science vocab Flashcards
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What does a Astronomical Unit measure?
unit measurement equal to 149.6 which is the mean distance of the center of the earth to the center of the sun
What is a Light Year?
The distance light travels in a year.
What is a Comet?
A celestial object with a nucleus made up of ice and dust and is lit by the sun and is pointing away from the sun.

How do you measure how long it takes for the Eath to move around the Sun?
A year
What is Rotation?
The action which an object rotates around an axis or center.
A length or portion of time is a what?
True or False
Orbit means to circle around a larger object?
What is a Gas Giant Planet?
A planet mostly composed of gas such as Neptune Jupiter and Saturn.

What is a Parsec?
3.25 of a light year.
What is a Nebula?
a cloud of gas and dust that is bright and that at some time is able to be visible with the human eye

What is a Constellation?
a group of stars that forms a pattern or picture and is usually named after it.

How is a Planetesimal made?
By many bodies coming together to form a planet due to gravity.

What is a Asteroid?
A small rocky body that orbits the sun.

What do Cosmologist study?
the evolution and space-time relations of the universe
What does a Solor Day measure?
The time between successive meridian transits of the sun at a particular place.
What does a Sidereal Day measure?
The time between two consecutive transits of the First Point of Aries, almost four minutes shorter than the solar day because of the earth’s orbital motion.
What are Terrestrial Planets?
Planets with rocky services like the earth

Define Angular Velocity.
The rate of change of the angular position of a rotating body.
True or False
Revolve means to Orbit around.
What happens during Nuclear Fusion?
A nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy.

Define Protoplanetary.
moon size or larger planet embryos