science study cards Flashcards
Preserved remains or traces of living things. Most form when living things die or are buried.
scientists that study fossils to learn about ancient organisms
fossil record
all the fossils scientists have collected over time.
extinct organisms
species that is extinct there are no more of it
the change in living things
sedimentary rock
overtime soil, mud and silt stuck together and harden into rock
relative dating
a form of dating where scientists determine which of two fossils are older.
absolute age
the number of years that have passed since rock has formed
law of superposition
In undisturbed horizontal sedimentary rock layers, the oldest is
at the bottom.
molten material that has reached earths surface
Molten material beneath earths surface
a break in the earths crust
A gap in the geologic record.
Radioactive Dating
A second form of dating that allows scientists to determine the
actual age of fossils.
Geologic Time Scale
A record of the geologic events and the evolution of life forms
as shown in the fossil record.
Cambrian Explosion
Life took a big leap forward during the Cambrian Period
Mass Extinction
An event that happens whenever many types of organisms
become extinct at the same time.
Paleozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Cenozoic Era