a muscle cell?
long and tubular
members of what group act as decomposers?
in the Northern hem, which city would experience the longest day in winter solstice?
Quito, Ecuador south of the equator
what is the balanced chemical equation for cellular respiration? c^6H^12O^6 + 6O^2…..6CO^2 + GH^20
little boy making an atom, what would be the most accurate?
having protons and neutrons in the middle
how is the surface of the ocean different than the bottom?
it affects the food chain between algea and birds. SUNLIT ZONE–> more light/oxygen= photosynthesis
more food–> organisms flourish
after 600 ft habitats, ecosystems, food chains change
during the Northern hemisphere winter, the suns path across the sky is shorter and closer to the horizon than it is during the summer. This seasonal change in the suns path across the sky is caused by …
tilt of the earth rotational axis compared to its orbital plane
which of the following is the best refraction of lightwaves?
light passing through raindrops produces a rainbow
which following property of H20 is different from other substances?
solid from water, less dense than liquid form
what is a solstice?
when the earth is tilted towards the sun
process of photosynthesis
plants convert energy of sunlight into chemical energy stored in the bonds of carbohydrates
in the study of evolution, which of the following statements would most accurately assess the significance of the bone shown? (human and whale)
the structures being compared share a similar evolution but different applications
terrestrial planets vs gas planets
not all planets are terrestrial. In our solar system gas giants are much bigger with thick atmosphere full of hydrogen and helium
from the northern hemisphere, what place would experience the longest amount of daylight/ longest june solsctice?
anchorage, Alaska
compared to the waters of the continental shelf, the surface waters of the ocean ocean are generally much less productive because they
lack nutrients derived from the land or ocean sediment on the seabed
physical weathering
Weathering is the breaking down of rocks, soil, and minerals as well as wood and artificial materials through contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, water, by the movement of rocks, wind, and biological organisms.
Swiftly moving water can lift rocks from stream bottoms, ice wedging can cause rocks to break, plant roots can grow through cracks, waves crashing on a rocky shoreline, changing temps on rocks (freezing), high heat temps
Mitochondria- ATP energy factories of the cells
Chloroplasts absorb sunlight and use it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to produce food for the plant. Chloroplasts capture light energy from the sun to produce the free energy stored in ATP and NADPH through a process called photosynthesis.
what is in a atom?
protons, neutrons and electrons
Strata are layers of rock, or sometimes soil. In nature, strata come in many layers. It is a term in sedimentary and historical geology, the singular is stratum. These layers are laid down as sediment, often in the sea, and are slowly ok by pressure, heat and chemical action into rocks
Chemical compounds (formulas)
ocean life, wind movements (south and north winds)
neap tides
When this happens, the bulge of the ocean caused by the sun partially cancels out the bulge of the ocean caused by the moon. This produces moderate tides known as neap tides, meaning that high tides are a little lower and low tides are a little higher than average.
A tide in which the difference between high and low tide is the least. Neap tides occur twice a month when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to the Earth. When this is the case, their total gravitational pull on the Earth’s water is weakened because it comes from two different directions. Compare spring tide.
know this
Arteries carry blood from the heart. Capillaries go between arteries and veins. Veins carry blood back to the heart.
What is the missing cycle of the life cycle of a butterfly? This question is a picture of the butterfly cycle
Igneous Rock
forms from solidified magma. Magma is molten rock. Examples: granite , pumice, and obsidian
sedimentry rock
A type of rock that forms when particles from other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together
consolidated sediment - debris produced from weathering and erosion that is eventually deposited.
Metamorphic rock
crystallized sedimentary rock that has been exposed to high temperatures or pressure. Any type of rock can become metamorphic rock. Examples: marble, slate
instrusive rock
Igneous rock that forms when magma hardens beneath Earth’s surface.
extrusive rock
Igneous rock that forms from lava on Earth’s surface
an example of metamorphic rock
what is the moons position relative to earth during a lunar eclipse?
the moon and sun are on the opposite sides of the earth
the shape of the milky way can best be described as
a spiral disk
which of these is NOT a division within the standard system of scientific taxonomy?
during which phase of mitosis do the duplicated chromosomes line up along the equatorial plate of the spindle?
the filament in a light bulb is made of material which provides more —– than the copper wires through which electricity usually flows
what is the term for the process of releasing atomic energy by bombarding a dense element with neutrons and splitting its nucleus
how many different ways can 4 children be ordered in a line?
-Atoms are packed close together
-Atoms are arranged in a regular pattern
-Atoms do not move freely
-Atoms are held together by bonds
-All solids are hard in nature
Atoms are packed close together but not as tight as solids
-Atoms are arranged randomly
- Bonds hold atoms together but not as strong as solids so atoms can also move freely
- They take shape of the container they are in.
Atoms are very far apart
-Atoms move around randomly
-They take shape of container they are in
- They can be compressed and squeezed
water cycle: What role does the sun and gravity play in the cycle-Label three parts of the cycle. What one effect do humans have on the water cycle.
