Science Review Flashcards
Science Flashcards that are always checked each week.
What are in a plant cell?
One large vacuole
Cell Wall
Limited movement
What are in an animal cell?
Many small vacuoles
No Chloroplast
No cell wall
Cells can move around
What is a cell wall?
A cell wall provides structure and support to the plant and it is like a skeleton to the plant.
What is the Body Organization (sequencing)?
Cell = Tissue = Organ = Organ system = Organism
Simple to Complex
What is a cell?
A cell is the basic unit of life.
What is a tissue?
A tissue is a group of cells that performs the same function. (An activity which does the same thing)
What are the types of tissues?
Muscle tissue, nervous tissue, connective tissue, epithelial tissue (= covering; skin and organ lining
What is an organ?
It contains different tissues that perform a specific function. Ex. Heart - It pumps blood; Ex. Stomach - It breaks down solid food.
What is an organ system?
It is a group of different organs working together to perform a major (complex) function.
What are the types of organ systems?
Skeletal, Muscular, Digestive, Circulatory, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Excretory, Nervous, Endocrine, Reproductive, Immune
Ex. Circulatory System - It transports materials to (nutrients) and from (waste) body cells.
What is an organism?
Made up of different organ systems that perform a function.
What are invertebrates?
No backbone. No skeleton or external skeleton called an exoskeleton.
What are vertebrates?
Internal skeleton called an endoskeleton, backbones (vertebral column).
What are the common features between vertebrate and invertebrate animals?
They both live on Earth.
They both are composed of cells.
They both have a life cycle (birth, growth, reproduction, and death)
What does classified mean?
Grouping by similar characteristics.
How are animals classified?
Animals are classified according to how they are related to other animals. These relationships are determined by an animal’s body structure, the way the animal develops, and its DNA.
What are the functions of animals?
The major functions of animals are to obtain food and oxygen, keep internal conditions stable, move, and reproduce.
How do animals obtain food?
An animal cannot make food for itself - it obtains food by eating other organisms.
Why is movement important for animals?
Animal movement is required for survival and reproduction.
What is sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction is the process by which a new organism develops from the joining of two sex cells - a male sperm cell and a female egg cell.
What is asexual reproduction?
Asexual reproduction is the process by which a single organism produces a new organism identical to itself.
What are the 3 types of Animal Symmetry?
Asymmetry, Radial and Bilateral symmetry.
What is symmetry?
The balanced arrangement of parts is called symmetry.
What is asymmetry?
No symmetry; example: sponge
What is radial symmetry?
Many lines that all go through a central point; example: starfish
What is bilateral symmetry?
A line dividing organisms into halves that are mirror images; example: fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals (humans).
Why are sponges/cnidaria, worms, mollusks, echinoderms grouped together?
Sponges/cnidaria, worms, mollusks and echinoderms are grouped together because they have no skeletons.
Why are fish, reptiles, and amphibians grouped together?
They grouped together because they are cold blooded or ectotherms→get heat from the outside.
Why are birds and mammals grouped together?
Birds and mammals are grouped together because they are warm blooded or endothermic → get their heat from inside their body.
What is a sponge (=porifera)?
Porifera to have pores - Eukarya (Animal Group) = multicellular they use oxygen in order to survive, they need nutrients for survival, they are: asymmetrical, no tissue, no organs, no organ system cells (oxygen,food) filter feeders. They have spikes for self defense. Sponges reproduce both asexually (budding) and sexually (larva).
What is Cnidaria?
Cnidaria = Sea Anemone = Jellyfish - they have two body plans (polyp, medusa), they have radial symmetry, they have a central hollow cavity, they have tentacles with stinging cells (it captures food, also for defense.) Cnidaria reproduce both asexually (budding) and sexually.
What is a coral reef?
A coral reef is built by cnidarians and is home to many fishes and they are invertebrates.
What are some worm characteristics?
Invertebrates. Some worm characteristics are that they have long, narrow bodies without legs. Cylindrical. *They have tissues, organs, an organ system present. *They are the first to have a simple brain; it is a bundle of nerve tissue. They have bilateral symmetry.
What are the 3 types (phyla) of worms?
Flatworms (Platyhelminthes), Roundworms (Nematoda), Segmented Worms (Annelida)
What are flatworms (Platyhelminthes)?
Flatworms (Platyhelminthes) are flat, soft (jelly-like). They are either parasites or free living organisms.
What is a parasite?
A parasite is an organism that lives inside an animal or on another organism.
