science test 21/9/22 Flashcards
scientific theory
a supported hypothesis proven multiple times and accepted by scientists
a guess of an expiriment often used with then and if
example: if you put gummybears in water then it will increase in size
independant varible
what is changed in the expiriment {what we change}
example: one has water, one doesnt
dependant varible
what changes during the expiriment, example the size of the gummy bear
controlled varible
what is kept the same, example the same gummy bear, the same glass etc
what we compare our results against, we compare our gummy bear with the gummy bear with water
conduct somethung being right or wrong.
example: is cloning animals good or bad
CAN NOT be meassured using numbers
example: the colour of the sky
CAN be meassuered using numbers
example: your age,
number of goals in a football match
Science in the media
Sometimes the science articles on social media may be fake
scientific journal
scientists post there ideas and the results of there investigation/expiriment on here
primary source
Evidence from what you have personally tested
example: our gummybear expiriment as we tried it for ourselfs
Secondary source
Evidence from other scientists
example: why the sky is blue other scientists found this out.
favourism towards one side of a scientific debate
results are similar every time u test the expiriment