science unit A Flashcards
Living things of the same kind that are able to reproduce successfully
The variety of species and ecosystems on earth and the ecological processes of which they are a part
Biological Diversity
a particular environment where living things interact
group of individuals of the same species living in an area
A group of populations of different species living in the same area
The relationship between two different species
relationship between species, one benefits, other doesn’t benefit or get harmed.
Both species benefit
one specie benefit, other is harmed
multiple species using the same resources
Interspecies competition
role of an organism in an ecosystem
division of a resource among two of more coexisting species
Resource partitioning
variation within a species
process where the environment selects which individuals will survive and reproduce
Natural selection
characteristics transmitted from generation to generation
heritable characteristics
characteristics caused by the environment
non-heritable characteristics
variation in a heritable characteristic such as being albino
discrete variation
variation in a heritable characteristic that falls within a range, such as height
Continuous variation
reproduction without fusion of sex cells resulting in identical offspring
Asexual variation
A type of asexual reproduction in amoebas and other organisms where the cell divides exactly in two
Binary fission
type of asexual reproduction where a new organism develops from an outgrowth, or bud on the parent
cell produced by asexual reproduction in certain organisms such as ferns which can develop directly into adults
type of asexual reproduction in plants that does not involve the formation of a seed
Vegetative reproduction
reproduction involving the exchange of genetic material between two individuals resulting in an offspring genetically different from the parents
sexual reproduction
a sex cell, either female or male that can unite with another to form a fertilized call
the union of female and male sex calls
a fertilized egg
the first division of a fertilized egg
an undeveloped organism in its beginning stages
the transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another
the joining of a gamete from a pollen grain and a gamete from an ovule to form a zygote
cross fertilization
deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic material found mainly in the nuclei of cells of living organisms
arrangement of four chemicals “letters” on a chromosome, which determines a specific characteristic of an organism
Genetic code
a structure in which DNA is arranged and along which genes are located
a category in the classification of living things, more general than a species, but more specific than a family
a possible form of a gene
a type of cell division that produces two identical daughter cells from the one parent cell
a type of call division that produces four sex cells from one parent cell
a characteristic of an organism
referring to a plant or animal that has ancestors all with the same form of a trait
an organism produced by crossing two identical purebred from different forms of a trait
the outward form observed when two opposite acting alleles are inherited
dominant trait
the outward form observed only when two same acting non dominant alleles are inherited
recessive trait
a pattern of inheritance seen when two different alleles are present at the same gene location, nut neither is dominant
incomplete dominance
no longer in existence on the planet
extinction of an organism from a specific region
species have adapted to a small set of environmental conditions, which leaves it vulnerable to extinction
breeding by humans of plants and animals with desirable traits to produce offspring with those desirable traits
artificial selection