What is the lifestyle of a parasite?
They live inside another organism and gets food from host’s body fluids. Ex. Tapeworm and flukes
What are planarians?
They are free living flatworms and feed on dead or decaying material (scavengers). They rely on smell not light to locate food. They can also be predators that attack smaller prey.
What are roundworms (Nematoda)?
The first - like the digestive system (mouth and anus) They have a cylindrical body.
What are segmented worms (Annelida) ?
They are segmented, cylindrical bodies (a series of rings separated by grooves). They have the first tube - like the digestive system (mouth and anus). *They have the first nerve cord (pre - spinal cord) “Pre Vertebrate”. *They are also the first closed circulatory system.
How do earthworms help the soil?
Earthworm tunnels loosen the soil, allowing air, water, and plant roots to move through it. Earthworm droppings make the soil more fertile.
What are the differences between a mollusk and a worm?
A mollusk has a soft body with or without shell, mantle, foot, and open circulatory system. Meanwhile a worm has a soft body, no mantle, no foot, and a closed circulatory system.
What is a mollusk?
It has a soft body (unsegmented), with or without a hard outer shell, they have a mantle ( it has a covering internal organs and secretes shell), they have a foot, they have an open circulatory system. They have bilateral symmetry. They also have a digestive system with two openings. They have gills. Ex. Clams, oysters, scallops, snails, mussels, squid, octopus, cuttlefish.
What are the three major groups of mollusks?
Gastropods, bivalves and cephalopods are the three major groups of mollusks.
What are gastropods?
Snails or slugs, Radula (Teeth), Foot (Creeping foot moves on slippery mucus), with or without a shell. Some gastropods are herbivores, carnivores, or scavengers.
What are bivalves?
Bivalves have two shells held together by hinges and strong muscles and they are filter feeders. Most are omnivores. Ex. Clams, scallops, oysters, and mussels.
What are cephalopods?
They have tentacles (modified foot), they swim by jet propulsion, with or without shell, closed circulatory system, complex nervous system, large brain: intelligent, excellent vision. They are carnivores. Ex. Octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus
What are the characteristics of Arthropods?
Arthropods are invertebrates that have an external skeleton, a segmented body, and jointed attachments called appendages (wings, mouthparts, legs). Bilateral symmetry, open circulatory system, digestive system with two openings, and they reproduce sexually.
How are arthropods classified (4 groups)?
Crustaceans, Arachnids, Insects, Centipedes, Millipede
What is the function of the exoskeleton?
All arthropods have a hard exoskeleton. It is a waxy covering which is a protective armor and prevents it from drying out. They can shed their exoskeletons (molting) and grow new ones.
What are Crustaceans?
C5 - 5 or more pairs of legs. Mostly marine; very few on land.
A crustacean is an arthropod that has two or three body sections, five or more pairs of legs, and two pairs of antennae. They have gills. Some are scavengers other are predators.
What are Arachnids?
A24 - 2 body sections and 4 pairs of legs. They live on land, dry areas, and hot climates.
Arachnids are arthropods with two body sections, four pairs of legs, and no antennae. They are predators.
What are Centipedes?
C1N - 1 pair of legs per segment; more than 100 segments.
Centipedes are arthropods with two body sections and many pairs of legs. They are predators.
What are Millipedes?
M2N - 2 pairs of legs per segment; more than 80 segments.
Millipedes are arthropods with two body sections and many pairs of legs. They are scavengers.
What are Insects?
I33W - 3 pairs of legs, 3 pairs of legs, 1 pair of antennae, 1 or 2 pairs of wings. They are the most diverse arthropod group (in body shape and mouth parts; adaptations for survival)
What are the three sections of an insect’s body?
- Head - Two large compound eyes and antennae.
- Thorax - Wings and legs are attached.
- Abdomen - Internal organs.
How do insects obtain food?
Insects mouthparts are adapted for a highly specific way of getting food.
Sponge like mouthpart to lap up decaying flesh.
Coiled tube to suck nectar.
Sharp edged to cut through seeds, wood, other foods.
What is insect biodiversity?
Adaptations = Environment
Physical Feature = Survive (Successful)
Explain why insects are important to scientific investigations?
Insects are the most diverse arthropod.
What is metamorphosis?
It is the change in form or shape.
What is complete metamorphosis?
Egg, larva, pupa, adult are the four stages.
The juvenile (baby) stages (larva,pupa) that look different from the adult.
What is gradual metamorphosis?