Evaporation: sun heats water
Condensation: liquid forming clouds.
Perspiration: water that condensed air cannot hold anymore (rain)
Evaportranspiration/collection: water that is transferred from land to land to atmosphere
Run-off water that flows back to oceans, stream, lakes, and rivers
Written response: In the water cycle evaporation is when the sun heats water and evaporates to rise into condensation by creating clouds. It then precipitates and turns into rain because air cannot hold it any longer.
Water is then transferred back to land from atmosphere through collection as it flows back to to oceans, rivers, and lakes in run-off. The suns radiation is the energy that drives the water cycle and gravity and gravity is the force that keeps it moving. Gravity allows precipitation to fall as rain. Run-off is pulled down to oceans, rivers , and streams . An effect that humans have on the cycle is deforestation. Trees release water vapor that evaporates into the atmosphere before precipitating. Deforestation affects it because if trees are cut down, there is less water to be evaporated and continue the cycle.
Image: water cycle: What role does the sun and gravity play in the cycle-Label three parts of the cycle. What one effect do humans have on the water cycle.
Elodea Plant. What experiment can you do?What are 2 control variables? Why do you think the plants are not thriving?
Answer: Take two plants. Plant one is placed in a window and watered once a week with 100 ml of water.
Plant 2: placed in a closet and water 3 times a week with 100 ml.
The conclusion is that plant 1 grew better than plant two; however, the question remained of how much water plants needed. The controlled experiment: Everything stays the same : The two pots are in the same size pot, have the same soil, same amounts of soil and both this time are in the same sunlight with the same temperatures. The only independent variable is that plant one will be watered once a week with 100 ml of water. Plant 2 will be watered 3 times a week with 100 ml of water. The conclusion is that plant 2 is the more responsive plant in growth. This test was conducted 3 more times to ensure accuracy of results.
Explain how energy is transferred from the sun to the food chain in a deciduous forest(ecosystem of the rain forest)
The ecosystem of the rain forest is made up of two parts, Abiotic and Biotic factors. Abiotic factors are non-living things that are essential to the survival of the ecosysem. These things are water, soil , oxygen , carbon, dioxide and sunlight. The biotic factors are the living organisms such as plants and animals. Sunlight and oxygen are elements that animals take in daily. The sun also provides the light needed for the plants to begin photosynthesis. Without the soil these plants are unable to grow or reproduce which which has a chain effect of the rest of the biotic factors in the rain forest. Without the abiotic factors such as sunlight , soil, carbon dioxide and water the biotic factors cannot even exist . Carbon dioxide is equally important to this ecosystem, as is oxygen. Carbon dioxide is what the plants need to survive , being that the plants are the producers of the the energy pyramid their role is essential to the success of the forest ecosystem. The plants (producers) are the food source for the primary consumers and the primary consumers are the food source for the secondary consumers and the secondary consumers are the food source for the tertiary consumers. Hence the term food chain, because one is as equally important than the other.
Life Cycle of frog. Draw the cycle, what are the adaptions in each cycle?
Breading season for the Leopard frog is from March until July. Males will begin a series of guttural grunt callings for a female. The female Leopard frog will lay up to 5000 eggs in shallow water. The eggs will attach to vegetation and hatch in 9 days. The first stage after hatching is the tadpole stage. The tadpoles can breathe underwater using gills and grow through late summer. After the tadpole phase they move into the young frog stage from their adult stage. As they develop they will grow hind legs first, then front legs. For a short period of time after they have grown legs they will still have their tail but it soon disappears. The entire process takes up to 7 weeks . After the tadpole phase they will live their entire life on land. They are known as meadow frogs; in the summer they prefer grassy meadows, fields or pastures where they will eat insect’s small bugs and small birds. Winter they will hibernate in the shallow ponds or streams and side channels that don’t freeze over, as they are able to breathe under water through their skin.
vinegar and limestone mineral question: a student pours a few drops of vinegar onto limestone and it starts bubbling. What kind of reaction is this? How does it relate to chemical weatherization and monuments and statues?
A chemical reaction occurs when vinegar comes in contact with limestone. Small bubbles (carbon dioxide) rise of f the limestone and heat is produced by the chemical reaction. This bubbling is called effervescence and there are several reasons for this reaction. Vinegar is diluted acetic acid and limestone is calcium carbonate. Acetic acid is as it’s named an acid. Calcium carbonate is a base, and is common ingredient in indigestion tablets. Heat is always produced during a reaction of an acid and a base. Acid rain is a byproduct of both natural and man-made conditions. In the atmosphere rain mixes with carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and sulfuric dioxide to form acid rain. Acid rain has a direct effect on limestone rocks that occur in soil, below ground and on buildings. One of the most noticeable effects of acid rain is on limestone blocks that are part of a building or statue. Over time, the acid rain will round the edges of statues and crack that flat surfaces of the rock.