Science Vocabulary (Week of September 19) Flashcards
abundant [Adjective] a•bun•dant
present in large amounts
active camouflage [Noun]
a form of camouflage that involves changing quickly to blend in
with one’s surroundings
adapt [Verb] a•dapt
to change to fit a new or specific situation or environment
adaptation [Noun] ad•ap•ta•tion
a change in an organism or species that allows it to survive better
in its environment
adapted [Adjective]
changed to fit a new or specific situation or environment
adapter [Noun]
a person or other animal that is able to change to fit a new or
specific situation or environment
albino [Noun]
a person or other animal with an absence of pigment in the skin,
hair, and eyes
alive [Adjective] a•live
living; not dead
allele [Noun]
one of two or more alternative forms of a gene
amphibian [Noun] am•phib•i•an
a cold-blooded animal with a backbone that generally spends
some time in water and some time on land
anabolic activity [Noun]
a metabolic process during which the body builds or mends cells
analysis [Noun] a•nal•y•sis
the close examination of something to learn more about it
anatomy [Noun]
a branch of science that studies the physical structure of living
things; the parts that make up the physical structure of a living thing
aquatic [Adjective] a•quat•ic
of or relating to the plants and animals living in or near water;
growing or living in or near water
arboreal [Adjective]
living in trees
arms [Noun] arms
limbs attached to the shoulders of a human or other animal; limbs
of some animals, such as sea stars
attracted [Adjective]
drawn to someone or something
bird [Noun] bird
an animal with a backbone, a beak, wings, and feathers
body [Noun]
The body of an insect has three main parts.
all the physical parts of a human or other animal
body [Noun] bod•y
Sentence: When I draw a rabbit, I start with the body, or main part.
the main part of a human or other animal that is not its head or