Has no distinct larval stage. Egg, nymph, adult insect without wings, adult.
The juvenile (baby) stage (nymph) is a miniature of the adult.
What characteristics do echinoderms have?
Echinoderms are invertebrates with an internal skeleton and a system of fluid - filled tubes called water vascular system. They have radial symmetry. They reproduce sexually.
What are the four major groups of echinoderms?
Sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers are the four major groups of echinoderms.
What are tube feet and it’s function?
The sticky tube feet line the underside of a sea star’s arm and act like tiny suction cups.
Echinoderms use their tube feet to move slowly and to capture food.
What is the function of the water vascular system?
The function of the water vascular system is that it helps the sea star to move and catch food.
What is a chordate?
1) It has a notochord - it is a flexible rod —- it evolved into the vertebral column.
2) Nerve cord - it is a string that transmits a nerve signal —— it evolved into a spinal cord.
3) Pharyngeal Gill Slits - ——— it evolved into gills (Fish, amphibians, and tadpoles)
What is a vertebrate?
1) Backbone (Vertebral Column with a spinal cord) 2) Endoskeleton (inside skeleton)
What is an ectotherm?
An animal whose body temperature is close to the temperature of their environment; its body does not produce much internal heat; they are cold - blooded
What is an endotherm?
An animal whose body temperature is stable and often warmer than their environment; its body regulates its own temperature by controlling the internal heat it produces; they are warm blooded.
What are fish?
They are cold - blooded, they have fins, they have scales, they have gills, they mostly external fertilization, they have a closed circulatory system, they have a 2 chambered heart, and they are the oldest and largest vertebrate group.
What is fish classification?
There are three groups the Jaw-less fish (agnatha), Cartilaginous Fish (Chondrichthyes), and Bony Fish (Osteichthyes).
What is a Jaw-less Fish?
Cartilage skeleton, no jaws and no scales.
Ex. Hag-fish and Lampreys
What is a Cartilaginous Fish?
Cartilage skeleton, jaws and scales. Ex. Sharks, rays and skates.
What is a Bony Fish?
They have a bony skeleton, jaws and scales gill pocket with flap and a swim bladder (internal gas-filled sac). Most fish (95%) are bony fish. Ex. Trout, tuna and goldfish
What is an amphibian?
They are endothermic, they are cold-blooded. Their juvenile life lives in water and uses gills, they move with fins and they have 1 loop circulatory system, they have a 2 chambered heart, they are herbivores. When they are adults they live on land, they have lungs, but they reproduce in water; thin, moist skin, they move with skeleton muscle, they leap, they have a 2 loop circulatory system, 3 chamber heart, they can camouflage, they are carnivores.
What are the three groups of amphibians?
Frog/toad, (loss of tail), external fertilization, Salamander/newts (tail), internal fertilization, Caecilians (no legs, and no scales).
Are amphibians from water to land threat of extinction?
Population decline due to: 1] habitat destruction 2] pesticides / chemical pollutants – harms delicate skin, tadpole mutations, kills
What is a reptile?
They are ectothermic, cold - blooded, lungs, scales that cover skin, they have a 3 chamber heart except alligators who have 4 chambers. First True land lifestyle adaptations to conserve water they have skin with scales for protection, it prevents evaporation, they have kidneys (concentrated urine-liquid waste), amniotic egg, a leathery shell with internal membranes, and they have internal fertilization.
Ex. Snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators, crocodiles, dinosaurs (extinct).
What is a snake?
Overlapping scales, shed scaly skin, they live in a warm environment. No legs, streamline body, no ears, no eyelids, 1 lung; carnivores; they slither by muscle contractions.
What is a lizard?
Overlapping scales, shed scaly skin, they live in a warm environment. 4 legs with clawed toes, tail, ears, eyelids, 2 lungs; most carnivores; walk/run.
What is an alligator?
Largest living reptiles, nocturnal carnivores, first living “they care for young” behavior. Broad, rounded snout, few teeth (mouth closed); max size : 15ft, 1000lbs
What is a crocodile?
Largest living reptiles, nocturnal carnivores, first living “they care for young” behavior. Tapered, pointed snout; pencil-like; many teeth (mouth closed); max size: 17-20 ft, 2300 lbs
What is a turtle?
They have shells (with ribs and backbone) made of fused scales, they have a beak, they are herbivores and carnivores.
What is a dinosaur?
They are the earliest vertebrates with legs directly beneath their bodies, they are ectotherms or first endothermic, first “care for young behavior” Extinction: 65 yrs ago due to asteroid impact in NE Mexico.
What is a bird?
They are endothermic (warm blooded) they maintain constant body temperature by food and feathers, they have feathers, they have hollow bones, they have air sacs, they are the first major group with a 4 chamber heart it (prevents mixing of O2 rich and O2 poor blood) their eggs have hard shells, they “care for young” behavior (feed and protect until young able to fly), they have internal fertilization.
How do birds obtain food?
Birds have bills to tear and strain, they have a crop internal storage tank, they have a two part stomach the first part breaks down chemicals and the second part is called the gizzard which has physical breakdown with stones (gastroliths).
How do birds originate?
Birds are believed to be descended from Archaeopteryx (a reptilian dinosaur with wings and feathers)
What are mammals?
They are endothermic - warm blooded, they have a 4 chambered heart, they have fur or hair, they have breasts(mammary glands, milk), they “care for young” behavior, they have lungs with diaphragm, they have an advanced nervous system (complex brains from problem solving), and they have highly developed senses (large eyes, sonar, smell sensitivity.
What are teeth adaptations?
Incisors: cut, canines: they tear, and slashing, and they have molars that grind.
What are cold environment adaptations?
To keep warm, food (higher in calories, meat or fish. They have fur, hair and fat.
What are movement adaptations?
Mammals walk, run, hop, swing, glide and swim.
What are Monotremes?
they lay eggs (primitive).
Ex. Spiny anteater, and duck - billed platypus.
What are marsupials?
They are partly developed young live in a pouch.
Ex. Koala bear, Kangaroo and Opossum
What are Placental Mammals?
It develops inside mothers body; diverse, subdivided based on eating and movement. Ex. Carnivores (eat meat), marine (swim), rodents (gnaw), rabbits/hare (hop), trunk, insect eaters, toothless, hoofed, flying (wing), primates (large brain)
What is evolution?
A physical change as time goes by. It can be positive or negative.
What is an adaptation?
It is a beneficial change. They can be a behavioral change or physical change.
What is the sequence of vertebrate animal evolution?
Chordates ⇒Fish ⇒ Amphibian ⇒ Reptiles ⇒ Dinosaurs ⇒ Birds. Reptiles ⇒ Mammals ⇒ Homosapiens ⇒ Terminators and Ai
Notochord ⇒Vertebral column ⇒ Backbone
Nerve Cord ⇒ Spinal cord ⇒ Backbone
What is the heart evolution within the vertebrate?
Fish have a 2 chamber heart ⇒ Amphibian ⇒ a tadpole has a 2 chamber the adult has a 3 chamber heart ⇒ a reptile has a 3 chamber heart an alligator has a 4 chamber heart ⇒ Mammals and birds have a 4 chambered heart
What is animal behavior?
Animal behavior is the response to stimulus. (it is a signal which they get from the environment)
What is a stimulus?
A stimulus is a signal that causes an organism to react in some way.
What is a response?
It is an organism’s reaction to a stimulus. (All animal behaviors are caused by stimuli)
What does innate mean?
It comes from your DNA or the way you have been programmed.
What is an instinct?
It is a behavior without being taught (not
learned); a response that is inborn (coded in
the genes) and performed correctly the first
What is learned behavior?
It is the change in behavior based on practice or experience.
What are the 4 types of learned behavior?
The 4 types of learned behavior are imprinting, conditioning, Trial - and - Error Learning, and insight are the 4 types of learned behavior.
What is imprinting?
A newborn who recognizes and follows the first moving object they see (e.g., duckling follows human)
What is conditioning?
A specific stimulus or response leads to a good or a bad outcome (e.g., Pavlov’s dog, salivate at the sound of a bell).
What is Trial - and - Error Learning?
Repeated practice that results in a reward and avoids behaviors that result in a punishment.
What is insight learning?
Using what you know to solve a problem.
What are the 8 types of behavior?
Communication, pheromone, aggression, courtship behavior, group behavior, circadian rhythm, hibernation, and migration are the 8 types of behavior.
What is communication?
Animals use sounds, scents, body movements to communicate.
What are pheromone?
It is a chemical released by one animal that affects the behavior of another animal of the same species (e.g., ant pheromone trail).
What is aggression?
It is a threatening behavior that one animal uses to gain control over another animal. Aggression is due to competition over limited resources (food, water, space, shelter, and mates).
What is courtship behavior?
Behavior to prepare for mating.
What is group behavior?
It is beneficial for the safety in numbers and sharing (cooperation) in work, food, water, and shelter.
What does circadian rhythm do?
Behavior cycles that occur over a day (e.g., awake/work daylight, and sleep at nighttime.
What is hibernation?
They sleep/reduced activity during winter in which the need for food has stopped.
What is migration?
A routine, seasonal journey of an animal from one place to another and back again.
What is body organization?
Cell→ Tissue →Organ→ Organ System
Simple to complex
What is a cell?
The basic unit of an organism (life)
What is a tissue?
A group of same cells that have the same function (activity; do the same thing)
What are the types of tissues?
Muscle, nervous, connective, epithelial (= covering; skin and organ lining)
What is an organ?
It contains different tissues but performs a specific function (activity); Example: heart – pumps blood; stomach – store food; begins breakdown solid food.
What is an organ system?
A group of different organs working together to perform a major (complex) function.
What are the types of human organ systems?
Skeletal, Muscular, Digestive, Circulatory (see below), Lymphatic, Respiratory, Excretory, Nervous, Endocrine, Reproductive, Immune Example: Circulatory System – transports materials to (nutrients) and from (waste) body cells.
What is dynamic equilibrium?
It is a state of balance in nonliving, physical systems.
What is homeostasis (Regulation)?
It is the process by which an organism’s internal environment is kept stable in spite of change in the external environment [a state of balance/stability in living, biological systems].
What is the vertebral column?
A backbone
What is a vertebrae?
Disc-like small bones separated by cartilage (protection, flexibility, movement).
What are joints?
Where two bones come together; allows bones to move in different ways
What are immovable joints?
There is no movement; ex: skull bones
What are movable joints?
There is movement.
What are ligaments?
A tissue holding joints together; bone to bone.
What is cartilage?
It is a cushion.
What are the three types of joints?
Hinge joints, ball and socket joint, pivot joint, and gliding joint.
What is a hinge joint?
Moving forward/backward; ex: knee, elbow
What is a ball and socket joint?
Free movement; ex: shoulder, hip
What is a pivot joint?
Side to side rotation; ex: neck
What is a gliding joint?
A sliding motion; ex: wrist,ankle
What is an immovable muscles?
Not under conscious control; example: heart beat, breathing, digesting food.
What is a movable muscles?
Under conscious control; example: facial expressions, walking.
What does striated mean?
Muscles with lines
What does non-striated mean?
Muscles without lines
What is a skeletal muscle?
Attached to and moves bones of the skeleton striated muscle, voluntary muscle quick, fast but tires quickly.
What is a tendon?
An attached muscle to bone.
What is a cardiac muscle?
Heart only striated, branching muscle involuntary muscle does not tire.
What is a smooth muscle?
Part of internal organs and blood vessels. Not striated involuntary muscle moves slowly, tires more slowly.
Why do muscles work in pairs?
Muscles work in pairs because muscle cells can only contract (they cannot extend or expand). One muscle contracts, the other muscle relaxes.
What is skin?
Covers and protects from injury, infection, water loss, Regulates body temperature, Removes waste (perspiration), Collects environmental information, Produces Vitamin D. It is also the largest organ in the human body. The skin consists of epidermis and dermis.
What is the Epidermis (Outer Layer)?
No nerves, no blood vessels.
What is the Upper Epidermis (Dead cell layer)?
It consists of dead cells which shed after two weeks
What is the Lower Epidermis (Skin producing factory)?
It consists of living epidermal cells which divide forming new cells. After two weeks, they die, moving upward, becoming part of the Upper Epidermis surface layer.
What is the skin’s function?
It protects, cushions, carries away bacteria, produces melanin.
What is melanin?
Skin (color) pigment which protects against burning.
What is dermis?
It is located below the epidermis and above the fat layer ** contains the nerves, blood vessels, sweat and oil glands, hair follicle.
What are sweat glands?
Produce perspiration (temperature regulation).
What are oil glands?
It is waterproof hair and keeps skin moist.
What is hair follicle?
The site of hair growth.
What is below dermis?
Fat Layer, Muscle, Bone
How to keep your skin healthy?
A diet keeps clean and dry and limits sun exposure. See dermatologists every year to check skin for precancerous growths.
What is skin cancer?
Over exposure to sunlight can damage skin cells where cells divide uncontrollably (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma). Too much Sun: skin leathery and wrinkled.
What is the digestive system?
Breakdown food into nutrient molecules and the absorption of nutrient molecules. Two (2) types of digestion.
What is absorption?
Nutrient molecules pass through the wall of the small intestine into the bloodstream (Circulatory System).
What is mechanical digestion?
Physical breakdown by chewing (mouth) and churning (stomach).
What is chemical digestion?
Chemicals (enzymes, acids) breakdown food. Example: enzymes in mouth breakdown starch into sugars, acids in stomach breakdown proteins.
What is the mouth?
Digestion begins; saliva contains water, DNA, enzymes (which breaks down starches). Teeth physically break down food.
What are the types of teeth?
Incisors, Canines, and Molars
What are incisors?
Cut into pieces
What are canines?
It tears, slash into pieces
What is a molar?
Crush and grind into powder.
What is an enzyme?
Protein that speeds up chemical reactions.
What is the esophagus?
Muscular tube connecting mouth to stomach.
What is the epiglottis?
Flap (sheet) of tissue which seals off trachea (windpipe) to lungs.
What is peristalsis?
It is an involuntary muscular contraction that pushes food toward the stomach and through intestines.
What is the stomach?
Holds/stores food; where protein breakdown begins: mostly mechanical digestion (churning) but some chemical digestion (acids, enzymes) occurs.
What is digestive juice?
It is an HCL acid and pepsin (enzyme).
What is pepsin?
An enzyme that breaks down protein.
What is HCL acid?
A chemical that breaks down solid food into paste (chyme); kills bacteria.
What is mucus?
It covers the stomach wall which protects the stomach against ulcers (= holes in stomach wall).
What is a Villi/microvilli?
It increases the surface area. An increased rate of absorption to feed trillions of body cells each day.
What is the purpose of the villi and microvilli?
It increases the surface area for rapid nutrient absorption.
What is the stomachs function?
It holds and stores food; protein (breakdown) digestion begins.
What is the small intestine’s function?
The most chemical digestion and absorption (into Circulatory System) occurs; enzymes enter the small intestine from the small intestine wall, liver and pancreas. Wall covered by finger-like villi which absorb nutrient molecules. Villi increases surface area which increases the rate of absorption. (feeding of body cells) Nutrient molecules move by osmosis from the small intestine into capillaries (Circulatory System).
What is the liver?
It breaks down medicine and alcohol (poisons, toxins) removes nitrogen and produces bile.
What is the bile?
It is stored in gallbladder (below the liver); like a “dish detergent” . . . physically breaks down large fat particles into small fat particles.
What is the pancreas function?
It produces enzymes which enter the small intestine and chemically breaks down fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates (starch).
What is the large intestines functions?
It contains good bacteria that produces Vitamin K (clots blood) → removes water from undigested food which enters the bloodstream by absorption.
What is the rectum?
It stores undigested solid waste.
What is the anus?
A muscular opening at the end of rectum.
What is food?
It provides the materials for energy, growth and repair of tissues.
What is a calorie?
The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree is Celsius.
What is metabolism?
It represents the sum of all chemical reactions that take place within an organism.
What are nutrients?
They are substances in food that provide the raw materials and energy the body needs to carry out all vital processes. There are six (6) nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water.
How much water is the human body made up of?
Human Body - ~ 60-75% water
What are carbohydrates?
major source of quick energy; provides the raw materials to make parts of cells.
What is fat?
It is stored energy. Fats form part of the cell membrane and fatty tissue protects and supports your internal organs and insulates your body. Brain Development
What is a protein?
It is needed for tissue growth and repair/maintenance (ex: muscle).
What role do proteins play?
Proteins play a role in chemical reactions within the cell (= enzymes).
What are vitamins and minerals?
They are needed in small amounts to carry out chemical reactions.
What is water?
It is important because the chemical reactions take place in water; blood flows due to water; joints lubricated by water; body temperature is regulated by water (perspiration/sweat).
What is a simple carbohydrate?
Candy (refined white sugar), fruits (fructose), milk (lactose)
What are complex carbohydrates?
Breads, Rice, Pasta, Crackers
What is the circulatory (cardiovascular) system?
A tube (transport) system which carries nutrients to body cells and carries away waste. Blood moves through these tubes carrying nutrients and waste as well as contains cells that fight disease.
What is the heart?
It consists of four (4) chambers that pumps blood throughout the body.
What is the atria?
The upper chambers that receive blood.
What is a ventricle?
The lower chambers that pumps blood away from the heart.
What is the right ventricle?
It pumps blood to the lungs.